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CRISPR ecology and evolution

Scientific discussion meeting organised by Dr Edze Westra, Dr Rachel Whitaker, Dr Sylvain Gandon and Dr Stineke van Houte.
This meeting focused on the evolutionary ecology of CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems of prokaryotes, and their applications for ecological engineering including the associated ethical and policy considerations. This meeting brought together scientists from diverse disciplines and act as a platform to discuss outstanding evolutionary and ecological questions in the field of CRISPR-Cas.
An accompanying journal issue for this meeting was published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
Enquiries: Contact the Scientific Programmes team

Dr Edze Westra, University of Exeter, UK

Dr Edze Westra, University of Exeter, UK
After his PhD in the lab of Prof. John van der Oost at Wageningen University on the molecular mechanism and regulation of CRISPR-Cas immune systems (2009-2013), Dr. Westra started to explore the evolutionary ecology of CRISPR-Cas immune systems as a Marie-Curie Fellow in the lab of Prof. Angus Buckling, University of Exeter (2013-2015). He then received a NERC Independent Research Fellowship in 2015 to set up his own lab at the University of Exeter, and received further funding from NERC, BBSRC, Wellcome Trust, Leverhulme Trust and ERC.
09:00 - 09:05 | Welcome by the Royal Society & lead organiser | |
09:05 - 09:30 |
A glimpse of CRISPR
Regularly interspaced DNA repeats had been independently reported in evolutionarily distant prokaryotes before similar structures were related with each other in 2000, when the SRSR type of repeats (subsequently renamed as CRISPR) was defined. Transcription of the CRISPR arrays and initial studies on CRISPR activity were already documented in the early 1990s and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins were identified a decade later. However, the role played by CRISPR and Cas was a mystery until the revelation in 2005 that repeat-intervening regions (known as spacers) were retentions of infectious nucleic acids. The apparent incompatibility between the presence of spacers in a genome and perfectly matching sequences (ie, protospacers) elsewhere within the cell, hinted at an involvement of CRISPR in protection against invaders carrying protospacers. Such a surprising discovery, of an adaptive immunity device operating in bacteria and archaea, expedited research on CRISPR-Cas to uncover the basics of this genetic barrier: single-spacer CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) guide a Cas endonuclease to sequences matching the carried spacer, resulting in target cleavage. A plethora of CRISPR applications, both in the native host and heterologous cells, has emerged from the impressive progress of knowledge made on the biochemistry of these systems during the last decade. Still, general aspects regarding CRISPR biology, in nature, remain to be elucidated thirty years after the existence of these sequences was announced. ![]() Dr Francisco J M Mojica, University of Alicante, Spain
![]() Dr Francisco J M Mojica, University of Alicante, SpainFrancisco JM Mojica (born 5 October 1963, Elche, Spain) earned his PhD in Biology from the University of Alicante (Spain) in 1993. Afterwards, he carried out postdoctoral research work at the University of Utah (USA; 1993) and the University of Oxford (UK; 1995-1996). In 1997, he returned to the University of Alicante to hold a faculty position as professor of Microbiology. His pioneering work on CRISPR since the early 1990s has been recognized with many prestigious awards, including the Rey Jaime I Basic Research Prize, the Lilly Foundation Award for Preclinical Biomedical Research, the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine, the PLuS Alliance Prize for Global Innovation, and the Albany Medical Center Prize in Biomedical Research. |
09:30 - 09:45 | Discussion | |
09:45 - 10:15 |
Origins of the key components of the CRISPR-Cas systems
The CRISPR-Cas systems consist of distinct adaptation and effector modules whose evolutionary trajectories appear to be at least partially independent. Comparative genome analysis reveals the origin of the adaptation module from casposons, a distinct type of transposons, that employ a homolog of Cas1 protein, the integrase responsible for the spacer incorporation into CRISPR arrays, as the transposase. The origin of the effector module(s) is far less clear. The CRISPR-Cas systems are partitioned into two classes, Class 1 with multisubunit effectors, and Class 2 in which the effector consists of a single, large protein. The Class 2 effectors originate from nucleases encoded by different MGE, whereas the origin of the Class 1 effector complexes remains murky. However, the recent discovery of a signaling pathway built into the type III systems of Class 1 might offer a clue, suggesting that type III effector modules could have evolved from a signal-transduction system involved in stress-induced programmed cell death. The subsequent evolution of the Class 1 effector complexes through serial gene duplication and displacement, primarily, of genes for proteins containing RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) domains, can be hypothetically reconstructed. In addition to the multiple contributions of MGE to the evolution of CRISPR-Cas, the reverse flow of information is notable, namely, recruitment of minimalist variants of CRISPR-Cas systems by MGE for functions that remain to be elucidated. Here, Dr Koonin attempts a synthesis of the diverse threads that shed light on CRISPR-Cas origins and evolution. ![]() Dr Eugene Koonin, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), USA
