Forecasting natural and social systems

13 - 14 March 2023 09:00 - 17:00 The Royal Society Free Watch online
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Scientific discussion meeting organised by Professor Sebastian Funk, Professor Nicholas Reich, Professor Steven Riley and Professor Rachel Lowe.

Science is used to underpin forecasts of many types, but methodologies are often developed in isolation within respective disciplines. This meeting aimed to convene leading experts in forecasting across disciplines to discuss the predictability of different systems, to exchange expertise, and to identify common challenges and possible solutions.

The schedule of talks, speaker biographies and abstracts are available below.


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  • Rachel Lowe

    Professor Rachel Lowe, ICREA/Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

    Rachel Lowe is an ICREA Research Professor and Global Health Resilience Team Leader at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. She also holds a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Rachel’s research focuses on co-developing policy-relevant methodological solutions, to enhance surveillance, preparedness and response to climate-sensitive disease outbreaks and emergence. She has published high impact research on integrating seasonal climate forecasts in early warning systems for infectious diseases in Latin America, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia. Rachel is the Director of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change in Europe. She is a member of the World Meteorological Organization COVID-19 research task team and was a contributing author of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (WGII) chapter on risks across sectors and regions.

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    Dr Nicholas Reich, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA

  • Sebastian Funk

    Professor Sebastian Funk, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

    Sebastian Funk is a Professor of Infectious Disease Dynamics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow. His work focuses on statistical and mathematical models of infectious disease dynamics, and particularly the application to ongoing outbreaks. He has worked with numerous national and international agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) and Public Health England (PHE). He leads the EpiForecast group at which produces real-time modelling of infectious disease outbreaks in collaboration with public health decision makers.

  • Steven Riley

    Professor Steven Riley, UK Health Security Agency, United Kingdom

    Steven is an infectious disease scientist currently working in the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). His group leads on improving how data, analytics and surveillance are used in the agency. Outside of UKHSA his personal research interests are in the use of models, epi and field work to better understand respiratory viruses. During the COVID-19 pandemic he was part of the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza - Modelling committee (SPI-M) and the REal-time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT) team.



Rachel Lowe

Professor Rachel Lowe, ICREA/Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

09:00-09:05 Introduction by the Royal Society and lead organiser
09:05-09:30 An interpretable machine learning workflow with an application to economic forecasting

Andreas Joseph will discuss a generic workflow for the use of machine learning models to inform decision making and to communicate modelling results with stakeholders. It involves three steps: (1) a comparative model evaluation, (2) a feature importance analysis and (3) statistical inference based on Shapley value decompositions. Joseph will cover the different steps of the workflow in detail and demonstrate each by forecasting changes in US unemployment one year ahead using the well-established FRED-MD dataset. He will also illustrate that universal function approximators from the machine learning literature, including gradient boosting and artificial neural networks, outperform more conventional linear models. This better performance is associated with greater flexibility, allowing the machine learning models to account for time-varying and nonlinear relationships in the data generating process. The Shapley value decomposition identifies economically meaningful nonlinearities learned by the models. Shapley regressions for statistical inference on machine learning models enable us to assess and communicate variable importance akin to conventional econometric approaches. While Joseph will also explore high-dimensional models, he will suggest that the best trade-off between interpretability and performance of the models is achieved when a small set of variables is selected by domain experts.

Dr Andreas Joseph, Bank of England, UK

Dr Andreas Joseph, Bank of England, UK

09:30-09:40 Discussion
09:40-10:05 Persons, situations, and time: personalised behavioural forecasting

A longstanding goal of psychology is to predict or forecast the things people do and feel. Despite this, tools to accurately predict future behaviours and experiences have remained elusive. Dr Beck’s work indicates that one reason behavioural forecasting models may fail is the assumption that people should share psychological and situational antecedents of the same behaviours and experiences. In this talk, Dr Beck will present research from two different studies of younger and older adults to highlight the utility of person-specific machine learning methods. Using intensive longitudinal data and three machine learning forecasting approaches, she investigated the degree to which several behaviours and experiences (eg, loneliness, procrastination, physical pain) could be predicted from past psychological (ie personality and affective states), situational (ie objective situations and psychological situation cues), and time (ie trends, diurnal cycles, time of day, and day of the week) phenomena from a person-specific perspective. Rather than pitting persons against situations, such an approach allows psychological phenomena, situations, and time to jointly predict future behaviour and experiences. Dr Beck found (1) a striking degree of prediction accuracy across participants, (2) that most participants’ future behaviours are predicted by both person and situation features, and (3) that the most important features vary greatly across people. She concluded with future directions and challenges in psychological and behavioural forecasting.

