Engineering biology
Exploring what is needed to realise the full potential of the UK's engineering biology sector.
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Engineering biology refers to the use of specialist tools and technologies to produce biology-derived processes and products, which are often more sustainably produced than their existing counterparts. Engineering biology is one of five critical technologies identified by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) as areas where the UK is in an excellent position to lead the world.
However, as this field continues to rapidly advance, it is vital that we are able to translate and apply ground-breaking research into commercial settings through innovation that is trustworthy and responsible.
This conference will explore the translation journey of new technology from the laboratory to the market, how responsible innovation can be facilitated, what is needed to improve UK infrastructure as well as what funding mechanisms could be employed to realise the full potential of these innovations.
Transforming our future conferences
This conference forms part of the Royal Society's industry-focused Transforming our future series. These unique meetings feature cutting-edge science and bring together experts from industry, academia and government to explore and address key scientific and technical challenges of the coming decade.
09:30-09:40 |
Welcome and opening remarks
![]() Sir David BaulcombeCambridge University ![]() Sir David BaulcombeCambridge University David Baulcombe is a plant molecular biologist with an interest in disease resistance. He and his group discovered small RNA and various protein components of an RNA silencing system that protects plants against viruses and affects patterns of plant gene expression. David’s work has been recognised by awards including the Gruber Genetics Prize (2014), the Balzan Prize (2012) (for epigenetics), the Wolf Prize for Agriculture (2010) the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research (2008) and a Royal Medal (2006) of the Royal Society. He is an International Member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) (elected 2005) and was made a Knight Bachelor in 2009. Since 2007 he is Professor of Botany (Regius since 2012) (now Emeritus) in Cambridge and he was a Royal Society Research Professor (2007-2022). ![]() Professor Martin Dawson FRSUniversity of Strathclyde ![]() Professor Martin Dawson FRSUniversity of Strathclyde Martin Dawson is professor and director of research at the University of Strathclyde’s Institute of Photonics, which he helped establish almost 25 years ago. Since 2012 he has also been the inaugural Head of the Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics (Fraunhofer CAP) in Glasgow. Martin has contributed broadly to laser and semiconductor research including ultrafast lasers, optically-pumped semiconductor lasers, diamond photonics and micro-LEDs, the latter of which is now emerging globally as a new form of commercial display technology. He holds fellowships of the IEEE, OSA, Institute of Physics and Royal Society of Edinburgh, and he has been awarded the Dennis Gabor Medal and Prize of the IOP and the Aron Kressel Award of the IEEE. |
09:40-10:05 |
Opening keynote
In terrestrial life, DNA is copied to messenger RNA, and the 64 triplet codons in messenger RNAs are decoded – in the process of translation – to synthesize proteins. Cellular protein translation provides the ultimate paradigm for the synthesis of long polymers of defined sequence and composition, but is commonly limited to polymerizing the 20 canonical amino acids. I will describe our progress towards the encoded synthesis of non-canonical biopolymers. These advances may form a basis for new classes of genetically encoded polymeric materials and medicines. To realize our goals we are re-imagining some of the most conserved features of the cell; we have created new ribosomes, new aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pairs, and organisms with entirely synthetic genomes in which we have re-written the genetic code. ![]() Professor Jason ChinMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology ![]() Professor Jason ChinMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Jason Chin is a Programme Leader at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRCLMB), where he is also Head of the Centre for Chemical & Synthetic Biology (CCSB). He is a Professor of Chemistry & Chemical Biology at the University of Cambridge, and holds a joint appointment at the University of Cambridge Department of Chemistry. He is also a fellow in Natural Sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge. Jason is a native of the UK. He was an undergraduate at Oxford University, where he worked with Professor John Sutherland on Cephalosporin biosynthesis. He obtained his PhD as a Fulbright awardee from Yale University, working with Professor Alanna Schepartz. He was a Damon Runyon Fellow at The Scripps Research Institute with Professor Peter Schultz where he developed the first approaches to systematically expand the genetic code of eukaryotic cells and pioneered approaches, that are now widely used, for defining protein interactions by genetically encoding photocrosslinking amino acids. Jason’s work has been recognized by a number of awards, including: the Francis Crick Prize (Royal Society), the Corday Morgan Prize (Royal Society of Chemistry), European Molecular Biology Organization’s (EMBO) Gold Medal, Louis-Jeantet Young Investigator Career Award, Sackler International Prize in the Physical Science. He is in the European Inventors Hall of Fame, a member of EMBO, a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and a Fellow of The Royal Society. Jason’s early work provided a foundation for Ambrx and he is the founder and CSO of Constructive Bio. He is also a non-executive director at the UK Government’s Department of Science, Innovation and Technology. |

Dr David Tew

Dr David Tew
David Tew is a Senior Scientific Director at GSK. David has 35 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry including early drug discovery, mechanistic enzymology, assay development, reagent generation and the application of Synthetic Biology. Most recently David has been leading a project to apply Synthetic Biology to redesign the manufacture of therapeutic oligonucleotides. This has resulted in a platform approach to therapeutic oligonucleotide synthesis and manufacture that is both scalable and more sustainable than current approaches.
