Causes and consequences of stochastic processes in development and disease

Scientific discussion meeting organised by Dr Dagan Jenkins, Dr Gabriel Galea and Professor Jonathan Chubb.
Stochastic processes impact upon many areas of biology. This phenomenon has recently become a research discipline in its own right owing to technological advances in DNA sequencing, single molecule and single cell methodologies, genetic engineering and mathematical modelling. Investigating stochastic processes requires a multidisciplinary approach, and this meeting brought together scientists from disparate areas to promote dialogue between them.
The schedule of talks and speaker biographies are available below. Meeting papers will be published in a future issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
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Dr Gabriel Galea, UCL, UK

Dr Gabriel Galea, UCL, UK
Dr Galea is a principal research fellow at the UCL GOS Institute of Child Health leading research which aims to improve prediction, prevention and patient outcomes for individuals affected by Neural Tube Defects such as spina bifida. His previous work identified mechanisms by which embryonic cells achieve neural tube morphogenesis through coordinated force-generating behaviours such as apical constriction enhanced by Wnt/Planar cell polarity signalling. The group’s recent interests have focused on mechanisms by which stochastically acquired somatic mutations in mosaic subsets of embryonic cells can disproportionately impair neural tube development.
09:00-09:05 |
09:05-09:30 |
Dynamic control of cell state transitions
Cell state transitions are a fundamental backbone of biological systems. Cells often need to change properties and acquire new identities: whether it is a pluripotent cell differentiating towards a given germ layer in the early embryo, an adult stem cell dividing and specialising to replace damaged cells and maintain tissue function, or a cell becoming migratory and leaving its niche. Dysregulation of cell state transitions is also associated with various diseases, from developmental disorders to cancer. Often the transition between distinct cell states is abrupt, with sharp boundaries separating one state from another. However, it remains unclear how biological systems generate such boundaries, and how sharp transition dynamics can arise from continuous transcriptional changes. Dr Mulas will discuss the evidence for a role of differential protein translation in the control of cell state transitions dynamics both in embryonic development and in adult homeostatic tissues. ![]() Dr Carla Mulas, Altos Labs, Cambridge Institute, UK
![]() Dr Carla Mulas, Altos Labs, Cambridge Institute, UKCarla trained as a Biochemist before completing her PhD at the University of Cambridge in Stem Cell Biology. Her research has focused on studying cell state transitions, using mouse embryonic stem cells as a model system. In 2021, Carla was appointed a King’s Prize Fellow at King’s College London to start her lab, before moving in 2022 to the newly established Altos Labs, Cambridge Institute as a Principal Scientist with Kevin Chalut. Her research focus has shifted to studying cell state transitions in adult stem and progenitor systems in homeostasis, disease and ageing. |
09:30-09:45 |
09:45-10:15 |
The cardiac cell atlas: the developing and adult heart one cell at a time
Single-cell resolution profiling of gene expression and chromatin accessibility are powerful tools to study cellular diversity, interactivity and trajectories in health, development and disease. The additional dimension of spatial transcriptomics allows us map cell types defined in single-cell data to their native tissue microarchitecture and resolve niches of interacting cells. This presentation will showcase a series of biological insights gained during the construction of adult and foetal cardiac cells atlases using these modalities. ![]() Dr James Cranley, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK
![]() Dr James Cranley, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UKJames Cranley is a cardiologist clinician-researcher based in Cambridge, UK. James joined the Teichmann group in 2020 to pursue a Wellcome Trust doctoral fellowship. Prior to that he received his medical degree from Oxford University before undertaking a NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship. He uses single-cell sequencing to characterise the cellulome of the human heart in both adult and foetal stages. |
10:15-10:30 |
10:30-11:00 |
11:00-11:30 |
Multimodal perception links cellular state to decision making in single cells
Contextual decision making by individual cells in a collective is a hallmark of multicellular systems. To achieve context-aware behaviour, individual cells must integrate the input they receive from growth factors with the complexity of information of their physicochemical state and their microenvironment (cellular state). Cells perceive this through intracellular signalling networks, but individual signalling nodes are thought to have low information processing capacity, reflected in their heterogenous responses to growth factor stimulation. Dr Kramer instead hypothesised that heterogenous responses of individual signalling nodes do not reflect low information processing capacity but reflect adaptive, cellular state-dependent, information processing. When considered holistically, as a multimodal percept, activation across the whole network could provide single cells with sufficient information to enable accurate contextual decision making. To test this, Dr Kramer and his group utilised EGF stimulation, combined with multiplexed (40-plex), imaging-based quantification to