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H-mode transition and pedestal studies in fusion plasmas

Scientific discussion meeting organised by Professor Eun-jin Kim and Dr Yasmin Andrew.
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Understanding the high confinement (H-mode) transition and the plasma pedestal remain critical topics for the successful operation of future magnetic fusion devices. This meeting provided a valuable opportunity for focused discussions on the cross-machine approach (experimentally and theoretically) to further our understanding of H-mode access and exit, providing a forum for the exchange of specialist knowledge and co-operation.
Meeting papers have been published in an accompanying issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
This meeting has taken place.
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Professor Eun-jin Kim, Coventry University, UK

Professor Eun-jin Kim, Coventry University, UK
Eun-jin Kim (Dr, Professor) Dr Kim obtained her BSc in Physics from Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, and PhD in Physics from the University of Chicago, USA. She held postdoctoral positions at the Universities of Leeds and Exeter in UK, High-Altitude Observatory in Boulder, USA and University of California, San Diego, USA and was an Associate Professor at the University of Sheffield, UK. Professor Kim is currently a Professor in Physics and Applied Mathematics at Coventry University, UK. She is interested in complexity, self-organisation and non-equilibrium processes, and has a track record in multidisciplinary research, with applications to magnetically confined fusion and astrophysical plasmas and biosystems.
07:00 - 07:05 | Welcome by the Royal Society and the organisers |
07:05 - 07:50 |
ExB Vortex Dynamics in a Magnetic island
E x B shearing rate associated with vortex flow inside a macroscopic magnetic island is investigated. Due to the elongation of the MI and incompressibility of the E x B flow, the shearing rate near X-points is much lower than that near the mid-plane (x-axis of the local Cartesian coordinate) of the MI on the same flux surface. This calculation of E x B shearing profile and, in particular, minimal E x B shear near the X-points [TS Hahm et al, Phys Plasmas 28, 022302 (2021)] is consistent with the recent experimental finding that turbulence tends to spread into an MI through regions around the X-points [K Ida et al, Phys Rev Lett 120, 245001 (2018)]. In addition, the researchers show that the vortex tends to be better sustained in a large MI, while toroidicity induced precession can break up the quasi-helical symmetry of the vortex, leading to more complicated flow pattern in a long term around a relatively thin MI [GJ Choi and TS Hahm, submitted to Phys Rev Lett (2022)]. ![]() Professor TS Hahm, Seoul National University, South Korea
![]() Professor TS Hahm, Seoul National University, South KoreaTS Hahm is a theoretical plasma physicist interested in turbulence and transport of tokamak plasmas. He received PhD from Princeton University in 1984, and worked at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory since 1986, became a Distinguished Laboratory Research Fellow in 2006. He joined Seoul National University as a full Professor of Department of Nuclear Engineering in 2011. In addition, he also worked at National Fusion Research Institute (upgraded to Korea Institute of Fusion Energy in 2020) as the Director of Advanced Technology Research Center from 2015 to 2017. He is well-known internationally for his fundamental contributions to shear flow reduction of plasma turbulence, modern nonlinear gyrokinetic theory, and non-diffusive transport. He was elected to a Fellow of American Physical Society in 1995, and received the Kaul Prize for Excellence in Plasma Physics and Technology Development in 2005. In addition, he is the 2021 Laureate of S. Chandrasekhar Prize of Plasma Physics. He is currently serving on Editorial Board of Physics of Plasmas, C16 (Plasma Physics) Commission of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. |
07:50 - 08:35 |
Study of internal transport barriers based on flux driven global toroidal system
Transport barriers (TBs), either those produced in edges (H-mode) or inside (ITBs), are crucial for achieving high performance plasmas. Here, the researchers study the origin for the formation of ITBs which have been found in magnetic-shear free toroidal plasmas in both nearly flat and/or reversed safety factor profiles where the eigen-value is not determined from the magnetic structure due to the luck of resonance. Based on the global electromagnetic gyro-kinetic simulation in finite beta-value plasmas, the researchers present a new law to reveal the higher order counterpart as a discrete set of independent dispersion groups by regrouping toroidal mode numbers so as the non-resonant free energy to be sequenced according to the mismatch from the resonance. The regrouped dispersion leads to a new class of turbulence expressed by quasi-independent hierarchized spectra due to the selective energy transfer among them. They also present a flux driven full-f gyro-kinetic simulation as an example of the self-consistent formation of ITBs with heat source and sink by exciting different ion and electron modes, ie ITGs and TEMs, incorporated with ion and electron heating utilising the spatial dimension in magnetic-shear free toroidal plasmas. ![]() Professor Yasuaki Kishimoto, Kyoto University, Japan
