Glycans in infection: challenge and opportunity

18 - 19 September 2023 09:00 - 17:00 Free
Glycans modulating immune response to flu virus

Theo Murphy meeting organised by Dr Elizabeth Fullam, Professor Gurdyal Besra FRS, Professor Matthew Gibson, and Professor Sabine Flitsch.

The importance of tackling infectious diseases cannot be overstated. Glycans are key mediators in pathogen biology and remarkably important in virulence, presenting an under explored opportunity for the development of new therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines. This interdisciplinary meeting brought leading experts together to share knowledge and explore the future challenges of exploiting sugars to combat infectious diseases. 

The schedule of talks, speaker biographies, and abstracts are available below. 

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  • Professor Matthew Gibson, University of Warwick

    Matthew Gibson holds a Chair joint between the Department of Chemistry and the Medical School at the University of Warwick. He obtained his PhD from University of Durham and conducted postdoctoral research at EPFL Switzerland, before being appointed to Warwick in 2009. Matt has been awarded the 2012 MacroGroup Young researchers medal, a 2014 RSC emerging technologies prize, 2015 Dextra medal, 2015 PAT young talent prize and the 2018 Macromolecules/Biomacromolecules Young Investigator Prize. Matt holds a Royal Society Industry Fellowship with GE Healthcare, as well as an ERC starting grant. Matt’s research group focuses on developing new biomaterials; this includes pathogen detection/neutralisation and new technologies for the storage and transport of biologics.

  • Professor Sabine Flitsch, University of Manchester, UK

    Sabine Flitsch graduated with a Diploma in Chemistry from the University of Münster (Germany) and obtained her DPhil in 1985 from the University of Oxford. She spent 3 years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA as a Research Fellow (with HG Khorana) before returning to the UK to hold academic positions at the Universities of Exeter, Oxford, Edinburgh and Manchester. She is currently Professor of Biological Chemistry at the University of Manchester with her research group housed at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology (MIB).

    Her research interests are on the interface of chemistry and biology with focus on applications in Biotechnology. Her focus is on glycobiotechnology,  using  biocatalysis for the synthesis of complex carbohydrates and glycoconjugates such as glycolipids, glycoproteins, polysaccharides, glycomaterials and glycoarrays.  These glycoarrays are used to discover new carbohydrate-protein interactions using mass spectrometry as a label-free analytical tool.

  • Professor Gurdyal Besra

    Professor Gurdyal Besra FRS, University of Birmingham, UK

    Professor Besra’s diverse publication record in high impact-factor journals, have firmly established himself as a world-leader in lipid and carbohydrate ‘microbiological-chemistry’ and more specifically, in mycobacterial cell-wall biochemistry and physiology. He has published over 500 research articles and many of the innovations have stemmed from the multi-disciplinary nature of his research. The major academic achievements can be summarised in the following three key areas: an advanced understanding of the biosynthesis of M tuberculosis arabinogalactan [AG], lipoarabinomannan [LAM], a-glucan and elucidation of the mechanism of action of ethambutol; an advanced understanding of the biosynthesis of mycolic acids and elucidation of the mechanism(s) of action of existing and novel mycolate inhibitors; an advanced understanding of the structural requirements for microbial and foreign lipid antigen recognition by CD1-restricted T cells.

  • Dr Liz Fullam

    Dr Elizabeth Fullam, University of Warwick, UK

    Dr Elizabeth Fullam completed her PhD at the University of Oxford, investigating the role of the N-acetyltransferase enzyme in mycobacteria, and then pursued her interests in tuberculosis pathogen biology at the Global Health Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland) and then Birmingham. Liz is currently a Wellcome Trust-Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow at the University of Warwick. Her research takes a highly interdisciplinary approach at the chemical-microbiology interface to investigate how the Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogen obtains and uses nutrients, with a particular focus on sugars. Her group is also focused on developing translational strategies from this research to combat tuberculosis.



Professor Gurdyal Besra

Professor Gurdyal Besra FRS, University of Birmingham, UK

09:05-09:30 Protein glycosylation: How trypanosomes set new precedents in eukaryotic biology

The African trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei, and related organisms cause severe insect-vector transmitted human and animal diseases. Trypanosome glycobiology has traditionally focussed on the structure and biosynthesis of their cell surface glycoconjugates. Such studies have played a role in the discovery of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchors and novel N- and O-glycosylation processes.