generate comprehensive single-cell data mapping the signalling responses across the EGFR pathway and cellular states in millions of individual cells. They find that signalling nodes in networks indeed display deterministic and adaptive cellular state-dependent information processing, which leads to heterogeneous growth factor responses and enables nodes to capture non-redundant information about the cellular state. Collectively, as a multimodal percept, activation across the network reflects the diversity of cellular states in cell populations. They further find that this multimodal percept accurately reflects varying input concentrations of EGF. Lastly, they find that multimodal perception links the cellular state to the heterogenous decision of single cells to re-enter the cell cycle or stay quiescent after exposure of EGF. ![]() Dr Bernhard Kramer, University of Zurich, Switzerland
![]() Dr Bernhard Kramer, University of Zurich, SwitzerlandBernhard received his master’s degree from the University of Heidelberg in Systems Biology. His master thesis was conducted in the lab of Peter Sorger at Harvard Medical School. There he studied how different aspects of non-oscillatory pulsatile translocation of a transcription factor reflects the integration of multiple kinases. For his PhD he joined the lab of Lucas Pelkmans at University of Zurich. There he focused on elucidating which aspects, and to which extent, the heterogeneity in signalling responses of single cells is of proximate stochastic or deterministic origin. Furthermore, he investigated how information in a system under inherent stochastic restraints can be faithfully transmitted to allow coordinated and complex multicellular behaviour and was awarded his PhD for that work. |
11:30-11:45 |
11:45-12:15 |
Modelling the dynamics of development with time-resolved transcriptomics
Recent advances in single-cell transcriptome assays, such as RNA velocity and metabolic labelling, provide temporal information into the dynamics of gene expression. This promises to offer insight into mechanisms driving cell state transitions and developmental fate acquisition. However, current methods have experimental limitations and computational caveats that restrict their utility. Here, Rory Maizels presents an integrated pipeline for dynamical modelling of gene expression from single-cell data. He has developed an optimised, automated protocol for single-cell RNA-sequencing with metabolic labelling, which provides substantial improvements on previous protocols, enabling the collection of high-quality temporal transcriptome profiles in over ten thousand cells per experiment. Alongside this, he has developed a deep learning approach for inferring the transcriptional dynamics of a system within the latent space of a variational autoencoder model. By incorporating neighbourhood information into the learning process, Rory will demonstrate how the solution space for a cell’s dynamics can be constrained based on the distribution of its local data manifold. In doing so, he finds his method outperforms current velocity inference methods, tested in quantitative benchmarking. With the improved velocity inference, Rory will discuss how learnt dynamics can be embedded into a neural stochastic differential equation system within the latent space, allowing probabilistic simulations of cellular behaviour. Applying this to a dataset collected from neuronal differentiation, he will show how dynamical aspects, such as the decision boundaries between bifurcating fates and the time-directed correlations between key genes, can capture and provide a step towards quantitative modelling from single cell data. ![]() Mr Rory Maizels, Briscoe Laboratory, Francis Crick Institute, UK
![]() Mr Rory Maizels, Briscoe Laboratory, Francis Crick Institute, UKRory is a fourth year PhD student in the lab of James Briscoe at the Francis Crick Institute. He studied Cell & Systems biology at the University of Oxford, where he became interested in the regulatory control of cell behaviour and tissue patterning. Following a year in the lab of Rob de Bruin at the UCL’s LMCB, he then accepted a Frank Knox Fellowship to study Computational Science and Engineering at Harvard University, focussing on deep learning and generative modelling approaches. At the Crick, he splits his time between his lab bench, where he has been tinkering with custom sequencing protocols, and his laptop, where he is working on machine learning methods that can facilitate mathematical modelling from genomics data. His goal is to apply this work to find new ways to study the dynamics driving tissue formation in the developing central nervous system. |
12:15-12:30 |

Dr Cristina Pina, Brunel University London, UK

Dr Cristina Pina, Brunel University London, UK
Cristina Pina is a Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at Brunel University London. Her research focuses on the contribution of non-genetic variability, and specifically transcriptional noise, to cell fate decisions and leukaemia evolution. Cristina studied and practised Medicine in Portugal, before deciding to switch careers to research. She did her DPhil in Oxford with Tariq Enver on transcriptional programming of cord blood haematopoietic stem cells. In her first post-doc at UCL, she pioneered the use of single-cell transcriptomics in the haematopoietic system to understand mechanisms of lineage decision. After a short post-doc in Cambridge with Brian Huntly on mouse models of leukaemia, Cristina gained a KKLF Intermediate Fellowship and a Leuka John Goldman Fellowship to launch her independent research. She moved to Brunel in 2019, where she combines research and teaching roles. Cristina is mother to two children.