Dr Emorie D Beck, University of California, Davis, USA

Dr Emorie D Beck, University of California, Davis, USA

10:05-10:15 Discussion
10:15-10:45 Break
10:45-11:10 Application and validation of forecasting principles for election forecasting was launched in 2004 as a long-term project to demonstrate the value of forecasting principles, derived from the general forecasting literature, by applying them to the high-profile task of forecasting major elections in the United States, Germany, and France. As part of this project, Professor Graefe provided empirical evidence on the relative predictive accuracy of different forecasting methods (ie, intention-based polling, expectations-based judgment, and model-based forecasts). The evidence shows that a method’s past accuracy is a poor predictor of future accuracy, and that it is difficult to assess the direction of forecasting error a priori, let alone identify the most accurate forecast prior to the event. The data further shows that combining forecasts across different methods that incorporate different information yields substantial gains in accuracy and avoids large errors. Many of the lessons learned from nearly twenty years of election forecasting have implications for improving forecasting in other domains.

Professor Andreas Graefe, Macromedia University, Munich, Germany

Professor Andreas Graefe, Macromedia University, Munich, Germany

11:10-11:20 Discussion
11:20-11:45 Translating climate forecasts into models for humanitarian anticipatory action

In the past few years, humanitarian organisations have been exploring the potentials of anticipatory action, where scientific forecasts are used to trigger pre-agreed financing and action ahead of devastating climate shocks from floods to drought. These frameworks build upon existing climate models, such as seasonal tercile forecasts or global flood models, to predict when the worst shocks are expected to occur and act accordingly. However, applying models of climate phenomena with varying forecast outputs, lead times, uncertainty, or forecasting periods to forecast humanitarian impact presents numerous hurdles. The UN OCHA Centre for Humanitarian has been working to understand and overcome these challenges in our anticipatory action pilots. Through the collection of impact data or proxies, the validation of climate models’ performance in predicting impacts, and the development of simple frameworks around these models for decision makers, the Centre is developing or has implemented pilots in 14 countries for multiple different shocks. This talk will give an overview of the Centre’s approach in these pilots to translate climate science into actionable analysis for humanitarian decision makers. It will particularly cover the technical issues faced when validating model performance and how this performance and the uncertainty around it is communicated to decision makers. It will finish with a discussion on the open questions the Centre is currently working on as the humanitarian anticipatory action agenda continues to grow.

Mr Seth Caldwell, United Nations, USA

Mr Seth Caldwell, United Nations, USA

11:45-11:55 Discussion
11:55-12:20 How to improve the accuracy of human forecasts for geopolitical events

People often make mistakes, sometimes quite serious, when they try to predict the future. Examples include international politics, financial investments, public policies, and medical diagnoses. Past psychological research shows that human predictions are often worse than very simple mathematical rules or algorithms, although predictions based on more sophisticated techniques are now gaining some traction. The Intelligence Community needed predictions of global events, so IARPA (the research wing of the US Intelligence Community) conducted a series of geopolitical forecasting tournaments in which the team at the University of Pennsylvania competed with other university teams. Questions covered a wide range of topics, including events the Syrian civil war, the Russian invasion in Crimea and whether French or Swiss inquiries would find elevated polonium in Yasser Arafat's body. IARPA defined predictive success as the Brier scoring rule. All the teams, using the same scoring rule, were given the same questions during the same period, so science could proceed at a rapid pace. The team at the University of Pennsylvania won the tournaments by a wide margin each year for four years. Five drivers accounted for our success. They included: identifying forecasting talent; training forecasters in probabilistic reasoning; placing forecasters in teams rather than having them work alone; tracking them by putting the best forecasters on the same teams; and aggregating forecasts using simple new algorithms. Human forecasts could be predicted with a surprising degree of accuracy when predictions were viewed from multiple perspectives, including psychological, economic, political, and statistical standpoints.