More recently, Professor Ferguson has found that the de novo pathways to UDP-Glc, UDP-Gal, UDP-GlcNAc, GDP-Man and GDP-Fuc in T. brucei are uniquely sequestered inside the glycosomes (the parasite peroxisomes). This unusual arrangement further requires unique nucleotide sugar transporters to move the nucleotide sugars out of the glycosomes and into the cytoplasm. New data on a novel glycosomal nucleotide sugar transporter will be presented.

While the de novo biosynthesis of GDP-Fuc is known to be essential for parasite growth, the role of GDP-Fuc was obscure. A single putative fucosyltransferase gene (TbFUT1) was found in T. brucei and shown to encode an essential GDP-Fuc : βGal α1-2 fucosyltransferase. To his surprise, this enzyme does not locate in the secretory pathway but in the parasite’s single mitochondrion. Professor Ferguson has been trying to identify the substrates of TbFUT1 and the role of TbFUT1 in mitochondrial function and he will report on our latest findings.

Professor Sir Mike Ferguson FRS, University of Dundee, UK

Professor Sir Mike Ferguson FRS, University of Dundee, UK

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:15 Small molecule permeation across the bacterial outer membrane

Infections from mycobacteria and Gram-negative bacteria are a persistent challenge for public health. Despite their phylogenetic distance, these organisms share an important feature: the presence of an outer membrane outside their cell wall which acts as a barrier to drug penetration. Understanding the chemical motifs that control small molecule permeation through diverse outer membranes has the potential to guide antibiotic design for mycobacteria and Gram-negatives but has been limited by the lack of high-throughput methods to assess permeation. Dr Sloan previously developed a flow cytometry-based assay that allows quantification of small test molecule permeation through the outer membrane of the important human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The assay consists of the (i) metabolic tagging of bacterial peptidoglycan, cell envelope layer that sits directly beneath the outer membrane, (ii) bioorthogonal ligation of test molecules followed by (iii) a fluorescent labelling chase step to quantify their permeation. Dr Sloan's results now suggest that the approach can be applied not only to different mycobacterial species but also to Gram-negative species. Her assays lay the foundation for medicinal chemistry efforts to circumvent the bacterial outer membrane.

Dr Sloan Siegrist, University of Massachusetts, USA

Dr Sloan Siegrist, University of Massachusetts, USA

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Sugars, adjuvant and vaccine candidates: chemical and biological approaches

The generation of microbial cell surface oligo- and poly-saccharides for deployment in glycoconjugate vaccines present huge opportunities, but also many challenges. Fermentation of pathogens at scale has major cost and containment/safety implications; synthetic chemistry can be complex and longwinded; synthetic biology approaches have yet to be fully realised in this space. 

This presentation will highlight different aspects of work on pathogens of concern from a homeland security perspective. Highlights will include: the use of benign bacterial strains to produce the capsular polysaccharides represented in Burkholderia pseudomallei, along with its deployment on (re)designed virus-like particles; a synthetic biology approach to the production of QS21 saponin adjuvant; chemical synthesis of branched monosaccharide-based glycans from Coxiella burnetiii, causative agent of Q fever, en route to immunological evaluation.

Professor Rob Field, University of Manchester, UK

Professor Rob Field, University of Manchester, UK

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Computational microbiology: we are making progress, but glycans still cause headaches

Modelling glycans is far from straightforward for a number of reasons including, the inherent flexibility which enables the adopt multiple conformations, issue of chirality and also the dearth of relevant experimental data with which to parameterise the models. Nevertheless, in recent years (and in some ways helped by the Covid-19 pandemic given the importance of glycans to the functioning of SARS-Cov-2), much progress has been made. Such that now we can routinely simulate many glycolipids and glycoproteins at all-atom resolution and more coarse-grained models for a range of glycosylated molecule types are rapidly emerging.

Professor Khalid will give a few examples of areas of success in modelling glycans and also describe the difficulties in modelling more complex/larger glycan including a discussion of current bottlenecks and how experimental data alongside more sophisticated computational techniques, including those that incorporate elements of AI may help to move things forward. 