![]() Dr Eugene Koonin, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), USAEugene V Koonin is leader of the Evolutionary Genomics Group at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NIH) and member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Academy of Microbiology and The European Molecular Biology Organization. He received his PhD in Molecular Biology in 1983 from Moscow State University, joined the NCBI in 1991 and became a Senior Investigator in 1996. His research interests focus on evolutionary genomics of prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses, host-parasite coevolution and general theory of the evolution of life. |
10:15 - 10:30 | Discussion | |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee | |
11:00 - 11:30 |
A matter of background: DNA repair pathways as a cause for the sparse distribution of CRISPR-Cas systems in bacteria
The absence of CRISPR-Cas systems in more than half of the sequenced bacterial genomes is intriguing, because of their role in adaptive immunity, their frequent transfer between species and their much higher frequency in archaea. Furthermore, restriction-modification systems, often regarded as the innate immunity counterpart of CRISPR-Cas systems, are almost ubiquitous in bacteria. Here, Dr Rocha’s group investigates the possibility that the success of CRISPR-Cas acquisition by horizontal gene transfer is affected by the interactions of these systems with the host genetic background and especially with components of double-strand break repair systems (DSB-RS). Dr Rocha’s group shows that such systems are more often positively or negatively correlated with the frequency of CRISPR-Cas systems than random genes of similar frequency. The detailed analysis of these co-occurrence patterns shows that Dr Rocha’s group method identifies previously known cases of mechanistic interactions between these systems. It also reveals other positive and negative patterns of co-occurrence. Dr Rocha’s group have experimentally tested the negative association between type II-A systems and NHEJ and found them to be caused by lower efficiency of repair by the latter in presence of the former. The researchers also find that the patterns of distribution of CRISPR-Cas systems in Proteobacteria are strongly dependent on the epistatic groups including RecBCD and AddAB. Their results suggest that the genetic background plays an important role in the success of establishment of adaptive immunity in different bacterial clades and provide insights to guide further experimental research on the interactions between CRISPR-Cas and DSB-RS. ![]() Dr Eduardo Rocha, Pasteur Institute, France
![]() Dr Eduardo Rocha, Pasteur Institute, FranceEduardo Rocha did MScs in Chemical Engineering and Applied Maths, a PhD in Bioinformatics and an Habilitation in Biology. He is a senior researcher at CNRS and head of the Microbial Evolutionary Genomics unit at Pasteur Institute. He is a Specialist in comparative genomics, in particular in the use of bioinformatics and biostatistics techniques to study microbial evolution. His research aims at understanding how and why genomes are organized, and how such organizational features evolve in respect to genome dynamics. In the last decade, his work has focused on the role of mobile genetic elements in driving their host evolution through horizontal gene transfer and how that affects the genomes of both Bacteria and their mobile elements. |
11:30 - 11:45 | Discussion | |
11:45 - 12:15 |
Competition between mobile genetic elements drives optimization of a phage-encoded CRISPR-Cas system: insights from a natural arms race
CRISPR-Cas systems function as adaptive immune systems by acquiring nucleotide sequences called spacers that mediate sequence-specific defense against competitors. Uniquely, the phage ICP1 encodes a Type I-F CRISPR-Cas system that is deployed to target and overcome PLE, a mobile genetic element with anti-phage activity in Vibrio cholerae. Here, the researchers exploit the arms race between ICP1 and PLE to examine spacer acquisition and interference under laboratory conditions to reconcile findings from wild populations. Natural ICP1 isolates encode multiple spacers directed against PLE, but the researchers find that single spacers do not equally interfere with PLE mobilization. High-throughput sequencing to assay spacer acquisition reveals that ICP1 can also acquire spacers that target the V cholera chromosome. The group finds that targeting the V cholerae chromosome proximal to PLE is sufficient to block PLE and is dependent on Cas2-3 helicase activity. Dr Seed proposes a model in which indirect chromosomal spacers are able to circumvent PLE by Cas2-3-mediated processive degradation of the chromosome before PLE mobilisation. Generally, laboratory acquired spacers are much more diverse than the subset of spacers maintained by ICP1 in nature, showing how evolutionary pressures can constrain CRISPR-Cas targeting in ways that are often not appreciated through in vitro analyses. ![]() Dr Kimberley Seed, UC Berkeley, USA
![]() Dr Kimberley Seed, UC Berkeley, USAKimberley Seed is an Assistant Professor in the Plant and Microbial Biology Department at the University of California, Berkeley. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in 2004 from the University of Alberta, her Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Biotechnology under Dr Jonathan Dennis in 2009 from the University of Alberta, and did postdoctoral training in Dr Andrew Camilli’s laboratory at Tufts University School of Medicine in the Department of Molecular Biology & Microbiology. She was a faculty member at the University of Michigan in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology from 2014-2016 before moving to UC Berkeley. Professor Seed’s laboratory investigates how bacterial pathogens and predatory phages co-evolve. The current major focus of the lab is towards an understanding of how phages impact the evolution and selection of epidemic Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera. |
