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Can machines ever be truly creative?

Explore whether artificial intelligence could ever demonstrate imagination and rival human intellect.
Can you tell whether a piece of work was created by a computer or a human? Advances in machine learning have led to the generation of forms of art, written word, music and more, all by AI technology. But does this show true creativity?
We joined Marcus du Sautoy and a panel of expert speakers to discuss whether AI just gives an illusion of novel thinking, or whether it is possible for software systems to exhibit creative behaviour.
This event was part of a series of Royal Society events taking place at the 2017 Northern Ireland Science Festival.
Speakers included:
- Professor Marcus du Sautoy, Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science, Oxford University
- Dr Kevin Curran, Reader in Computer Science, Ulster University
- Dr Guruduth Banavar, VP & Chief Science Officer, Cognitive Computing, IBM Research
- Luba Elliott, Creative AI evangelist
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