Professor Syma Khalid

Professor Syma Khalid

University of Oxford, UK

12:15-12:30 Discussion
13:30-14:00 Glycan cellular receptors of cholesterol dependent cytolysins

Cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs) form pores in cholesterol-rich membranes, but cholesterol alone is insufficient to explain their cell and host tropism. Professor Jennings has previously reported that all eight major CDCs have high-affinity lectin activity that identifies glycans as candidate cellular receptors; Streptolysin O, vaginolysin, and perfringolysin O bind multiple glycans, while pneumolysin, lectinolysin, and listeriolysin O recognise a single glycan class. Addition of exogenous carbohydrate receptors for each CDC inhibits toxin activity. Here he shows that least two CDCs recognise glycans on glycoproteins; Intermedilysin binds to the sialyl-TF O-glycan on its erythrocyte receptor, CD59 and pneumolysin binds sialyl Lewis X on the I-domain of CD11b. In both cases, the toxins recognise a compound glycoprotein receptor comprising both glycan and protein components. We previously reported a wide range of binding affinities for cholesterol and for the cholesterol analog, pregnenolone sulfate, and show that some CDCs do not bind to cholesterol, also that CDCs bind glycans and cholesterol independently. Glycan-lectin interactions underpin the cellular tropism of CDCs and provide molecular targets to block their cytotoxic activity.

Professor Michael Jennings, Griffith University, Australia

Professor Michael Jennings, Griffith University, Australia

14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 Catalytic methods for the synthesis of glycoside probes to study carbohydrate mediated interactions

The stereoselective synthesis of glycosides remains one of the biggest challenges in carbohydrate chemistry. The chemical synthesis of complex carbohydrates generally involves the coupling of a fully protected glycosyl donor bearing a leaving group at its anomeric centre, with a suitably protected glycosyl acceptor (R-OH). In many instances, these reactions lead to a mixture of two stereoisomers. In recent years, Professor Galan's group has endeavoured to develop catalytic and stereoselective methods to address this important synthetic challenge. Recent years have seen a steady increase in the application of transition metal catalysis applied to oligosaccharide synthesis, since the reaction conditions are mild and the careful choice of catalyst can offer significant improvements over traditional methods in terms of atom economy, high yields and control of anomeric selectivity. Herein, Professor Galan will report the latest applications of Au- and Cu-catalysis for the stereoselective synthesis of glycoside and trehalose analogues and their application as probes of microbial detection.

Professor Carmen Galan, University of Bristol, UK

Professor Carmen Galan, University of Bristol, UK

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Structure of fungal cell wall immune epitopes: glycans and the origins of immunity

For a fungus, there may nothing as biologically variable and highly regulated as the glycans in its cell wall. This makes the wall challenging to study, but worth the effort because of the potential to reveal novel targets for antifungal drugs and mechanisms that are important for immune recognition. Differences and adaptations of cell wall composition can act to resist chemotherapy and create a moving target for efficient immune recognition. Dr Gow has used a variety of microscopic, forward and reverse genetic and immunological tools to generate a new spatially accurate model of the cell wall and to explore how dynamic changes in the wall influence drug efficacy and immune surveillance. His molecular and cellular studies show that the cell has a mechanism to maintain wall robustness within physiological limits and has enabled the components of the wall to be defined with spatial precision. Dr Gow has also demonstrated that immune relevant epitopes can be diffuse or clustered, superficial or buried in the cell wall and they changed during batch culture and between yeast, hypha and other cellular morphologies. Unbiased screening of a haploid mutant library has revealed gene sets for both predicted (eg cell wall glycosylation) and novel processes that are important for the assembly of the cell wall immune epitope. Dr Gow's presentation will focus on work that demonstrates recent advances that have generated a scaler and dynamic model of the cell wall that illuminates mechanisms of immune recognition and cell wall homeostasis.  

Professor Neil Gow, University of Aberdeen, UK

Professor Neil Gow, University of Aberdeen, UK

16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-17:00 Poster flash talks
17:00-18:00 Poster session