12:15 - 12:30 | Discussion |

Dr Kimberley Seed, UC Berkeley, USA

Dr Kimberley Seed, UC Berkeley, USA
Kimberley Seed is an Assistant Professor in the Plant and Microbial Biology Department at the University of California, Berkeley. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in 2004 from the University of Alberta, her Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Biotechnology under Dr Jonathan Dennis in 2009 from the University of Alberta, and did postdoctoral training in Dr Andrew Camilli’s laboratory at Tufts University School of Medicine in the Department of Molecular Biology & Microbiology. She was a faculty member at the University of Michigan in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology from 2014-2016 before moving to UC Berkeley. Professor Seed’s laboratory investigates how bacterial pathogens and predatory phages co-evolve. The current major focus of the lab is towards an understanding of how phages impact the evolution and selection of epidemic Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera.
13:30 - 14:00 |
Different genetic and morphological outcomes for phages targeted by single or multiple CRISPR-Cas spacers
CRISPR-Cas systems provide bacteria and archaea with adaptive immunity against genetic invaders, such as bacteriophages. The systems integrate short sequences from the phage genome into the bacterial CRISPR array. These ‘spacers’ provide sequence-specific immunity but drive natural selection of evolved phage mutants that escape CRISPR-Cas defence. Spacer acquisition occurs by either naïve or primed adaptation. Naïve adaptation typically results in the incorporation of a single spacer. In contrast, priming is a positive feedback loop that often results in acquisition of multiple spacers, which occurs when a pre-existing spacer matches the invading phage. The researchers predicted that single and multiple spacers, representative of naïve and primed adaptation respectively, would cause differing outcomes after phage infection. The researchers investigated the response of two phages, ɸTE and ɸM1, to the Pectobacterium atrosepticum type I-F CRISPR-Cas system and observed that escape from single spacers typically occurred via point mutations. Alternatively, phages escaped multiple spacers through deletions, which can occur in genes encoding structural proteins. Cryo-EM analysis of the ɸTE structure revealed shortened tails in escape mutants with tape measure protein deletions. The researchers conclude that CRISPR-Cas systems can drive phage genetic diversity, altering morphology and fitness, through selective pressures arising from naïve and primed acquisition events. ![]() Associate Professor Peter Fineran, University of Otago, New Zealand
![]() Associate Professor Peter Fineran, University of Otago, New ZealandPeter Fineran is an Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Otago, New Zealand. Peter has established an international reputation for his research on the interactions between bacteriophages and other mobile elements and their bacterial hosts. A major focus of his lab are the CRISPR-Cas adaptive prokaryotic immune systems. He obtained a BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry from the University of Canterbury, NZ. He completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge, UK followed by a Post-Doc fellowship. He has made critical contributions to understanding CRISPR-Cas systems, such as how these systems acquire new immune memories and uncovering the mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas regulation. Peter has received many awards in recognition of his research contributions, such as a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand and the Ross Crozier Medal from the Genetics Society of AustralAsia. |
14:00 - 14:15 | Discussion | |
14:15 - 14:45 |
How microbes keep their CRISPR memories functional and up to date
The CRISPR immune system protects bacteria and archaea from invading viruses and plasmids. Immunity depends on protein diverse protein complexes that use small RNA molecules to find matching viral or plasmid DNA. Dr Brouns will show how viruses escape immunity by mutating target sites or glycosylating their DNA, and will highlight a mechanism called priming that updates the CRISPR memory leading to rapid co-evolution between host and phage. Dr Brouns will present a new mechanism catalyzed by Cas4 proteins that selects functional CRISPR memories with a PAM (protospacer adjacent motif) that is essential for efficient CRISPR targeting. We introduced the CRISPR adaptation genes cas1, cas2 and cas4 from the Type I-D CRISPR-Cas system of Synechocystis sp. 6803 into Escherichia coli and observed that cas4 is strictly required for the selection of targets with protospacer adjacent motifs (PAMs) conferring I-D CRISPR interference in the native host. New spacers displayed variation in spacer length, which is typical for spacers found in the native I-D host and for cas4-containing CRISPR systems in general. We propose a model in which Cas4 assists the CRISPR adaptation complex Cas1-2 by providing DNA substrates tailored for the correct PAM. ![]() Dr Stan Brouns, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