![]() Professor Yasuaki Kishimoto, Kyoto University, JapanDr Yasuaki Kishimoto is a scientist working for theory and simulation in the field of magnetically confined fusion plasma and also that of high energy density plasma produce by high power lasers. He received his PhD from Osaka University in 1984 for non-local energy transport in laser produced plasma. He started his research career in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (present QST) in 1985, working for JT60 project. He mainly worked for turbulent transport in tokamaks based on global toroidal simulations and discussed the role of global profile effect on turbulent structures and dynamics such as profile resilience and stiffness. He moved to Kyoto University in 2004, opening the laboratory for plasma and fusion science. He continued his career for turbulent transport by developing a flux driven global toroidal code based on gyro-kinetic based electrostatic and electromagnetic models collaborating with laboratory staffs targeting on transport barriers also emphasizing on the global profile effect. |
08:35 - 09:00 | Break |
09:00 - 09:45 |
Turbulence, cross-phase and zonal flow evolution during confinement transitions
The two main concepts for magnetically confined fusion plasmas are the tokamak and the stellarator. The flexibility and external control of the stellarator configuration in combination with unique diagnostic capabilities convert stellarators into ideal systems for the study of the relation between magnetic topology, electric fields and confinement transitions. This talk addresses advances in the characterisation of plasma transport, with emphasis on the physics of radial electric fields and transport control in the TJ-II stellarator. The presenter pays particular attention to the experimental evolution of fluctuation levels, the cross phase between fluctuating variables and zonal flows, revealing the simultaneous spatiotemporal evolution of these quantities, during spontaneous and biasing induced transitions. Causality detection techniques provide a deeper understanding of the interaction between the various fluctuating quantities. The experimental results described here, using unique diagnostic capacities in combination with advanced analysis tools, provide further physics understanding of confinement bifurcations driven by radial electric fields in stellarators, complementing well-known empirical approaches in tokamaks. It is concluded that there are different paths to achieve confinement bifurcations, and each path might correspond to different conditions (ie power / density threshold) for accessing the H-mode in fusion plasmas. ![]() Dr Carlos Hidalgo, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT, Spain
![]() Dr Carlos Hidalgo, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT, SpainDr Hidalgo holds a PhD in Physics, based on his research on structural defects in solids using positron annihilation spectroscopy, obtained at Madrid Complutense University in 1984. His next area of research was related to plasma turbulence, transport and plasma diagnostics. He is currently leading the Experimental Plasma Physics Division at the Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión / CIEMAT. He has worked in different international laboratories, initially as a PhD student [Technical University of Denmark, Nuclear Research Centre of Grenoble, Technical University of Helsinki] and later as visiting scientist [Fusion Centre at the University of Austin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Joint European Torus, Max Planck Institute, National Institute Fusion Studies, Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP)]. He is author of more than 250 peer-reviewed publications on solid-state and plasma physics. |
09:45 - 10:30 |
Dynamical properties of the radial electric field at the tokamak plasma edge