Professor Barbara Mellers, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Professor Barbara Mellers, University of Pennsylvania, USA

12:20-12:30 Discussion


Steven Riley

Professor Steven Riley, UK Health Security Agency, United Kingdom

13:30-13:55 Forecasting in demography

Forecasting exercises in demography attempt to answer questions related to human populations. Example questions range from big general ones such as “How many people will there be globally in 2100?” to questions that are focused on smaller populations and specific indicators like “What will be the change in adolescent birth rates in a specific subnational area between now and 2030?”. Often, due to data limitations, nowcasting of demographic indicators is necessary for producing forecasts, and estimates of current levels and past trends are of interest in their own right. Examples include estimation of abortion rates currently in countries where abortions are illegal, or the assessment of past trends in maternal mortality in low-income countries without well-functioning registration systems. Typically, uncertainty associated with past trends and future predictions is substantial and needs to be taken into account when interpreting results. In this talk, Professor Alkema will introduce the use of Bayesian statistical modelling approaches to nowcasting and forecasting in demography. Illustrated by examples in the area of family planning, reproductive health, and fertility, she will present general modelling challenges for producing nowcasts and forecasts, and common features of Bayesian statistical models that overcome these challenges. Professor Alkema will end with some comments related to ongoing and future research in statistical demography to improve the quality and utility of model-based nowcasts and forecasts. 

Professor Leontine Alkema, University of Massachusetts, USA

Professor Leontine Alkema, University of Massachusetts, USA

13:55-14:05 Discussion
14:05-14:30 Flood forecasting and its impact on making decisions that reduce risks

Floods are major natural disasters that can be responsible for life losses and severe economic damages. Flood forecasting and early warning systems are needed to anticipate the arrival of these events and mitigate their impacts. Flood impacts are in great part related to changes in societal vulnerability, such as increased exposure to extreme events and increased density of risk-prone urbanised areas. Climate change is also likely playing a role in increasing flood risk, by exacerbating the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events. When forecasting floods, these two factors must be considered: the weather, and the characteristics of the river basin. Understanding and tackling the many uncertainties that affect our ability to foresee when and where a flood event will occur, and how strong it will be, from the atmospheric to the land and river conditions, is important to inform decision-makers, civil protection authorities and the population at risk. We often assume that supplied with information, people will take better risk-based decisions. However, the efficient communication of uncertain flood forecasts also requires understanding how forecast information is perceived and used in real time. New technologies and data have been increasingly used to achieve more accurate, timely and reliable flood forecasts and better predict their impacts. Lessons learned from past flood events have shown that we can still improve our ability to communicate and act based on uncertain flood forecasts, by increasing anticipation and confidence in the forecasts. 

Dr Maria-Helena Ramos, INRAE, France

Dr Maria-Helena Ramos, INRAE, France

14:30-14:40 Discussion
14:40-15:10 Break
15:10-15:35 The science of earthquake forecasting

Earthquakes are emergent phenomena, arising in complex fault systems where tectonic stresses cause spontaneous ruptures across a vast range of spatiotemporal scales. The complexity of such systems requires that forecasting models treat seismic activity as a stochastic process. An earthquake forecast estimates the probability that a future earthquake greater than a certain magnitude will occur in specified space-time window. The most common type of forecast, widely used in seismic hazard analysis, is the time-independent Poisson model, which assumes earthquakes occur randomly in time with spatially variable magnitude-frequency distributions but stationary rates. Forecasts can be improved by introducing time-dependent probabilities that account past seismic activity. On long time scales of decades to centuries, earthquake activity is modulated by the accumulation and release of stress on major faults, which can be modelled as a Reid renewal process. On short time scales of days to months, earthquake sequences show clustering in space and time, as indicated by aftershock activity, which can be described by a Hawkes self-exciting process. Long-term forecasts, such as the US National Seismic Hazard Model, are currently the most important forecasting tools for civil protection against earthquake damage, because they guide the seismic safety provisions of building codes and performance-based design. Properly applied, short-term forecasts have operational utility in anticipating the increased seismicity that follows large earthquakes; however, while the short-term probabilities of large, potentially damaging earthquakes can vary over several orders of magnitude, they typically remain low in an absolute sense (< 1% per day). Translating such low-probability forecasts into effective decision-making is a difficult challenge.