![]() Dr Stan Brouns, Delft University of Technology, the NetherlandsStan JJ Brouns (1978) is a Molecular Microbiologist who studied Molecular Life Sciences and obtained his PhD from Wageningen University in the Netherlands in 2007. From 2006 he has been interested bacteriophage resistance elucidating the mechanism of CRISPR-mediated bacteriophage defense in prokaryotes. In 2011 he started his own group at the Laboratory of Microbiology (Wageningen University) studying microbe-bacteriophage relationships after obtaining national (VIDI) and European funding (ERC). Dr. Brouns obtained a tenured Associate Professor position at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience of Delft University of Technology and is still affiliated with Wageningen University. He has contributed to over 60 scientific publications, and has received a number of awards for his pioneering CRISPR work. His lab is interested in the interaction between microbes and viruses and studies the mechanisms that bacteria and archaea use to protect themselves from virus infection including CRISPR. His lab explores the adaptations that viruses have evolved to avoid defense systems and engineers bacteriophages for phage therapy applications. |
14:45 - 15:00 | Discussion | |
15:00 - 15:30 | Tea | |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Changes in CRISPR arrays content over time and space
![]() Dr Konstantin Severinov, Waksman Institute, USA, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia
![]() Dr Konstantin Severinov, Waksman Institute, USA, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RussiaDr Severinov is a professor of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Waksman Institute at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey and Director of the Center of Life Sciences at the Skolovo Institute of Science and Technology. His research interests are in the molecular mechanisms and evolutionary and ecological implications of bacteria interactions with their phages. |
16:00 - 16:15 | Discussion | |
16:15 - 16:45 |
Evolutionary structure of CRISPR-Cas diversity in natural populations
Dr Whitaker will describe quantitative metrics for measuring CRISPR-Cas diversity and what they can reveal about past and future of immune interactions between viruses and microbes in wild microbial populations. It is Whitaker’s group goal to provide a framework that would allow prediction of virus epidemics in microbial populations. They also aim to understand key parameters that define the stability, diversity and evolutionary trajectory of engineered, natural and clinical microbial populations important to global health and disease. ![]() Dr Rachel Whitaker, University of Illinois, USA
![]() Dr Rachel Whitaker, University of Illinois, USAMy laboratory is broadly interested in how viral symbiosis and virus-host co-evolution shape evolutionary processes in natural populations. We combine natural history and population genomics with experimental biology by bringing wild viruses and hosts into lab the for experimental evolution and genetics. We utilize the CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune system a molecular marker to track evolution of viruses and hosts and as a mediator of their interactions. We work in comparative systems of island populations including the archaeaon Sulfolobus islandicus and chronic bacterial infections in CF patients by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Using modeling predictions and comparative analyses of parameters in each system we test the generality of our models for evolutionary ecology of viruses of microbes. I have extended our conceptual frame-work to include dynamics of microbes and their genetic elements in a one-health context by establishing the new integrated theme called Infection Genomics for One Health (IGOH) at the Carl R. Woese Institute of Genomic Biology. The goal of our theme is to integrate lessons learned from a diversity of systems to develop models of genomic epidemiology to address critical global challenges such as the evolution of antimicrobial resistance and the emergence of infectious disease. I was promoted to Professor of Microbiology in 2018 and am the Theme Leader of the Infection Genomics for One Health Theme at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology. In 2016 I received an Allen Distinguished Investigator award to model virus-host interactions in microbial populations. In addition, my work has been funded by the NSF, NASA, the Gates Foundation and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I just completed my first year as the Director of the Microbial Diversity Course at the MBL in Woods Hole, MA. |
16:45 - 17:00 | Discussion | |
17:00 - 18:00 | Poster session |

Dr Stan Brouns, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

Dr Stan Brouns, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Stan JJ Brouns (1978) is a Molecular Microbiologist who studied Molecular Life Sciences and obtained his PhD from Wageningen University in the Netherlands in 2007. From 2006 he has been interested bacteriophage resistance elucidating the mechanism of CRISPR-mediated bacteriophage defense in prokaryotes. In 2011 he started his own group at the Laboratory of Microbiology (Wageningen University) studying microbe-bacteriophage relationships after obtaining national (VIDI) and European funding (ERC). Dr. Brouns obtained a tenured Associate Professor position at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience of Delft University of Technology and is still affiliated with Wageningen University. He has contributed to over 60 scientific publications, and has received a number of awards for his pioneering CRISPR work. His lab is interested in the interaction between microbes and viruses and studies the mechanisms that bacteria and archaea use to protect themselves from virus infection including CRISPR. His lab explores the adaptations that viruses have evolved to avoid defense systems and engineers bacteriophages for phage therapy applications.
