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Brian Cox presents Science Matters - Climate Change

Pitch your questions and get answers on the climate change issues that matter to you. Climate change is an issue that will affect all of us, and will require global solutions brought about by the collaboration of scientists, the public and governments across the world to face the challenges it presents.
Join Professor Brian Cox, the Royal Society Professor of Public Engagement, as he pitches the public's questions to discuss the future of our planet.
Brian will be joined by a panel of experts including:
- Sir Brian Hoskins FRS, Professor of Meteorology at University of Reading
- Professor Keith Shine FRS, Reigus Professor of Meteorology and Climate Science, University of Reading
- Professor Kate Jones, Chair of Ecology and Biodiversity at University College London
- Oliver Morton, briefings editor at the Economist and author of The Planet Remade
You can follow the discussion live by following our stream from 2.00pm, Saturday 8 October.
Science Matters
The Royal Society’s ‘Science Matters’ series will give the public access to scientists who are experts on the science and technology issues with the greatest global impact. You'll be able to pitch the question that matters to you the most, to help direct the experts' discussion.