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Make your own molecule (part of Discovery hub)

03 July 2018 18:00 - 22:00
Molecular structure. Credit: Nicolas Loran

Join Professor Mark Smales to find out how innovative protein based medicines are being made, and what we need to consider during the drug development process.

Many new medicines, like insulin, are protein based and are used to treat diseases for which there is no other cure. But these protein medicines are difficult to make, and expensive compared to other medicines. How can we make protein-based medicines of sufficient quality and quantity?

Find out what’s being done to try and produce these valuable protein-based medicines as quickly as possible without increasing cost. Plus build your own balloon protein molecule.

This event is part of our Summer Science Exhibition Lates evening. 

Drop-in activity – these activities run continuously and you can drop in at any time. Please note if the venue is at capacity you may have to wait.

Attending the event

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