Professor Thomas Jordan, University of Southern California, USA

Professor Thomas Jordan, University of Southern California, USA

15:35-15:45 Discussion
15:45-16:10 Wildland fire prediction

Wildland fires are dynamic, complex events that generate transient phenomena including fire whirls, blow-ups, bursts of flame ahead of the fire line, deep thunderstorms, and wind speeds among atmospheric extremes. Public fire spread predictions are not yet a standard forecast product and, despite emergency alert systems and improving weather forecasts, communities may be tragically unprepared for complex and explosive fire behaviour. Fire behaviour models have been developed and applied since the 1970s. Early models – steady-state kinematic formulae or empirical relationships based on theory, laboratory fire beds, or small-scale prescribed fire experiments – were primarily used to estimate a fire’s rate of expansion. Ad hoc calibration prolonged their use though recent years. As complexities of wildfire behaviour became recognised, models evolved from simple algorithms to computational fluid dynamics modelling systems, where fluid or weather models are coupled to algorithms parameterising fire behaviour or combustion processes. Compared to legacy tools, computational modelling systems increase cost and complexity but have produced breakthrough understanding of the mechanisms underlying outlier wildfire events such as fine-scale extreme winds that can draw ignitions from the electric grid and the production of fire-induced winds. When combined with remotely sensed active fire detection data, coupled weather-fire models have been configured to not only forecast a fire’s growth but expand our ability to anticipate when fires may bifurcate, merge, or change directions, and currently broach prediction of phenomena like large firenadoes. Coen will discuss case studies of recent extreme events and the challenges and limitations in our remote sensing systems, fire prediction tools, and meteorological models that add to wildfires’ mystery and apparent unpredictability.

Dr Janice Coen, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA

Dr Janice Coen, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA

16:10-16:20 Discussion
16:20-16:45 Using physical modelling to assess natural hazard risks

Most extant assessments of long-term risks of weather hazards rely mostly or entirely on historical records. In many cases, such records are too short to capture the all-important tail risks and are often seriously flawed owing to inadequate measurements. Moreover, even if there were excellent and long records of weather hazards, the application of such records to assessment of current risks would be seriously compromised by climate change that has already occurred. For this reason, Emanuel advocates for the application of computational weather models to long term risks and, in his talk, will discuss such an application to the specific risks posed by tropical cyclones. The main challenge posed by the application of computational models to long-term risk is the need of enough computer power to simultaneously resolve the phenomena in question and run the model for approximately 1,000 years of simulated time to define the all-important 100-year events. Emanuel will discuss how this challenge can be addressed through a deep understanding of the physics of the weather hazards.

Emeritus Professor Kerry Emanuel ForMemRS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Emeritus Professor Kerry Emanuel ForMemRS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

16:45-17:00 Discussion


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Dr Nicholas Reich, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA

09:00-09:25 The power of collaborative hubs for infectious disease

Drawing from her experience with the Ebola Forecasting Challenge and the COVID19 Scenario Modeling Hub, Dr Viboud will illustrate how collaborative and coordinated modeling hubs can help guide the response to infectious disease crises. She will also reflect on differences in the application and evaluation of short-term forecasts and long-term scenario projections. The Ebola Forecasting Challenge was inspired by the West African Ebola crisis in 2014-2015 and was the first synthetic challenge applied to infectious disease. The challenge ran during 2016-2017 and involved 16 international academic teams and US government agencies; the goals were to compare the predictive performance of 8 independent modeling approaches under different levels of interventions and "fog of war" in outbreak data. The COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub was created in December 2020 to provide multiple rounds of real-time, long-term scenario projections in the US for health authorities and the public. Notably, scenario hub projections were used to guide the expansion of the primary COVID-19 vaccine schedule to school-age children in 2021, and booster recommendations in autumn 2022. In August 2022, she helped to launch the companion Flu Scenario Modeling Hub.

Dr Cecile Viboud, National Institutes of Health, USA

Dr Cecile Viboud, National Institutes of Health, USA

09:25-09:35 Discussion
09:35-10:00 Forecasting ecology in a changing world

What is ecological forecasting and why do it? This talk will introduce the idea of near-term iterative ecological forecasting, which is the process of making probabilistic, out-of-sample predictions of ecological processes and then testing and updating those predictions as new information becomes available.  Professor Dietze will then explain how this approach is a potential win-win for accelerating science, addressing discipline-spanning questions about ecological predictability, and making ecology both more robust and more directly relevant to societal needs. He will discuss the challenges and opportunities in iterative ecological forecasting and highlight ongoing efforts to build an ecological forecasting community of practice. He will draw on examples from a wide range of ecological processes, including carbon monitoring, land-surface fluxes, the soil microbiome, vegetation phenology, freshwater resources, and tick-borne disease. Finally, Professor Dietze will touch on the efforts of the Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI) to build a community of practice and EFI’s ongoing NEON forecasting challenge.