Professor Matthew Gibson, University of Warwick

09:00-09:30 Structural glycobiology in the design of glycoconjugate vaccines

Glycoconjugate vaccines are an important and successful means for prevention of infectious disease, including pneumoniae, meningitidis and salmonellosis. Understanding at atomic level the binding between microbial carbohydrates and specific functional monoclonal antibodies can direct vaccine design, particularly when synthetic carbohydrates are used. Recently, Dr Adamo has applied structural studies to identify the minimal epitope of group B Streptococcus type III polysaccharide (GBS PSIII). GBS PSIII is a leading cause of invasive infections in pregnant women, newborns, and elderly people, and the capsule is a major virulence factor targeted for vaccine development. GBS PSIII epitope has been historically considered the prototype of a complex conformational carbohydrate epitope. Through an integrated approach based on competitive ELISA/Surface Plasmon Resonance/Saturation Transfer NMR/X-ray he has elucidated a structural epitope consisting of a hexasaccharide constituted of a single repeating unit, and the glucosamine moiety of the next consecutive repeat unit. Based on this data, a conjugate vaccine from the short hexasaccharide epitope was prepared and elicited in mice functional antibodies comparably to a polysaccharide conjugate. Likewise, structural studies carried out for serotypes Ia and Ib showed that the polymeric nature of the polysaccharide can strongly impact epitope presentation.

A similar approach allowed the structural epitope of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A and X, which are responsible for epidemic meningitis in the sub-Saharan region of Africa known as meningitis belt, to be mapped. Studies are ongoing to gain this type of information also on structurally similar sialylated W and Y polysaccharides. Structural data can be exploited to guide synthetic carbohydrate vaccine design. 

Dr Roberto Adamo, GSK, Italy

Dr Roberto Adamo, GSK, Italy

09:30-10:00 Discussion
09:45-10:15 Trick or treat: bacterial glycans as virulence factors and targets for immune defence

Staphylococcus aureus is a commensal bacterium that colonises about 30% of the population without any harmful effects. However, S. aureus also represents a major public health concern, due to its ability to cause a wide range of clinical infections combined with the alarming development of antibiotic resistance, which limits treatment options. One of the prime targets for the development of new therapeutic interventions against S. aureus are the wall teichoic acids (WTAs). WTAs are cell wall expressed glycopolymers that are critical for bacterial physiology, antibiotic resistance and colonisation. S. aureus WTAs display structural variation through glycosylation, resulting in three main glycotypes, which differently impact host-pathogen interaction. Through a multidisciplinary approach, including bacterial genetics, microbiology, immunology, and glycobiology, my group aims to unravel the molecular interplay between WTA glycotypes and host immunity to advance the development of new antimicrobial therapies. This presentation will highlight our findings related to the interaction of WTA glycotypes with innate receptors and human antibodies, which are critical components for front-line defense at barrier sites and long-term protection, respectively. 

Professor Nina van Sorge, Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands

Professor Nina van Sorge, Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Elucidating the role of carbohydrate-lectin interactions on immune activation at the single molecule level

In this talk Dr van Kasteren will focus on his recent work looking at carbohydrate-lectin interactions at the single molecule level on living cells. These interactions play an important role in a wide diversity of biological processes, but are hard to quantify due to the low affinities of the interactions and the overlapping specificities of different lectins. To study this in more detail, particularly on immune cells, he has developed a point-accumulation in nanoscale topography (PAINT)-based super-resolution microscopy method that can be used to capture the weak glycan-lectin interactions at the single molecule level in living cells (glyco-PAINT). This has allowed Dr van Kasteren to obtain on rates and off rates for lectins, and he is now using this to dissect the role of glycan interactions on downstream immune activation events. Overall, Glyco-PAINT represents a powerful approach to study weak glycan-lectin interactions on the surface of living cells that can be potentially extended to a variety of lectin-sugar interactions.

Dr Sander van Kasteren, Universiteit Leiden, the Netherlands

Dr Sander van Kasteren, Universiteit Leiden, the Netherlands

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Preventing invasive infection with human milk oligosaccharides

Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Strep, GBS), is one of the most common perinatal pathogens responsible for causing premature birth. Current therapeutic techniques aimed to ameliorate invasive GBS infections can result in complications in both the child and mother. To this end, the need for novel therapeutic options is urgent. Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) have been previously shown to possess antiadhesive and antimicrobial properties. To interrogate these characteristics, Professor Townsend examined HMO-mediated outcomes in both in vivo and ex vivo models of GBS infection using a murine model of ascending GBS infection, an EpiVaginalTM human organoid tissue model, and ex vivo human gestational membranes. Treatment with HMOs resulted in diminished adverse pregnancy outcomes, decreased GBS adherence to gestational tissues, decreased colonisation within the reproductive tract, and reduced in proinflammatory immune responses to GBS infection.