09:00 - 09:30 |
Phages and CRISPR-Cas systems: the ongoing battle
Fighting viruses is no easy task. Bacterial cells have survived phage attacks by evolving sophisticated defence strategies that enable them to thrive even in virus-rich ecosystems. CRISPR-Cas is one of these mechanisms used by microbes to protect against viral infection. Bacterial CRISPR-Cas type II systems function by first incorporating short DNA ‘spacers’, derived from invading defective phage genomes, in the CRISPR array located in their genome. The bacterial CRISPR array is then transcribed and matured into short RNAs, which, by recruiting Cas9 endonuclease, act as surveillance complexes that recognise and cleave subsequent invading matching DNA sequences. The cleavage occurs near a short motif, called the PAM, adjacent to the sequence targeted by the spacer. Phages have evolved counter-tactics to thwart such mechanisms, leading to a so-called biological arms race. For example, phages can bypass CRISPR immunity through point mutation or deletion of the CRISPR target or PAM in their genome as well as by the production of anti-CRISPR proteins (ACRs). Using the Gram-positive dairy bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus as a model, this presentation will recall the roles played by virulent phages in the understanding of CRISPR-Cas systems as well as in the development of industrially relevant phage-resistant bacterial strains. Professor Moineau will also highlight the recent discovery, characterisation and effectiveness of two families of ACRs from S thermophilus phages. The emergence of ACR-containing phages illustrates the ongoing battle between phages and their hosts and that additional approaches are needed to control phages in industrial settings. ![]() Professor Sylvain Moineau, Université Laval, Canada
![]() Professor Sylvain Moineau, Université Laval, CanadaSylvain Moineau is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioinformatics at the Université Laval. He also holds the Canada Research Chair in Bacteriophages and is the Curator of the Félix d’Hérelle Reference Center for Bacterial Viruses, the world largest collection of reference phages. His research group studies phage biology and phage-bacteria interactions. Among others, he has characterized mechanisms used by bacteria to resist phages, including his landmark work on CRISPR-Cas systems. Professor Moineau has won several teaching and research awards. In 2017, he was awarded the NSERC John C. Polanyi Award, the Canadian Society of Microbiologists Murray Award for Career Achievement and the DuPont Excellence Medal. He was elected to the Academy of Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada and appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada. Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics have ranked him amongst the most cited microbiologists for the past four years. |
09:30 - 09:45 | Discussion | |
09:45 - 10:15 |
How bacteriophages protect themselves from CRISPR
Bacterial CRISPR-Cas systems utilise sequence-specific RNA-guided nucleases to defend against bacteriophage (phage) infection. As a counter-measure, numerous phages produce proteins to block the function of the Class 1 CRISPR-Cas systems, which utilise multi-subunit protein complexes to enact immunity. Dr Bondy-Denomy’s group recently developed and utilised novel bioinformatics strategies to identify Class 2 (eg Cas9 and Cas12) anti-CRISPR proteins. The researchers have identified anti-CRISPR proteins encoded by phages and mobile genetic elements from many organisms, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Listeria monocytogenes, Moraxella bovoculi and Streptococcus pyogenes, suggesting widespread and common CRISPR-Cas inactivation. More recently, we have identified a phage with a novel mechanism of CRISPR evasion that does not rely on anti-CRISPR proteins, but instead physically segregates its genome from nucleases. Dr Bondy-Denomy will discuss our progress towards understanding these mechanisms that phages deploy to avoid destruction by CRISPR-Cas and how this work benefits CRISPR-Cas technologies. ![]() Dr Joe Bondy-Denomy, UC San Francisco, USA
![]() Dr Joe Bondy-Denomy, UC San Francisco, USAJoe attended the University of Waterloo for his undergrad in Biology and Microbiology, and spent time as a co-op student in labs at Western University (London, ON) and McGill University (Montreal, QC). Joe then attended the University of Toronto to complete his PhD in Alan Davidson's lab where he studied interactions between bacteriophages and their host bacteria, focusing on the effects of lysogeny and the CRISPR-Cas immune system. In the spring of 2015, Joe started his lab at UCSF as a Faculty Fellow. In 2017, Joe continued at UCSF as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology. The lab is currently focused on studying the roles of CRISPR-Cas immune systems in their host organisms, discovering novel CRISPR-Cas functions and identifying ways in which these systems interact with bacteriophages. |
10:15 - 10:30 | Discussion | |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee | |
11:00 - 11:30 |