Professor Michael Dietze, Boston University, USA

Professor Michael Dietze, Boston University, USA

10:00-10:10 Discussion
10:10-10:40 Break
10:40-11:05 Evaluation and communication of climate-sensitive disease risk forecasts

Extreme climatic events, such as tropical storms, floods, and droughts, can impact the timing and intensity of climate-sensitive disease outbreaks, including dengue, malaria, and leptospirosis. For example, Aedes mosquitoes vector thrives in warm and humid conditions with rainfall increasing the number of outdoor breeding sites. However, drought conditions can also promote breeding, due to an increase in water storage containers in and around the home. In this session, Professor Lowe will present a Bayesian mixed-model framework, which quantifies the extent to which climatic, environmental, and socio-economic indicators explain spatial and interannual variations in disease risk. The framework is designed to provide probabilistic predictions of monthly disease incidence and the probability of exceeding outbreak thresholds, which are determined in consultation with public health stakeholders. This disease model framework, combined with seasonal climate forecasts, has been successfully applied to produce real-time probabilistic dengue early warnings in Brazil, southern coastal Ecuador, and Vietnam. The model framework was recently extended to account for delayed and nonlinear impacts of drought and extreme rainfall on dengue risk in Barbados and across Brazil and Vietnam, showing that the impact of drought is exacerbated in urban areas due to interrupted water supply. Incorporating seasonal climate forecasts in disease early warning systems can trigger action plans to support public health decision-makers in targeting timely disease control and prevention strategies months in advance, to mitigate the risk of imminent disease epidemics and emerging disease threats.

Professor Rachel Lowe, ICREA/Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

Professor Rachel Lowe, ICREA/Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

11:05-11:15 Discussion
11:15-11:40 Predictability of influenza virus evolution

Seasonal influenza viruses repeatedly infect humans in part because they rapidly change their antigenic properties and evade host immune responses, necessitating frequent updates of the vaccine composition. Accurate predictions of strains circulating in the future could therefore improve the vaccine match and predicting influenza virus evolution has been an active area of research over the past decades. However, accurate predictions with time horizons beyond 6 months have remained elusive. I will discuss these challenges and the underlying features of influenza immunology and evolution that limit predictability. Similar challenges will likely emerge when predicting the success of SARS-CoV-2 variants.

Professor Richard Neher, University of Basel, Switzerland

Professor Richard Neher, University of Basel, Switzerland

11:40-11:50 Discussion
11:50-12:15 Forecasting bird migration for science and conservation

Billions of birds cross the globe each year during seasonal migrations. Migratory birds face an increasing array of challenges in our modern world, and their populations have declined precipitously in the last half-century. In the United States, forecasts of bird migration are becoming important tools for ameliorating direct sources of mortality (eg, bird-building collisions), directing science, engaging stakeholders, and raising public awareness. Migration forecasts are based on machine learning models that use atmospheric conditions to predict the intensity of nightly migratory flights. These models are trained on over two decades of observational data from a large network of meteorological radars, which can detect large-scale bird migration. Forecast performance degrades with increasing time horizon, but migration forecasts are effective several days in advance. Through the BirdCast website, we provide daily continental forecasts and targeted local alerts. An important application of migration forecasts is the selective reduction of light pollution during nights with intense bird migration, as light pollution attracts migrating birds and greatly increases collision risk. A variety of ‘lights-out’ coalitions across the US utilise migration forecasts to make decisions about when to turn off lights to protect migrating birds. Future work on will focus on improving the temporal and spatial resolution of predictions, incorporating birds’ stopover behaviour, and tuning predictions for particular use cases (eg, directly forecasting collision risk).

