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The Economics of Biodiversity: the Dasgupta Review

Biodiversity is declining faster than at any time in human history. Since 1970, there has been on average almost a 70% decline in the populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. It is thought that one million animal and plant species - almost a quarter of the global total - are threatened with extinction. These losses in biodiversity are undermining the productivity, resilience and adaptability of nature. This is in turn putting economies, livelihoods and well-being at risk.
Join economist Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta and Nobel-prize winning biologist Sir Venki Ramakrishnan to mark the publication of The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review. Commissioned by the UK Government, this independent, global Review will present a new economic framework, grounded in ecology and Earth Sciences, in order to understand the sustainability of our engagement with Nature, and identify the options humanity has to enhance biodiversity and prosperity.
Hosted by Venki Ramakrishnan and joined by several special guests, Professor Dasgupta will outline the Review’s central findings and respond to questions from the audience.
Questions can be submitted in advance, as well as throughout the event, on
Attending this event
- The event will be livestreamed on the Royal Society YouTube channel on Tuesday 2 February 2021 at 2pm GMT
- The event is free to join, and there is no registration required
- Live subtitles will be available
- For all enquiries, please contact