Industry College Networking 2023

24 November 2023 09:00 - 18:00 The Royal Society Free

This conference will address cross-sector collaborations by bringing together past and current Royal Society Industry FellowsEntrepreneurs in Residence and their collaborators.

Participants will have the opportunity to hear what other network members are working on, participate in workshops surrounding issues facing industry scientists in the UK, and hear about the wider work of the Royal Society as a whole.

Attending this event

As well as new and current Industry Fellows and Entrepreneurs in Residence, there will be a limited number of places at this event for others interested in the relationship between industry and academia.

If you would like to attend, please email with a short explanation as to why you are interested in the event. As places are limited, we cannot guarantee that there will be spaces available.


09:30-09:35 Welcome and Industry programme update
Professor Joe Sweeney, University of Salford

Professor Joe Sweeney, University of Salford


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Dr Fiona Marston OBE, Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

09:35-09:45 Past Entrepreneur in residence reflections
Dr Fiona Marston OBE, Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Dr Fiona Marston OBE, Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

09:45-09:50 Entrepreneur in residence
Nav Dean

Nav Dean


09:50-09:55 Entrepreneur in residence
Dr Tim Hammonds

Dr Tim Hammonds

09:55-10:00 Entrepreneur in residence
Patrick O'Connell

Patrick O'Connell

Helliers Ltd

10:00-10:05 Entrepreneur in residence
Dr Martin Whitaker

Dr Martin Whitaker

D3 Pharma Limited

10:05-10:10 Entrepreneur in residence
Dr Taj Mattu

Dr Taj Mattu

Nidor Diagnostics Limited


Professor I. David Abrahams, Director of the Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge

10:15-10:25 Past Industry Fellow reflections
Professor I. David Abrahams, Director of the Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge

Professor I. David Abrahams, Director of the Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge

10:25-10:30 Industry Fellow 2023
Professor Sofia Consuegra

Professor Sofia Consuegra

Swansea University

10:30-10:35 Industry Fellow 2023
Professor Jonathan Morrison

Professor Jonathan Morrison

Imperial College London

10:35-10:40 Short Industry Fellow 2022
Dr Emma Veale

Dr Emma Veale

University of Kent

10:40-10:45 Industry Fellow 2023
Dr Becky Briant

Dr Becky Briant

Birbeck, University of London

10:45-10:50 Industry Fellow 2023
Professor Stefan Guettel

Professor Stefan Guettel

University of Manchester

10:50-10:55 Industry Fellow 2023
Professor Chenfeng Li

Professor Chenfeng Li

Swansea University

10:55-11:00 Short Industry Fellow 2022
Dr Gregory Rees

Dr Gregory Rees

University of Oxford


Dr Alicia Greated, Chief Executive Officer, KTN

11:30-11:50 How do you measure impact?
Dr Stephen Chambers

Dr Stephen Chambers

IndieBio NY

11:50-12:10 Innovate UK strategy, funding and support
David Legg

David Legg

Innovate UK

12:10-12:30 Spinout and industry partnership: a personal perspective
Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi CBE FREng FRS

Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi CBE FREng FRS

King's College London

13:30-14:45 Having impact as a Royal Society EiR/Industry Fellow
Dr Alicia Greated, Chief Executive Officer, KTN

Dr Alicia Greated, Chief Executive Officer, KTN

13:30-14:45 Hosting a Royal Society industry grant holder
Professor Jeremy M Tavaré

Professor Jeremy M Tavaré

University of Bristol

15:30-16:50 Creating successful industry-academia collaborations
Dr Ceri Batchelder

Dr Ceri Batchelder


Dr Stephen Hobbiger

Dr Stephen Hobbiger

University College London

Professor Barbara Shollock, University of Warwick, UK

Professor Barbara Shollock, University of Warwick, UK

Professor James Chong

Professor James Chong

University of York

15:30-16:50 The Pain, the Process and the Outcomes: What you wish you knew about the venture industry before starting a spin-out
Saku Saha

Saku Saha

Woodford Investment Management

15:30-16:50 Royal Society grants and writing an application
Dr Alicia Greated, Chief Executive Officer, KTN

Dr Alicia Greated, Chief Executive Officer, KTN

Dr Matthew Winter, University of Exeter

Dr Matthew Winter, University of Exeter

Dr Alexander Reip

Dr Alexander Reip

Oxford nanoSystems

16:50-17:00 Closing remarks
Professor Joe Sweeney, University of Salford

Professor Joe Sweeney, University of Salford