13:30-14:00 |
Effects of cell cycle variability on stochastic gene expression in a population of cells
Many models of stochastic gene expression do not incorporate a cell cycle description. Dr Perez-Carrasco will show how this can be tackled analytically studying how mRNA fluctuations are influenced by DNA replication for a prescribed cell cycle duration stochasticity. Results show that omitting cell cycle details can introduce significant errors in the predicted mean and variance of gene expression for prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, reaching 25% error in the variance for mouse fibroblasts. Furthermore, he will show how population statistics differ from single cell trajectories making emphasis on the relevance of discerning self-organisation mechanisms from simple non-linearities. Dr Ruben Perez-Carrasco, University College London, UK
Dr Ruben Perez-Carrasco, University College London, UKRuben Perez-Carrasco is the Clifford fellow at the Mathematics Department of University College London. Interested in the dynamical mechanisms in control of cell fate decision, he makes use of mathematical tools from stochastic dynamical systems theory. His research focuses on understanding the spatiotemporal control of cell fate differentiation and patterning during neural development and gastrulation. He also distills and transfers these mechanisms to building synthetic circuits that allow for different dynamical traits in population of bacteria. In addition, he is the host of the science outreach podcast "En fase experimental". He is also an active member of the Equality and Diversity Committee as well as the Green Team of the Mathematics Department at UCL, that were recently bestowed on with an Athena SWAN Silver Award and the Gold Sustainability Award respectively. |
14:00-14:15 |
14:15-14:45 |
Quantifying how post-transcriptional noise and gene copy number variation bias transcriptional parameter inference from mRNA distributions
Transcriptional rates are often estimated by fitting the distribution of mature mRNA numbers measured using smFISH (single molecule fluorescence in situ hybridisation) with the distribution predicted by the telegraph model of gene expression, which defines two promoter states of activity and inactivity. However, fluctuations in mature mRNA numbers are strongly affected by processes downstream of transcription. In addition, the telegraph model assumes one gene copy but in experiments, cells may have two gene copies as cells replicate their genome during the cell cycle. While it is often presumed that post-transcriptional noise and gene copy number variation affect transcriptional parameter estimation, the size of the error introduced remains unclear. To address this issue, here we measure both mature and nascent mRNA distributions of GAL10 in yeast cells using smFISH and classify each cell according to its cell cycle phase. We infer transcriptional parameters from mature and nascent mRNA distributions, with and without accounting for cell cycle phase and compare the results to live-cell transcription measurements of the same gene. We find that: (i) correcting for cell cycle dynamics decreases the promoter switching rates and the initiation rate, and increases the fraction of time spent in the active state, as well as the burst size; (ii) additional correction for post-transcriptional noise leads to further increases in the burst size and to a large reduction in the errors in parameter estimation. Furthermore, we outline how to correctly adjust for measurement noise in smFISH due to uncertainty in transcription site localisation when introns cannot be labelled. Simulations with parameters estimated from nascent smFISH data, which is corrected for cell cycle phases and measurement noise, leads to autocorrelation functions that agree with those obtained from live-cell imaging. ![]() Professor Ramon Grima, University of Edinburgh, UK
![]() Professor Ramon Grima, University of Edinburgh, UKRamon Grima obtained his PhD from Arizona State University in 2005 and after two postdocs at Indiana University and Imperial College London, he took a lectureship position at the University of Edinburgh in 2008. He was promoted to Chair of Mathematical Biology in 2019. His group works on the development of analytical and computational methods to understand stochastic gene expression. |
14:45-15:00 |
15:00-15:30 |
15:30-16:00 |
Poster flash talk session
16:00-16:15 |
16:15-17:00 |
Poster session

Dr Jonathan Chubb, University College London, UK

Dr Jonathan Chubb, University College London, UK
09:00-09:30 |
The role of epigenomics, stochasticity and entropy in cancer development