David held a position as The Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at Bristol University working with BrisSynBio and the Bristol Biodesign Institute from 2018 to 2022.
During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, David lead the innovation workstream for the Cambridge COVID-19 Testing Centre, a collaboration between AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and the University of Cambridge.
10:05-10:10 |
Introduction to Session 1
![]() Dr David TewGSK ![]() Dr David TewGSK David Tew is a Senior Scientific Director at GSK. David has 35 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry including early drug discovery, mechanistic enzymology, assay development, reagent generation and the application of Synthetic Biology. Most recently David has been leading a project to apply Synthetic Biology to redesign the manufacture of therapeutic oligonucleotides. This has resulted in a platform approach to therapeutic oligonucleotide synthesis and manufacture that is both scalable and more sustainable than current approaches. David held a position as The Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence at Bristol University working with BrisSynBio and the Bristol Biodesign Institute from 2018 to 2022. |
10:10-10:25 |
Recoding Regulation. Towards predictable engineering of quantitative traits
Genetic technologies can be used to enhance crops and promote sustainable agriculture. However, the manipulation of traits governed by multiple genes can be challenging. Plant responses to the environment, including to biotic and abiotic stressors, are often controlled by multiple genes, coordinated by complex regulatory networks. Recent advances in genomics and computational modelling allow dynamic responses to environmental perturbations to be measured and the underlying networks inferred. Although these networks identify candidate regulators associated with traits, the effects of genetic manipulation, particularly given network topologies such as feedforward and feedback loops, are non-intuitive and difficult to predict. We combine systems biology and computational modelling to predict the impacts of network perturbations/re-wiring. We test their impact using gene editing and synthetic genetic controllers, with the aim of providing strategies for the predictable engineering of agricultural traits. ![]() Dr Nicola PatronUniversity of Cambridge ![]() Dr Nicola PatronUniversity of Cambridge Nicola is a plant molecular and synthetic biologist in the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge. Her research uses synthetic biology approaches to understand the production of plant specialised metabolites and to investigate how quantitative plant traits emerge from network functions. Her lab also develops tools and technologies for plant biotechnology, with the aim of driving innovation in agriculture and biomanufacturing. Nicola’s first experiment with plants was as a high-school member of SEDS (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space), growing seeds exposed to cosmic radiation. Nicola has a PhD in plant molecular biology and did post-doctoral research on plastid metabolism at the John Innes Centre and the University of British Columbia. As a SynBioLEAP fellow, she was recognised as an emerging leader in synthetic biology. She started her lab at the Earlham Institute in 2016 where she was also the Director of the Earlham Biofoundry and relocated to the University of Cambridge in 2024. Nicola co-founded Black in Plant Science, a network to connect, celebrate, and cultivate UK-based Black plant scientists. |
10:25-10:40 |
From lab to scale: insights from the Colorifix journey
Colorifix is a UK-based synthetic biology company that has developed a biological process to produce, deposit and fix colorants onto materials. Compared to incumbent dyeing solutions, Colorifix’s patented technology leads to significant reductions in energy and water usage, as well as the avoidance of harmful chemicals. It began as a University of Cambridge spin-out and has since raised over £40m in investor funding. The company has several active customers across Europe and has been primarily focused on serving manufacturers working with leading fashion brands, followed by more recent partnerships in cosmetics and homewares. Colorifix has a semi-distributed scaling model. The team engineers colour-producing micro-organisms, but