Professor Steve Townsend, Vanderbilt University, USA

Professor Steve Townsend, Vanderbilt University, USA

12:15-12:30 Discussion


Professor Sabine Flitsch, University of Manchester, UK

13:30-14:00 Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of complex glycans to examine receptor specificities of pathogens of zoonotic concern

All most all eukaryotic cell surface and secreted proteins are modified by covalently-linked glycans which are essential mediators of biological processes such as protein folding, cell signalling, fertilisation, embryogenesis, and the proliferation of cells and their organisation into specific tissues. Overwhelming data supports the relevance of glycosylation in pathogen recognition, inflammation, innate immune responses, the development of autoimmune diseases, and cancer. It has, however, been difficult to explore biological properties of individual glycans because these bio-molecules are not readily available. To address this challenge, we have developed chemo-enzymatic methodologies that make it possible to prepare large libraries of highly complex glycans found on cells of interest. The synthetic approaches were employed to prepare a collection of glycans found on the upper airway of humans that were printed as a microarray to probe receptor specificities of several respiratory viruses. To validate the array data, cell surface engineering strategies were developed to place synthetic glycans on the surface of cells for gain of function studies. The technological platform made it possible to examine the evolution of receptor specificities of influenza H3N2 viruses and beta-corona viruses. Furthermore, it was employed to determine receptor specificities of Lassa virus. Knowledge of glycan receptor usage of zoonotic pathogens is making it possible to implement surveillance strategies to prevent future pandemics.

Professor Geert-Jan Boons, Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands

Professor Geert-Jan Boons, Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands

14:00-14:30 Discussion
14:15-14:45 ST8Sia2 polysialyltransferase protects against T. cruzi infection

Glycosylation is one of the most structurally and functionally diverse co- and post-translational modifications in a cell. This process is characterised by the addition and removal of glycans, especially to proteins and lipids, which have important implications in several biological processes. In mammals, the repeated enzymatic addition of a sialic acid unit to underlying sialic acids by polysialyltransferases, including ST8Sia2, leads to the formation of a sugar polymer called polysialic acid (polySia). The functional relevance of polySia has been extensively demonstrated in the nervous system. However, the role of polysialylation in infection is still little explored. Previous reports have shown that Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), a flagellated parasite that causes Chagas disease, changes host glycoproteins' sialylation. To understand the role of host polySia during T. cruzi infection, Associate Professor Palmisano used a combination of in silico and experimental tools. We observed that T. cruzi reduces the expression of the ST8Sia2 and the polysialylation of target substrates. He also found that chemical inhibition of ST8Sia2 reduced the parasite load in host cells. These findings suggest a novel approach to interfere with parasite infections through modulation of host polysialylation.

Associate Professor Giuseppe Palmisano, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Macquarie University, Australia

Associate Professor Giuseppe Palmisano, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Macquarie University, Australia

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Drugability of lectins: mission possible?

Urinary tract infections (UTI) belong to the most common infections worldwide and are predominantly caused by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). UPEC initiate the infection cycle by adhering to high-mannose glycoproteins on urothelial cells through their lectin FimH. Preventing the initial adhesion by blocking FimH offers a promising alternative to the conventional antibiotic treatment, which has become increasingly inefficacious due to antibiotic resistance.

The FimH-mannose interaction is shear stress dependent, meaning that FimH mediates medium binding at low shear stress and stronger binding at high shear stress. In the urinary tract, the shear stress-induced switch from medium- to the high-affinity becomes an effective tool for UPEC to evade clearance by the bulk flow of urine. By studying bacterial binding in a cell motility assay, we were able to show that these variants were highly mobile on a mannosylated surface, allowing optimal colonisation in the bladder. However, by switching to the high-affinity conformation, they can resist upcoming shear stress and are thus protected from being washed out through urination. In contrast, a variant locked in the high-affinity state, which is often used for in vitro and in vivo studies, formed long-lived interactions with mannose also in the absence of shear stress, rendering bacteria immobile.

It becomes evident that dynamic FimH variants are pathophysiologically favoured and represent the dominant therapeutic target. To further elucidate this conformational issue, antagonists with high affinities to both affinity states were synthesised and broadly characterised by extended ITC studies as well as in a mouse model.

Professor Beat Ernst, University of Basel, Switzerland

Professor Beat Ernst, University of Basel, Switzerland

16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-17:00 Panel discussion