Recent developments in genomics indicate that epigenetic alterations may play an important causal role in predisposing normal cells to neoplastic transformation. Professor Teschendorff will begin by presenting data that support an epigenetic stem cell model of oncogenesis, according to which DNA methylation (DNAm) changes that accrue in normal cells as a function of age and other cancer risk factors, lead to differentiation defects and increased aberrant plasticity, promoting cancer development. In the context of two cancers (cervical and breast), he will demonstrate how specific DNAm changes in normal tissue can discriminate those tissues at future risk of neoplastic transformation from those that remain healthy. In the earliest stages these DNAm changes are inherently stochastic across individuals but exhibit selection and convergence upon neoplastic transformation. He will also describe how DNAm changes can be used to measure mitotic-age of tissues, and that DNAm-based mitotic clocks could be used for cancer risk prediction. In the last part of the talk, Professor Teschendorff will describe the group's efforts to quantify cancer risk at the resolution of single-cells via a bottom-up network model that quantifies dedifferentiation from single-cell RNA-Seq data in terms of diffusion entropy. Specifically, he will show how in the context of a multi-stage model of oesophageal cancer development, diffusion entropy identifies the precancerous cells that undergo selection during cancer progression. Mounting evidence points towards underlying epigenetic alterations being better cancer risk markers than genetic mutations or copy-number changes. He will end by discussing the implications of these findings for developing cancer risk prediction strategies. ![]() Professor Andrew Teschendorff, CAS Key Lab of Computational Biology, Shanghai Institute for Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
![]() Professor Andrew Teschendorff, CAS Key Lab of Computational Biology, Shanghai Institute for Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaAndrew Teschendorff studied Mathematical Physics at the University of Edinburgh. In 2000 he obtained his PhD in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University. From 2003 to 2008 he held Cambridge-MIT and Isaac Newton awards to perform research in Statistical Cancer Genomics at the University of Cambridge. From 2008 to 2013 he held the Heller Research Fellowship at the UCL Cancer Institute in London. In 2013 he moved to Shanghai where he currently is a PI at the CAS Key Lab of Computational Biology, part of the Shanghai Institute for Nutrition and Health. From 2015 to 2019 he held an International Newton Advanced Fellowship from the Royal Society in association with UCL London. His broad research interests include Statistical Cancer Epigenomics, Cancer System-omics and Cancer Risk Prediction. He is an associate editor for Genome Biology, and reviewer and statistical advisor for Nature, NEJM and Science. He holds patents on algorithms for cancer risk prediction and cell-type deconvolution. |
09:30-09:45 |
09:45-10:15 |
Insight into disease susceptibility and stochastic noise in syndromic disease from a multi-modal mouse model
Cilia are membrane-encased organelles present on the surface of most cells that rely upon intraflagellar transport (IFT) for their formation and function. Missense mutations in IFT genes cause skeletal, limb, eye and renal disease, and the group modelled several Ift80 mutations in mice. They find that some tissues are more susceptible to disease than others, and they describe incomplete penetrance in the absence of genetic background variation suggesting that stochastic processes determine disease susceptibility. One missense mutation within a splice acceptor affected multiple modes of gene function at the levels of RNA splicing, protein abundance and protein complex formation. This provides a means to investigate different sources of stochastic noise, and to use this biological variation to understand how mutational effects at different biological levels contribute to disease risk. A large proportion of mutations in human monogenic disease are also likely to be multimodal suggesting a generalised approach to investigate stochastic processes that could be applied to many diseases. ![]() Dr Dagan Jenkins, UCL, UK
![]() Dr Dagan Jenkins, UCL, UKDr Jenkins has spent 20 years working on the genetics of human birth defects, especially disorders of the skeleton and in particular ciliopathies. He set up his own lab as an MRC New Investigator and is currently Director of a Wellcome Trust-funded Collaborative Award in Science which focuses on missense mutations in intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins. Using a combination of gene-editing, affinity proteomics and phenomics his laboratory, together with collaborators in London and Germany, focuses on fundamental genetic principles in relation to genetic threshold effects and developmental pleiotropy. His work has suggested an important role for stochastic processes in determining disease severity. |
