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The future of your genetic health

Recent developments in genetic technologies have accelerated us towards a new era of medicine.
Personalised medicine is quickly moving from the realm of science fiction to everyday healthcare, whilst scientific ability to alter human genetics is growing every year, raising a range of ethical issues. How do we make sure that these developments are equally shared across society? What measures can be put in place to prevent patients being unfairly penalised for having certain genes?
Join our expert panel as we discuss the medical and ethical implications of these new genetic technologies. The panel will include:
- Dr Robin Lovell-Badge CBE FRS, Stem Cell Geneticist, The Francis Crick Institute
- Dr Sarah Chan, Public Health Ethicist, The University of Edinburgh
- Dr Andrea Nemeth, Associate Professor, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford
Attending this event
- Free and open to all
- No registration required
- Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis
- Doors will open at 6pm
- Venue and accessibility information
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