It is well admitted that the shear of the radial electric field Er plays a key role in triggering and sustaining the edge transport barrier of H-mode tokamak plasmas. Here the researchers first report, just inside the separatrix of WEST plasmas, on the formation of a deeper well of Er when operating in lower single null as compared to upper single null. These results obtained close to the L-H power threshold are consistent with the idea that the magnetic drift pointing towards the X-point favors the L-H transition. Second they unravel – by means of flux-driven simulations with the gyrokinetic code GYSELA encompassing core, edge and a simplified modelling of the scrape-off-layer in limiter configuration – how both the Reynolds stress and more critically its diamagnetic counterpart play a key role in the buildup of an Er well in the L-mode edge of tokamak plasmas. Leading to a mild steepening of the temperature profile at the edge, these results shed light on the possible dynamics at play in the L- to H-mode transition. Finally, a 1-dimensional nonlinear model allows one to explore the competition of the Reynolds stress, diamagnetic stress and neoclassical poloidal flow damping in the formation of a sheared Er profile. ![]() Dr Yanick Sarazin, CEA, IRFM, France
![]() Dr Yanick Sarazin, CEA, IRFM, FranceYanick Sarazin is currently Research Director at CEA, IRFM Cadarache, and Professor at INSTN. He defended his PhD thesis on plasma turbulence at the edge of tokamak plasmas in 1997, and later passed the 'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches' in 2008 on multiscale interactions in fusion plasma turbulence. He is expert in the theory and numerical simulations of turbulence and transport in fusion plasmas. In particular, he is one of the physicist developers of the flux-driven gyrokinetic GYSELA code. His achievements include the characterisation of avalanche-like transport in both edge and core tokamak plasma turbulence, the unraveling of certain mechanisms for transport barrier formation and dynamics, and the identification of synergies between turbulent and neoclassical transport channels for impurity transport. |
10:30 - 11:15 |
L-H transition studies at JET
The talk presents results from various dedicated L-H transition studies at JET-ILW. In particular Dr Solano reports changes in the value of the density at which the L-H transition power threshold is minimised as a function of plasma species and plasma shape. The researchers have obtained results in H, D, T, He and various mixtures. In He and D plasmas, Doppler reflectometer measurements of perpendicular velocity (related to the radial electric field profile) in the plasma edge indicate that there is no critical value of the radial electric field value or the shear of the vExB rotation before the transition. More importantly, during the L-mode phase, while the input power is being increased up to the L-H power threshold, there is no evidence of evolution of the Er profile. ![]() Dr Emilia R Solano, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT, Spain
![]() Dr Emilia R Solano, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT, SpainDr Solano studies plasma physics in tokamaks as part of the world-wide effort towards producing energy with nuclear fusion. She started research in fusion in the early 80’s with neoclassical transport predictions, part of the design of the TJ-II heliac, now functioning in Madrid, Spain. This was followed by about 10 years of research at the Fusion Research Center, at the University of Texas at Austin: neoclassical theory in tokamaks and contributions towards conventional and spherical tokamak design. In the late 90’s Dr Solano contributed to pedestal studies in ITER and neoclassical studies in WVII-S, and started to study criticality of the non-linear Grad-Shafranov equation, relating confinement phase transitions to plasma magnetisation. From 1999 Dr Solano became involved in JET, sometimes within management structures. Since 2015 she is a full-time researcher, often leading experiments on ELMs, pedestal MHD and L-H transition. Presently she leads L-H transition experiments at JET, including experiments with Hydrogen, Deuterium, Tritium and Helium plasmas, and relevant mixtures. |
11:15 - 11:30 | Break |
11:30 - 12:15 | Poster session |

Dr Yasmin Andrew, Imperial College London, UK

Dr Yasmin Andrew, Imperial College London, UK
Yasmin Andrew is a plasma physicist with over 25 years experience in magnetic confinement fusion research. She received her PhD from Imperial College London, followed by postdoctoral work at University of Wisconsin-Madison. From 2000–2010 she was the Responsible Officer for the Edge Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy diagnostic on the Joint European Torus (JET). Her specialisation is in experimental studies of the L-H transition, the edge or pedestal plasma and the H-mode in present day tokamaks. She has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and presentations in this area. Her current research includes ongoing international collaboration projects on ST40, DIII-D, MAST-U and JET machines. Yasmin Andrew is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and has been active in the energy, women in physics and regional branches and groups.