10:15-10:30 |
10:30-11:00 |
11:00-11:30 |
Contributions of transcriptional noise to leukaemia evolution
In this talk, Dr Pina will discuss the contributions of epigenetic heterogeneity and transcriptional noise in initiation and maintenance of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. She will focus on KAT2A, a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) previously shown to regulate transcriptional noise levels in mammalian stem cell systems, and discuss the group's recent observations that Kat2a loss can both promote pre-leukaemia and impede leukaemia maintenance, with similar effects on variability on gene transcription and consequent cell diversification. She will discuss KAT2A roles through specific HAT complex integration, target programmes, and remodelling of gene regulatory networks, and integrate the findings with the transcriptional consequences of other epigenetic complexes previously implicated in regulation of transcriptional noise and progression of leukaemia. Drawing from stem cell and leukaemia models, she will discuss gene-specific responses to transcriptional noise modulation, and suggest potential contextual contributions to functional outcomes and putative value as markers of leukaemia progression and therapeutic response. ![]() Dr Cristina Pina, Brunel University London, UK
![]() Dr Cristina Pina, Brunel University London, UKCristina Pina is a Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at Brunel University London. Her research focuses on the contribution of non-genetic variability, and specifically transcriptional noise, to cell fate decisions and leukaemia evolution. Cristina studied and practised Medicine in Portugal, before deciding to switch careers to research. She did her DPhil in Oxford with Tariq Enver on transcriptional programming of cord blood haematopoietic stem cells. In her first post-doc at UCL, she pioneered the use of single-cell transcriptomics in the haematopoietic system to understand mechanisms of lineage decision. After a short post-doc in Cambridge with Brian Huntly on mouse models of leukaemia, Cristina gained a KKLF Intermediate Fellowship and a Leuka John Goldman Fellowship to launch her independent research. She moved to Brunel in 2019, where she combines research and teaching roles. Cristina is mother to two children. |
11:30-11:45 |
11:45-12:15 |
Control of celluar noise by subcellular compartments
Chemical reactions serve as basic units for cellular information processing and control. However, reactions in cells are noisy, leading to substantial variability in the molecular constitution of genetically identical cells. How cells deal with such noise has been important question in quantitative biology. In this talk, Dr Zechner will discuss how the mesoscale organisation of molecules into condensates can be used by cells to suppress cellular noise. Using concepts from statistical physics and control theory, he will show that condensates mediate negative feedback, which maintains concentration levels at precise set points in the presence of noise. He will present experimental single-cell data from synthetic and endogenous systems supporting this prediction. ![]() Dr Christoph Zechner, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany
![]() Dr Christoph Zechner, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, GermanyAfter finishing his Master’s degree in Telematics at TU Graz in 2010, Zechner relocated to the Automatic Control Lab at ETH Zurich to work on his PhD thesis under the supervision of Heinz Koeppl. After his graduation in 2014, Zechner joined the lab of Mustafa Khammash at the BSSE in Basel as a fellow. In early 2017 he started his own independent lab at the MPI-CBG / CSBD focussing on the role of stochasticity in biological systems. |
12:30-13:30 |

Dr Dagan Jenkins, UCL, UK

Dr Dagan Jenkins, UCL, UK
Dr Jenkins has spent 20 years working on the genetics of human birth defects, especially disorders of the skeleton and in particular ciliopathies. He set up his own lab as an MRC New Investigator and is currently Director of a Wellcome Trust-funded Collaborative Award in Science which focuses on missense mutations in intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins. Using a combination of gene-editing, affinity proteomics and phenomics his laboratory, together with collaborators in London and Germany, focuses on fundamental genetic principles in relation to genetic threshold effects and developmental pleiotropy. His work has suggested an important role for stochastic processes in determining disease severity.