Dr Benjamin Van Doren, Cornell University, USA

Dr Benjamin Van Doren, Cornell University, USA

12:15-12:30 Discussion


Cecile Viboud

Dr Cecile Viboud, National Institutes of Health, USA

13:30-13:55 From weather to climate predictions

The changing nature of weather and climate has increased the need for predictive thinking in the assessment and handling of climate risk. In this talk, Dr Thorarinsdottir will discuss some contributions that statistics and machine learning provide to the assessment of near-future climate risk with applications in a range of sectors. She will, in particular, focus on the predictability of weather and climate, efforts to push the limits of climate prediction, the importance of uncertainty quantification and model evaluation.

Dr Thordis Thorarinsdottir, Norwegian Computing Center, Norway

Dr Thordis Thorarinsdottir, Norwegian Computing Center, Norway

13:55-14:05 Discussion
14:05-14:30 From weather to climate forecasting

Weather forecasts are issued routinely by national meteorological agencies around the world and checking the latest forecast on our favourite apps is for many of us a part of daily life. Dr Weisheimer has the privilege to jointly work in a world-leading operation weather prediction centre and carry out research on the predictability of our weather and climate from an academic perspective. In this talk, she will give a brief conceptual overview of how the forecasts that we see in public are produced, how quantitative statements including probabilities are derived, and how weather forecasts are evaluated under critical scrutiny on a constant basis using a wide range of quantifiable performance measures for skill and reliability. From there, Dr Weisheimer will introduce the concept of seamless weather and climate prediction that leads us to seasonal forecasts, i.e., predictions of the climate system for the next winter and summer. The scientific foundations for predictions over such long-time horizons will be explained, typical forecast products presented, and recent examples given. Historical retrospective forecasts where the observed outcome is known are used to calibrate real-time forecasts and provide crucial data sets for skill evaluation. In the last part of the talk, challenges for improving confidence in climate forecasts will be addressed. These originate from deficiencies in the realism of our physical forecast models to represent the full complexity of the system, but are also related to non-stationarity and signal-to-noise characteristics of the climatic states.

Dr Antje Weisheimer, University of Oxford & European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), UK

Dr Antje Weisheimer, University of Oxford & European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), UK

14:30-14:40 Discussion
14:40-15:10 Break
15:10-15:35 Building and improving VIEWS, a political violence early-warning system

The Violence Early-Warning System (VIEWS) seeks to forecast the number of fatalities armed conflicts in Africa and the Middle East, at the country level as well as for a 0.5 x 0.5-degree geographical grid. Professor Hegre will present how VIEWS is constructed, sketching the main methodological choices, summarise its performance, and survey the main challenges ahead. VIEWS performs well for the established conflict situations that account for the vast majority of deaths in armed conflict. In order to improve further, he will argue that armed conflict forecasts must strengthen its handling of uncertainty. In addition to discussing the uncertainty at the core of violent decision-making itself, Professor Hegre will discuss a number of more technical sources, such as imprecision in what we know about armed conflicts in the past and other core predictors, statistical uncertainty, uncertainty about what are the best model specifications, and uncertainty in the metrics we use to evaluate, select, and weight models.

Professor Håvard Hegre, Uppsala University, Sweden

Professor Håvard Hegre, Uppsala University, Sweden

15:35-15:45 Discussion
15:45-16:10 Physcially-based probability forecasting of weather and applications in social science

Weather forecasting is based on physical science, using a numerical model of the atmosphere, initiated using the latest observations, to simulate the future evolution of the atmosphere and produce a forecast. Uncertainty is inherent to the process, not just because of the complexity of the system, but because the atmosphere is a chaotic system. Chaos places fundamental limits on predictability. Ensemble forecasting, using multiple forecasts from perturbed initial states, has been developed to extract the maximum predictability amidst the chaos, to understand the uncertainty in each forecast and generate probabilistic forecast information. Ultimately, however, weather forecasts are of no use to society unless they are used to drive decision-making. This requires social science techniques to communicate the forecast to the public and decision-makers in ways which make the physical science relevant, supporting a risk-based decision approach. This has led to the development of a Value Chain approach to the development of forecast services which is now widely used around the world, in which the physical forecasting of the weather and its uncertainty is only the first step. A good example is the UK National Severe Weather Warning Service which is based on a risk matrix depending on both the potential level of societal impact expected from an event and the likelihood of those impacts occurring. Timeliness and effective communication of the warning message are also vital if the warning is to be acted upon and society and assets protected from the impacts of the weather.

Mr Ken Mylne, Met Office

Mr Ken Mylne, Met Office

16:10-16:20 Discussion
16:20-17:00 Panel discussion