14:30 - 15:15 |
Hidden variables in the L2H transition and the impact of the Scrape-Off-Layer
Please view the abstract for the talk here (PDF). ![]() Dr Hendrik Meyer, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, D3 Culham Science Centre, UK
![]() Dr Hendrik Meyer, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, D3 Culham Science Centre, UKDr Hendrik Meyer has studied physics at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. After his PhD at the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics he joined UKAEA in 1998, where he started working on the L2H transition fon COMPASS-D and MAST pioneering fast high resolution measurements of the radial electric field. For more than 20 years he has worked on L2H transition studies on many devices (JET, ASDEX Upgrade, NSTX and Alcator C-MOD). Dr Meyer has spearheaded the physics design of the exiting MAST-U device that had recently its 1st campaign. As EUROfusion MST1 Task Force Leader he shaped the EU research on ASDEX Upgrade, MAST-U and TCV. Currently Dr Meyer leads the plasma scenario, control and heating system development in the exciting and ambitious Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) programme within UKAEA that aims to produce an electricity producing compact prototype power plant by 2040. |
15:15 - 16:00 |
Transitions and pedestals in the I-mode confinement regime
Please view the abstract for the talk here (PDF). ![]() Dr Amanda Hubbard, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, USA
![]() Dr Amanda Hubbard, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, USAAmanda Hubbard conducted her doctoral research at Imperial College on the JET tokamak, worked in ECE and lower hybrid current drive on the Tokamak de Varennes. She is a Principal Research Scientist at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Throughout the operation of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak, she was responsible for ECE diagnostics and carried out experiments focusing on the pedestal region. Key results included local threshold parameters and dynamics of L-H transitions, EDA H-mode pedestal and fluctuation properties, and most recently studies of the I-mode regime. Following the closure of C-Mod in 2016, her plasma research has been on international tokamaks, including JET and in recent years primarily ASDEX Upgrade, which also accesses I-mode. She has also been active in developing new processes for the fabrication of high temperature superconducting magnets for SPARC. Dr Hubbard is a Fellow of the APS and served as Deputy Director of the US Burning Plasma Organization and on the UK Fusion Advisory Board. |
16:00 - 16:45 |
Electric Field Shear as the order parameter for the edge plasma: from L → H transition to density limit
Please view the abstract for the talk here (PDF). ![]() Professor Patrick H Diamond, University of California, San Diego, USA
![]() Professor Patrick H Diamond, University of California, San Diego, USAProfessor Patrick H Diamond is an internationally recognised theoretical plasma physicist. His specific research interests relate to areas of plasma and fluid turbulence, transport, dynamo theory, and plasma astrophysics. Professor Diamond has been Principal Investigator of the Fusion and Astrophysical Plasma Physics Group at CASS, UC San Diego, for more than 30 years. He is also Director of the Center for Fusion Theory at the Southwestern Institute of Physics in Chengdu. Professor Diamond has been the primary advisor of more than 33 PhD thesis students and 35 postdoctoral researchers. Professor Diamond earned his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1979. His honors and awards include the European Physical Society's Hannes Alfvén Prize (Plasma Physics Division, 2011; shared with Hasegawa and Mima), and the IAEA Nuclear Fusion Journal Award (2012). |
16:45 - 17:15 | Break |
17:15 - 18:00 |
Turbulence characteristics and flow dynamics impacts on the H-mode transition
Please view the abstract for the talk here (PDF). ![]() Dr Zheng Yan, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA
![]() Dr Zheng Yan, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USADr Zheng Yan is an Associate Scientist in the University of Wisconsin – Madison in USA. She received her PhD in the University of California – San Diego. Her major research was performed on DIII-D national fusion facility in San Diego, USA. Her research interests include studying the turbulent transport of particles, energy and momentum across flux surfaces in magnetically confined plasmas during the processes of pedestal formation, L-H transition, etc, and validation of transport simulations through comprehensive experiments, analysis, simulation and comparison. She is an active member of American Physical Society – division of plasmas physics (APS-DPP) and International Tokamak Physics Activity – Transport & Confinement topical group. |
18:00 - 18:45 |
Pedestal turbulence during ELM’ing and ELM-free H-Mode plasmas
