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Twilight science

30 June 2014 18:00 - 22:00

An evening of exciting events as part of the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2014.

Event details

Exclusive preview packed full of exciting, interactive exhibits and events. Featuring some of the best scientists working in the UK, discussing their cutting-edge research over a cocktail. Mix up your Monday and join us for a night of Twilight Science.

Science showoff
7.30pm - 10pm
The original open mic night for scientists, Science Showoff is a chaotic mix of comedy, music and performance from people who want to share science in an exciting way.

Lab notes
7pm - 8pm and 8.30pm - 9.30pm
A natural selection of statistically significant songs from singer-songwriter Helen Arney, Royal Society University Research Fellow Andrew Pontzen and Guardian Science Weekly podcast pioneer Jonny Berliner. These songs are outliers you don’t want to dismiss!

Strange ice
6.30pm - 7.30pm and 8 - 9pm
Ice is a material so strange that it breaks almost every rule in our textbooks. The International Year of Crystallography gives Professor Andrea Sella the perfect opportunity to take stock of its properties, how it compares with other ices, and the way in which ice may be speaking to us of a future less certain than we imagine.
Listen to an audio podcast (mp3)

The sex life of insects
7pm - 8pm and 8.30pm - 9.30pm
Discover some of the incredible strategies insects use to further their species, from Natural History Museum expert Dr Erica McAlister. From super-sized sperm to dance routines and bribery, nothing is off limits for these masters of creative copulation!

Physics in the field
6pm - 10pm
Have a go yourself at some scientific experiments with these drop in sessions. Watch marshmallows expand before your very eyes or witness the amazing waterproof handkerchief.

Enquiries: Contact the events team