CRISPR-Cas immunity leads to a co-evolutionary arms race between Streptococcus thermophilus and lytic phage
CRISPR-Cas is an adaptive prokaryotic immune system that prevents phage infection. By incorporating phage-derived “spacer” sequences into CRISPR loci on the host genome, future infections from the same phage genotype can be recognised and the phage genome cleaved. However, phage can escape CRISPR degradation by mutating the sequence targeted by the spacer, allowing them to re-infect previously CRISPR-immune hosts, and theoretically leading to co-evolution. Previous studies have shown that phage can persist over long periods in populations of Streptococcus thermophilus that can acquire CRISPR-Cas immunity, but it has remained less clear whether this coexistence was due to co-evolution, and if so, what type of co-evolutionary dynamics were involved. In this talk Dr van Houte will discuss results from highly replicated serial transfer experiments her group performed over 30 days with S thermophilus and a lytic phage. Using a combination of phenotypic and genotypic data, the researchers show that CRISPR-mediated resistance and phage infectivity coevolved over time following an arms race dynamic, and that asymmetry between phage infectivity and host resistance within this system eventually causes phage extinction. This work provides further insight into the way CRISPR-Cas systems shape the population and co-evolutionary dynamics of bacteria-phage interactions. ![]() Dr Stineke van Houte, University of Exeter, UK
![]() Dr Stineke van Houte, University of Exeter, UKStineke van Houte is a microbiologist at the University of Exeter interested in integrating molecular and evolutionary approaches to study host-parasite interactions. To do this she has used a variety of different model systems, including bacteria and phages. Over the past few years she has studied ecological factors that determine the evolution of CRISPR immunity, the role of CRISPR diversity in limiting phage epidemics, and how anti-CRISPR phages can work together to successfully overcome CRISPR immunity in bacteria. She has recently received a BBSRC fellowship and started her own research group, where she studies competition between mobile genetic elements in microbial communities and in particular the role of mobile CRISPR systems therein, and how this knowledge can be used to tackle antimicrobial resistance. |
11:30 - 11:45 | Discussion | |
11:45 - 12:15 |
Phage-bacterium co-evolution in aquaculture
The ecological and evolutionary effects CRISPR-Cas immune system are traditionally studied in controlled laboratory conditions. Aquaculture provides semi-natural conditions for examining the role of CRISPR-Cas in phage/bacterium co-evolution in the environment, as the disease surveillance projects together with interest towards phage therapy have led to collections of phage and bacterial isolates. The researchers sampled a flow-through aquaculture setting during 2007-2014, and characterized the co-evolution of populations of phages and their bacterial hosts Flavobacterium columnare at the phenotypic and genetic level. Bacteria were generally resistant to phages from the past and susceptible to phages isolated in years after bacterial isolation. Two CRISPR loci in the bacterial host were identified: a type II-C locus (with Cas9) and a type VI-B locus (with Cas13a). Phage-matching spacers appeared in both loci over time. The spacers mostly targeted the terminal end of the phage genomes, which also varied across time, resulting in arms-race-like changes in the protospacers of the coevolving phage population. On several occasions, the introduction of CRISPR spacers to the bacterial population was followed by the appearance of phage isolates with modifications in the corresponding protospacer regions. The researchers’ results demonstrate that aquaculture can provide essential information on the co-evolutionary dynamics between the phage and its host under environmental conditions. ![]() Dr Lotta-Riina Sundberg, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
![]() Dr Lotta-Riina Sundberg, University of Jyväskylä, FinlandDr Sundberg is a senior lecturer and a PI at the Department of Biological and Environmental Science and Nanoscience Center in University of Jyväskylä, Finland. During 2013-2018 she held the Academy Researcher position in the Centre of Excellence in Biological Interactions, and focused on multirophic coevolutionary dynamics of metazoan-bacterium and bacterium-phage interactions. More recently, Sundberg has studied phage evolution and bacterial CRISPR immunity in freshwater systems and in settings relevant to intensive aquaculture. For example, her studies on the phage-bacterium coevolution in the fish pathogen Flavobacterium columnare have shown that the coevolutionary arms race in the environment selects for increased host range and infectivity in the phage. Molecular understanding of these interactions in aquaculture brings insight also on the development of phage therapy. |
12:15 - 12:30 | Discussion |

Dr Stineke van Houte, University of Exeter, UK

Dr Stineke van Houte, University of Exeter, UK