A range of multi-field and multi-scale broadband turbulence and coherent instabilities are driven by the steep pressure gradients in the edge pedestal of ELM’ing and ELM-free or ELM-suppressed H-mode plasmas. Experimental characterisation of these fluctuations is therefore crucial to understanding, modeling, and projecting the pedestal structure to fusion reactors. Fluctuations in ELM’ing plasmas undergo a quasi-periodic cycle with fluctuations initially increasing rapidly during the inter-ELM cycle and then increasing more slowly during a longer quasi-steady phase. Pedestal fluctuations exhibit unique behaviour in ELM-suppressed scenarios. Application of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations causes an increase in broadband turbulence just inside the pedestal region that leads to changes in local density and ExB shear, suggesting that the turbulence responds directly to the RMP application. During Quiescent H-modes, which have exceptionally high edge ExB shearing rates, an Edge Harmonic Oscillation is driven that causes quasi-steady particle transport and exhibits a radially sheared structure and appears to replace the role of ELMs. Wide-pedestal QH-modes, in contrast, exhibit broadband turbulence that appear key to its increased transport and enhanced global confinement properties. Comprehensive 2D measurements of pedestal fluctuations will be presented, along with diagnostic and data analysis techniques that are under development. ![]() Dr George McKee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
![]() Dr George McKee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USADr McKee is a Senior Research Scientist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and performs research at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility at General Atomics in San Diego, California. His research focuses on the experimental investigation of turbulence and related instabilities that limit or degrade performance in magnetically confined fusion plasmas, developing advanced optical diagnostics to measure the properties and dynamics of multi-field plasma fluctuations, and comparing measurements to models and simulations. Multiple UW graduate students and post-doctoral researchers are mentored through these programs. He is the Leader of the Burning Plasma Physics group at DIII-D, leads related collaborations at the NSTX-U spherical tokamak facility (PPPL) and the HL-2A tokamak (Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, China) and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. |
18:45 - 19:30 |
Improving H-mode access in ITER: connecting ‘microscopic‘ L-H transition physics to the power threshold scaling
Please view the abstract for the talk here (PDF). ![]() Dr Lothar Schmitz, University of California Los Angeles, USA
![]() Dr Lothar Schmitz, University of California Los Angeles, USADr Lothar Schmitz is an experimental physicist with strong interest and research focus in plasma turbulence, self-organisation, and magnetic confinement. He received his MS and PhD degrees from the University of Bochum, Germany, and completed his post-doctoral training at the University of California Los Angeles in basic and applied plasma physics. His present research interests include the physics of the low-to high confinement (L-H) transition, plasma transport in fusion-relevant electron-heat-dominated plasmas, plasma stability and confinement in Field-Reversed Configurations, and transport model validation. He has led the L-H transition topical research area at the DIII-D tokamak, and has launched synergistic experimental and modeling/simulation initiatives involving several toroidal confinement devices. He has also pioneered the development of advanced plasma diagnostics, such as microwave Doppler Backscattering and Correlation Electron Cyclotron Emission, fast reciprocating probes, and techniques based on Laser-Induced Fluorescence, and has significant expertise in plasma edge physics including fluid modeling, development of innovative divertor concepts, and plasma detachment. |

Dr Carlos Hidalgo, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT, Spain

Dr Carlos Hidalgo, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT, Spain
Dr Hidalgo holds a PhD in Physics, based on his research on structural defects in solids using positron annihilation spectroscopy, obtained at Madrid Complutense University in 1984. His next area of research was related to plasma turbulence, transport and plasma diagnostics. He is currently leading the Experimental Plasma Physics Division at the Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión / CIEMAT. He has worked in different international laboratories, initially as a PhD student [Technical University of Denmark, Nuclear Research Centre of Grenoble, Technical University of Helsinki] and later as visiting scientist [Fusion Centre at the University of Austin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Joint European Torus, Max Planck Institute, National Institute Fusion Studies, Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP)]. He is author of more than 250 peer-reviewed publications on solid-state and plasma physics.