13:30-14:00 |
Stochastic cell fate specification in the fly eye
Stochastic mechanisms diversify cell fates during development. How cells randomly choose between two or more fates remains poorly understood. In the Drosophila eye, the random mosaic of two R7 photoreceptor subtypes is determined by expression of the transcription factor Spineless (Ss). The group investigated how cis-regulatory elements and trans factors regulate nascent transcriptional activity and chromatin compaction at the ss gene locus during R7 development. The ss locus is in a compact state in undifferentiated cells. An early enhancer drives transcription in all R7 precursors, and the locus opens. In differentiating cells, transcription ceases and the ss locus stochastically remains open or compacts. In SsON R7s, ss is open and competent for activation by a late enhancer, whereas in SsOFF R7s, ss is compact, and repression prevents expression. These results suggest that a temporally dynamic antagonism, in which transcription drives large-scale decompaction and then compaction represses transcription, controls stochastic fate specification. ![]() Associate Professor Robert J Johnston Jr, Johns Hopkins University, USA
![]() Associate Professor Robert J Johnston Jr, Johns Hopkins University, USARobert J Johnston Jr is an associate professor in the Department of Biology at Johns Hopkins University. The goal of his research program is to understand the developmental mechanisms that underlie vision. The Johnston lab studies highly divergent fruit fly and human retinal organoid systems to identify fundamental mechanisms that specialize neuronal function. His studies uncovered an antagonistic relationship between noisy transcription and chromatin compaction that produces the random mosaic of photoreceptors in the fruit fly eye. The Johnston lab identified signalling mechanisms that specify subtypes of light-detecting cone photoreceptors and information-transmitting retinal ganglion cells in human retinal organoids. |
14:00-14:15 |
14:15-14:45 |
A functional role for noise in plant development
Gene expression in individual cells can be surprisingly noisy. In unicellular organisms this noise can be functional. For example, it can allow a fraction of the population to survive a sudden environmental stress. The role of gene expression noise in multicellular organisms is less clear. In this talk, Dr Locke will show how new techniques are revealing an unexpected level of variability in gene expression between and within genetically identical plants. He will discuss evidence that transcriptional noise can act as a mechanism for generating functional phenotypic diversity in plants. Dr James Locke, University of Cambridge, UK
Dr James Locke, University of Cambridge, UKJames graduated from the University of Warwick (2000) in Physics, before completing Maths Part III at Cambridge (2001). James then studied for a joint PhD in Biology and Theoretical Physics at the University of Warwick. He conducted his postdoctoral work in the lab of Professor Michael Elowitz at the California Institute of Technology. He applied single cell time-lapse microscopy, modelling, and synthetic biology techniques to understand how cells amplify small molecule differences (noise) into alternative transcriptional states. Since 2012 James has been a group leader at the Sainsbury laboratory at the University of Cambridge. His group is using movies to examine gene expression at the single-cell level in bacteria, cyanobacteria and plants.
14:45-15:00 |
15:00-15:30 |
15:30-16:00 |
No precision without plasticity
Development from fertilised egg to functioning multi-cellular organism requires precision. Precision can only be achieved through plasticity. Plasticity is conferred in part by stochastic variation, which is inherently present in biological systems. Gene expression levels fluctuate at multiple stages: transcription, alternative splicing, translation, and turnover. Evolving multicellularity and cellular specialisation have exploited the small differences in gene expression to confer distinct functions on selected individual cells. This initial differentiation sets in motion regulatory interactions allowing the non-selected cells to acquire new functions along the spatiotemporal developmental trajectory. Many other components of the differentiation process are stochastic. The dynamic binding of transcriptional regulatory assemblies to DNA exhibit randomness. X-inactivation is normally random, non-random inactivation is generally a sign of mutational perturbation. Correct neural wiring arises through random connections, followed by maintenance only for functional links. This mechanism is well illustrated for the retina. In immune system development both antibody maturation in B cells and the emergence of a balanced population of T-cells begins through stochastic trial and error followed by functional selection. Multiple manifestations of disease arise when the switch from random fluctuation to established pattern selection fails. A wide spectrum of mostly deleterious DNA mutations through stochastic fluctuation in environmental factors: such as levels of radiation or presence of pollutants. The phenotypic outcome of mutations is dependent on variability across genomic functions and the environment. Variable environmental factors also determine which mutations prove advantageous. To ensure population survival, bet-hedging stochastic strategies are often deployed. ![]() Professor Veronica Van Heyningen FRS, University of Edinburgh, UK
![]() Professor Veronica Van Heyningen FRS, University of Edinburgh, UK
"Veronica van Heyningen, formerly Head of the Medical and Developmental Genetics Section, is a Group Leader at the MRC Human Genetics Unit, MRC IGMM at the University of Edinburgh. The group’s work with human developmental disease brought insight into the mechanisms of cis-regulatory control, revealing the long control regions flanking many developmental regulator genes. Studies of extra-genic chromosomal rearrangements and non-coding region mutations prompted work, in mouse and zebrafish model systems, on enhancer interactions and transcription factor binding specificity. Genome-wide target predictions for PAX6 have revealed network complexity and the precision of target-sequence specificity. Veronica was appointed a CBE for services to science, is an EMBO Member and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Academy of Medical Sciences and of the Royal Society."
16:00-16:15 |
16:15-17:00 |
Panel discussion