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Computing for the future of the planet

Bakerian Lecture 2017 by Professor Andy Hopper CBE FREng FRS
Digital technology is an indispensable and crucial component of our lives, society, and the physical environment.
A challenge is how to use the power of computing to deal with the problems facing the world. In his talk, Professor Andy Hopper will present a framework for the role of computing in dealing with sustainability of the planet. The framework has a number of goals: an optimal digital infrastructure; sensing and optimising the use of resources in the physical world; guaranteeing the performance of indispensable systems; and digital alternatives to physical activities.
In this lecture, Professor Hopper discusses practical industrial examples alongside research goals and societal challenges and dilemmas.
The lecture will be webcast live and a recorded video will be available on this webpage following the event.
The award
The Bakerian Lecture series began in 1775 and is the premier lecture in the physical sciences.
Professor Andy Hopper CBE FREng FRS won the Bakerian Medal and Lecture 2017 for his outstanding research in computer technology, with significant economic impacts, in particular his work in computer networking and sentient computing systems with an aim to providing sustainability.
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