09:00 - 09:45 |
The road to pedestal tailoring at ASDEX Upgrade
This work gives an overview of recent investigations at ASDEX Upgrade that show our current understanding of the transport mechanisms in the pedestal and how transport and stability in this narrow region can be influenced. For electron heat transport a constant temperature gradient length hints towards a local small scale turbulent transport mechanism. The ion heat transport is close to neoclassical values, however in some cases this only holds in the central part of the pedestal with deviations at the pedestal top and foot. The shape and position of the edge density profile are key to both stability and transport and remains the parameter which can be most varied in the pedestal. In the team's search for a scenario without large edge localised modes, ballooning modes can be driven unstable at the pedestal foot. Careful balance of the drive and stabilising terms allows the pedestal to be tailored such that the global peeling-ballooning stability limit is not breached. Another globally stable regime is achieved with strong nitrogen seeding, leading to the formation of an X-point radiator. These two ELM-free regimes are important research topics for the extrapolation to larger devices. ![]() Professor Elisabeth Wolfrum, Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics, Germany
![]() Professor Elisabeth Wolfrum, Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics, GermanyElisabeth Wolfrum completed her diploma studies in technical physics and her doctoral studies at the Technical University in Vienna/Austria and received her doctorate with distinction in 1991 with a thesis on the diagnostics of fusion plasmas. Her postdoc years she spent at the Jülich research center (Germany), the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK) and the University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory (UK). In 2000, she took up a position as Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP), Garching/Germany, where she has since been working on magnetically confined nuclear fusion plasmas, with a special emphasis on the plasma edge, its diagnostics, its transport and stability. Currently, she leads a research group on plasma edge physics at IPP, lectures at the Technical University in Vienna, and is a member of the board of editors of Nuclear Fusion and a member of the FuseNet Academic Council. |
09:45 - 10:30 |
Influence of the plasma configuration on the L-H transition in TCV
The H-mode, with its improved confinement characteristics, is considered as the operational regime in the baseline scenario for ITER. The heating power flowing through the plasma separatrix is considered to be the main parameter that controls the access to the H-mode. Thorough analyses of international databases revealed an overall dependence of the required power on the plasma density, toroidal magnetic field and plasma size. However, the data fits the obtained scalings with a large scatter, indicating the importance of other parameters. The TCV tokamak, with its extreme plasma shaping capability is perfectly suited to explore the accessibility of the H-mode as a function of the plasma configuration. In particular, the impact of the plasma-wall distance on the threshold power has been intensively studied and showed a decrease of the threshold power by up to a factor of two when reducing the X-point height by three quarters. In a similar way, changes in the flux expansion or other parameters describing the magnetic field configuration in the divertor region also induce significant changes in the required power. In contrast, the installation of baffles separating the divertor region from the main plasma does not impact the access to the H-mode. ![]() Dr Yves Martin, EPFL - Swiss Plasma Center, Switzerland
![]() Dr Yves Martin, EPFL - Swiss Plasma Center, SwitzerlandYves Martin obtained his PhD degree in 1992 at the EPFL with a thesis the pellet injection into the first tokamak of EPFL, the TCA. He then worked as post-doc at the General Atomics, San Diego, USA. He participated in the exploitation of the Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy on the DIII-D tokamak and wrote a code describing the ion orbit losses. Back in Switzerland, he became an operator of the new tokamak, TCV, of the Swiss Plasma Center of EPFL. In parallel, he studied L-mode to H-mode transitions, in particular the influence of the plasma ape and configuration on the threshold power and on the evolution of the discharge after the transition. He also studied H-mode confinement, including the different ELM regimes achievable when changing the plasma scenarios. Since a few years, he is deputy to the Director, and as such, deals with administrative and technical issues, while participating in the management of the Center. |
10:30 - 11:15 |
The self-organisation nature of a sheared plasma flow as it transitions between states
