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Industry Fellows College networking event

27 February 2018 12:00 - 20:00

A networking meeting organised by the Industry Fellows College. The program focuses on introducing new members of the college through presentations and networking time. 

Located at the Sci-Tech Daresbury campus, delegates will gain the opportunity to experience the facilities and equipment at the Liverpool Virtual Engineering Centre, a leading digital technology innovation centre. The VEC has several advanced laboratories that research virtual engineering simulation, robotics and autonomous systems, virtual reality and haptic simulation.

Attending this event

As well as new and current Industry Fellows, there will be a limited number of places at this event for others interested in the relationship between industry and academia. 

If you would like to attend, please email with a short explanation as to why you are interested in the event. 

As places are limited, we cannot guarantee that there will be a space available.


  • Professor Joe Sweeney, University of Salford

    Professor Joe Sweeney was awarded a BSc in Chemistry and elected an Associate of the Royal College of Science at Imperial College, and carried out a PhD studying synthetic uses of aziridines and allylstannanes at the University of Oxford. In 1990, Joe was appointed as Lecturer in Chemistry at the University of Bristol where he developed research projects focused on new methods for preparation and use of polyhydroxylated ring structures, aziridines and metalled furanones, and the total synthesis of several naturally-occurring lactones.

    He then moved to a Readership in Organic Chemistry at the University of Reading. In 2007, Joe was awarded the inaugural Faculty Output Prize at the University of Reading for his group's publication on asymmetric rearrangements, and became Professor of Synthesis and Chemical Biology. In 2008, Joe was awarded a Royal Society Industry Fellowship with AstraZeneca, which was later extended. Joe is now Dean for the School of Science, Engineering and Environment at the University of Salford.


Professor Joe Sweeney, University of Salford

Professor Susan Smith, Head of Daresbury Laboratory and Director of ASTeC

Professor Massimo Noro

Professor Peter Scott, University of Warwick

Professor Derek Atkinson, University of Durham

Dr Charalampos Tsoumpas, University of Leeds

Dr Anas Al Rawi, British Telecommunications

Dr Duncan MachLachlan, Rolls-Royce

Professor Alison McMillan, Wrexham Glyndwr University

Professor Robin Sloan, Semtech EMEA ltd.

Ben Peace, Head of Manufacturing, KTN


Brian Holliday CEng FIET, Managing Director - Siemens Digital Industries