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Can our immune systems fight cancer?

We discussed the cutting edge cancer research being funded by Cancer Research UK and the Royal Society.
Cancer is made up of mutated versions of our own cells, making it hard for the immune system to recognise and attack. But what if we could re-educate our immune system to recognise and fight cancer?
Recent breakthroughs have shown we can do just that, but there are still challenges to overcome.
Immunologist Professor Benjamin Wilcox, and Dr Karin Straathof from the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, discussed their latest research findings and what the future holds for this exciting field of science.
What is a Café Scientifique?
A Café Scientifique is an informal dialogue-based event with a scientist. A short talk by the speaker is followed by audience questions, an interactive activity and discussion for the rest of the event.
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