Stineke van Houte is a microbiologist at the University of Exeter interested in integrating molecular and evolutionary approaches to study host-parasite interactions. To do this she has used a variety of different model systems, including bacteria and phages. Over the past few years she has studied ecological factors that determine the evolution of CRISPR immunity, the role of CRISPR diversity in limiting phage epidemics, and how anti-CRISPR phages can work together to successfully overcome CRISPR immunity in bacteria. She has recently received a BBSRC fellowship and started her own research group, where she studies competition between mobile genetic elements in microbial communities and in particular the role of mobile CRISPR systems therein, and how this knowledge can be used to tackle antimicrobial resistance.
13:30 - 14:00 |
Evolutionary emergence of infectious diseases in heterogeneous host populations
The emergence of pathogens remains a major public health concern. Unfortunately, when and where pathogens will (re-)emerge is notoriously difficult to predict as the erratic nature of those events is reinforced by the stochastic nature of pathogen evolution during the early phase of an epidemic. For instance, mutations allowing pathogens to escape host resistance may boost pathogen spread and promote emergence. Yet the ecological factors that govern such evolutionary emergence remain elusive both because of the lack of ecological realism of current theoretical frameworks and the difficulty of experimentally testing their predictions. The researchers developed a theoretical model to explore the effects of the heterogeneity of the host population on the probability of pathogen emergence, with or without pathogen evolution. The researchers show that evolutionary emergence and the spread of escape mutations in the pathogen population is more likely to occur when the host population contains an intermediate proportion of resistant hosts. This probability of evolutionary emergences rapidly declines with the diversity of resistance in the host population but also with the multiplicity of host resistance per individual host. Experimental tests using lytic bacteriophages infecting their bacterial hosts containing CRISPR-Cas immune defenses confirm these theoretical predictions. Dr Gandon will discuss how these results can help design more effective control strategies against the emergence of infectious diseases. ![]() Dr Sylvain Gandon, CNRS Montpellier, France
![]() Dr Sylvain Gandon, CNRS Montpellier, FranceI am an evolutionary biologist with a broad general interest ranging from theoretical population genetics, and mathematical epidemiology, to behavioral and evolutionary ecology. I use both theoretical and experimental approaches to study the ecology and evolution of host-parasite interactions. I studied the influence of spatial structure and migration on host-parasite coevolution and local adaptation. I am also interested in the impact of therapeutic interventions like drugs or vaccines on the evolution of pathogens. I am currently working on two experimental models: (1) the coevolution between bacteria and their bacteriophages and (2) the evolutionary ecology of avian malaria. |
14:00 - 14:15 | Discussion | |
14:15 - 14:45 |
From the environment to the lab - eco-evolutionary roles of haloarchaeal CRISPR-Cas systems
Many archaea possess spacers that match chromosomal genes of related species, including those encoding core housekeeping genes. By sequencing genomes of environmental archaea isolated from a single site, Dr Gophna’s group demonstrated that inter-species spacers are common. They then showed experimentally, by mating Haloferax volcanii and Haloferax mediterranei, that spacers are indeed acquired chromosome-wide, although a preference for integrated mobile elements and nearby regions of the chromosome exists. Engineering the chromosome of one species to be targeted by the other’s CRISPR–Cas reduces gene exchange between them substantially. Thus, spacers acquired during inter-species mating could limit future gene transfer, resulting in a role for CRISPR–Cas systems in microbial speciation. More recently the researchers have identified a virus that chronically infects one of their natural Haloferax isolates and can also integrate into its genome. Exposure to this virus elicited strong and specific spacer acquisition by the H volcanii lab strain, that surprisingly could not be stably infected by that virus. This raised the question why the virus' original host that appears to have a functional CRISPR-Cas system did not acquire spacers from a virus that chronically infects it. The researchers addressed this by an “active immunisation” approach in which provirus-containing cells were exposed to mature virus particles. K Höveler, J Deiglmayr and M Beyer from Physical Chemistry Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland also contributed to the research outlined in this talk. ![]() Dr Uri Gophna, Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel
![]() Dr Uri Gophna, Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, IsraelProfessor Uri Gophna’s research is focused on understanding the evolutionary processes behind microbial adaptation that has contributed to both the medical community and to evolutionary theory. His research group’s interests revolve around two related topics: the role of lateral gene transfer (LGT) and selfish DNA in the evolution of microorganisms and the study of host-microbe interactions, with particular focus on the human gut microbiome in health and disease. Their work spans the whole spectrum of evolutionary biology from environmental and comparative population genomics all the way to the testing of specific hypothesis by engineering strains and performing competition experiments under ecologically relevant conditions. Genetic manipulation allows the dissection of the contribution of specific genetic components, such as defense systems (CRISPR-Cas and additional recently discovered systems), the recombination machinery, and selfish mobile DNA, to genome diversity within microbial populations. |
14:45 - 15:00 | Discussion | |
15:00 - 15:30 | Tea | |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Possibilities for pest and vector control with CRISPR-based constructs
In this talk Professor Burt will describe how CRISPR technology may be used to develop new tools for controlling disease vectors and other pest species. The primary focus will be on a particular case study, the development of gene drive approaches to control mosquitoes that transmit malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Gene drive is a naturally occurring process by which genes are able to bias their transmission from one generation to the next, and can allow a gene to spread through a population even if it is harmful to the organisms carrying it. Synthetic gene drive systems have been developed in mosquitoes using CRISPR technology and proof-of-principle for population control demonstrated in the lab. Issues arising in the further development of this technology will be discussed, and then prospects for CRISPR-based tools to control other pest species. ![]() Professor Austin Burt, Imperial College London, UK
![]() Professor Austin Burt, Imperial College London, UKAustin Burt is Professor of Evolutionary Genetics at Imperial College London. In 2003 he proposed that enzymes that recognise and cut specific sequences of DNA could be used to control pest populations, and since 2005 he has been Principle Investigator of a research consortium developing this idea to control the mosquitoes that transmit malaria, with particular attention to sub-Saharan Africa. Target Malaria is a not-for-profit consortium that currently includes over 100 individuals at 14 institutions across 3 continents ( |
16:00 - 16:15 | Discussion | |
16:15 - 16:45 |
Understanding the academic debate on genome editing in animals
In recent years, new genome editing technologies have emerged that can edit the genome of non-human animals with progressively increasing efficiency. Despite ongoing academic debate about the ethical implications of these technologies, no comprehensive overview of this debate exists. To address this gap in the literature, the researchers conducted a systematic review of the reasons reported in the academic literature for and against the development and use of genome editing technologies in animals. Most included articles were written by academics from the biomedical or animal sciences. The reported reasons related to seven themes: human health, efficiency, risks and uncertainty, animal welfare, animal dignity, environmental considerations and public acceptability. The findings illuminate several important considerations about the academic debate, including a relatively low disciplinary diversity in the contributing academics, a scarcity of systematic comparisons of potential consequences of using these technologies, an underrepresentation of animal interests, and a disjunction between the public and academic debate on this topic. As such, this article can be considered a call for a broad range of academics to get increasingly involved in the discussion about genome editing, to incorporate animal interests and systematic comparisons, and to further discuss the aims and methods of public involvement. ![]() Dr Sarah Hartley, Exeter University, UK
![]() Dr Sarah Hartley, Exeter University, UK![]() Nienke de Graeff, University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands
![]() Nienke de Graeff, University Medical Center Utrecht, the NetherlandsNienke de Graeff is a PhD Candidate in the ethics of biomedical innovation at the department of Medical Humanities at the University Medical Center Utrecht. She conducts research in the field of bioethics and genome-editing technologies. In her PhD project, she focuses on the ethical analysis of gene drives. She works in the group of Professor Dr Annelien Bredenoord, which engages in so-called ‘ethics parallel research’, in which ethicists collaborate with scientists from the earliest stages of research to identify and evaluate ethical issues of novel technologies proactively as the field develops. Nienke has a background in the Liberal Arts & Sciences (BSc University College Maastricht), Medicine (MSc Selective Utrecht Medical Master Utrecht) and Applied Ethics (MA Applied Ethics, Utrecht University). |
16:45 - 17:00 | Discussion |