In tokamak plasmas, sheared flows perpendicular to the driving temperature gradients can strongly stabilise linear modes, leading to a subcritical configuration. For this bistable system, changes in the amplitude of fluctuations can lead to a transition between quiescent and turbulent states. At the transition between these two states, we find an unstable submanifold colloquially called 'the edge of chaos’. The type of structures supported on the edge of chaos impacts the transition and the self-organisation nature of sheared plasma flows. ![]() Dr Bogdan Teaca, University of Craiova, Romania
![]() Dr Bogdan Teaca, University of Craiova, RomaniaBogdan Teaca has obtained his PhD in 2010, jointly, from Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and University of Craiova, Romania. Postdoctoral researcher at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland between 2010 and 2012 and at Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Garching, Germany in 2013. Affiliate member of Max-Planck/Princeton Center for Plasma Physics from 2013 and Honorary Researcher at University of Craiova, Romania from 2016. His main research interests are related to the physics of turbulence, in both fluid and kinetic plasma, understanding its fundamental nature, developing mathematical and numerical models for practical applications and formulating a theoretical formalism that would be both rigorous and easy to understand. |
11:15 - 11:45 | Break |
11:45 - 12:30 |
Comparing pedestal structure in JET-ILW H-mode plasmas with a model for stiff ETG turbulent heat transport
Please view the abstract for the talk here (PDF). ![]() Dr Anthony Field, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, UK
![]() Dr Anthony Field, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, UKAfter obtaining a Physics BSc at Birmingham University ‘80-83, Anthony carried out PhD research through London University at UKAEA’s Culham Laboratory on HBTX-1A Reversed Field Pinch. A post-doctoral position at Max Planck’s IPP Garching followed from ’90-95, working on ASDEX(-U) on spectroscopic studies of H-mode and divertor physics. After a year teaching in NZ, Anthony returned to Culham, where he has worked since on experimental tokamak physics. A beam-emission diagnostic, designed to characterise ion-scale turbulence in MAST, was used for validation of gyrokinetic turbulence simulations, working with students from the Plasma Theory Group at Oxford. Anthony’s most recent studies on JET-ILW have focused on divertor detachment and stability, pedestal heat transport and the influence of W impurity radiation on the performance of ITER-relevant scenarios for high-power DT operation. Anthony has supervised numerous PhD projects and is a Member of Merton College, Oxford. His other interests include sailing and gardening. |
12:30 - 13:00 |
Access to the High Confinement Mode on ST40
Please view the abstract for the talk here (PDF). ![]() Dr Yasmin Andrew, Imperial College London, UK
![]() Dr Yasmin Andrew, Imperial College London, UKYasmin Andrew is a plasma physicist with over 25 years experience in magnetic confinement fusion research. She received her PhD from Imperial College London, followed by postdoctoral work at University of Wisconsin-Madison. From 2000–2010 she was the Responsible Officer for the Edge Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy diagnostic on the Joint European Torus (JET). Her specialisation is in experimental studies of the L-H transition, the edge or pedestal plasma and the H-mode in present day tokamaks. She has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and presentations in this area. Her current research includes ongoing international collaboration projects on ST40, DIII-D, MAST-U and JET machines. Yasmin Andrew is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and has been active in the energy, women in physics and regional branches and groups. |
13:00 - 13:30 |
New statistical method for the L-H transition
The need for a proper statistical theory for understanding fusion plasmas has grown significantly, with experiments and simulations revealing ample evidence for non-Gaussian fluctuations, anomalous transport, or intermittency. The latter questions the validity of the mean-field-type theory based on small Gaussian fluctuations, necessitating the calculation of an entire probability density function (PDF). In this paper, the researchers show the importance of intermittency and time-dependent PDF approach in the Low-to-High confinement mode (L-H) transition. ![]() Professor Eun-jin Kim, Coventry University, UK
![]() Professor Eun-jin Kim, Coventry University, UKEun-jin Kim (Dr, Professor) Dr Kim obtained her BSc in Physics from Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, and PhD in Physics from the University of Chicago, USA. She held postdoctoral positions at the Universities of Leeds and Exeter in UK, High-Altitude Observatory in Boulder, USA and University of California, San Diego, USA and was an Associate Professor at the University of Sheffield, UK. Professor Kim is currently a Professor in Physics and Applied Mathematics at Coventry University, UK. She is interested in complexity, self-organisation and non-equilibrium processes, and has a track record in multidisciplinary research, with applications to magnetically confined fusion and astrophysical plasmas and biosystems. |
13:30 - 13:35 | Closing remarks |