then rather than fermenting them in centralised production facilities, proprietary bioreactors are installed on customer sites and Colorifix provides training to run the fermentation process in the dye house. This approach aims to maximise environmental savings and accelerate the path to cost parity. ![]() Christopher HunterColorifix ![]() Christopher HunterColorifix Christopher Hunter is the Chief Operating Officer and a board director of Colorifix, a UK-based synthetic biology company that has developed an entirely biological process to produce, deposit and fix pigments onto materials. He has been with Colorifix for over six years, working with the founders and wider team first to commercialise and now to scale up its technology. Christopher is also a trustee of two environmental charities, the Belu Foundation and the SEM Charitable Trust. Previously, he worked as an investor at multiple venture capital funds and as a founder-operator. He has a BA from Pomona College, California, and an MBA from Said Business School, University of Oxford. |
10:40-10:55 |
The role of IP in real-world impact
Academics, investors, policy makers and regulators all need to know - what are the emerging opportunities? Where to invest? What to fund? What regulations will we need? Although patent protection is just one form of intellectual property, it is crucial for innovative engineering biology companies to bring their products to market, and analysing the patent landscape gives a lot of information as to who is doing what, and where. Potter Clarkson is launching results of an in-depth, bespoke study with Inevus Advanced Analytics Ltd, exploring patents in engineering biology published at the European Patent Office (EPO) from 2004 to 2023, using advanced analytics, including natural language processing (NLP) and topic modeling. Patenting in the engineering biology space is experiencing rapid growth, powered by diverse applications including therapeutics, biomanufacturing, biofuels and much more, with the UK ranked 5th in the world by relative specialisation index. ![]() Dr Sara HollandPotter Clarkson LLP ![]() Dr Sara HollandPotter Clarkson LLP Sara supports early-stage scientist-founded companies that are engineering biology in the UK, Europe and elsewhere, to identify and protect their IP, and come up with a solid IP strategy. These companies operate across all sectors, including food, therapeutics, agritech, materials, chemicals and oil manufacture. Sara is proactive in the engineering biology community, being appointed to the UK Government’s DSIT Engineering Biology Steering Group, in addition to being the vice chair role of the Bioindustry Associations’ Engineering Biology Advisory Committee (EBAC), co-founding the Women in Synthetic Biology and east midlands based BioAmass networks, and mentoring on a number of different programmes. |
10:55-11:05 |

Professor Anne Osbourn
John Innes Centre

Professor Anne Osbourn
John Innes Centre
Anne Osbourn is a Group Leader at the John Innes Centre working on plant natural products. Her discovery that in plant genomes the genes needed to make particular natural products are often organised in clusters like ‘beads on a string’ has greatly accelerated the discovery of new pathways and chemistries. She has established a synthetic biology platform based on transient plant expression that provides rapid access to previously inaccessible compounds at gram scale. These two step changes open up new routes to combine genomics and synthetic biology to synthesize and access previously inaccessible natural products and analogs for medicinal, agricultural and industrial applications. Anne was awarded the Novozymes 2023 Award in recognition of her scientific contributions. She is also a poet, and has developed and co-ordinates the Science, Art and Writing (SAW) Initiative (, a cross-curricular science education outreach programme. Her prize-winning poetry collection ‘Mock Orange’ was published in 2020.
11:35-11:40 |
Introduction to Session 2
![]() Professor Anne OsbournJohn Innes Centre ![]() Professor Anne OsbournJohn Innes Centre Anne Osbourn is a Group Leader at the John Innes Centre working on plant natural products. Her discovery that in plant genomes the genes needed to make particular natural products are often organised in clusters like ‘beads on a string’ has greatly accelerated the discovery of new pathways and chemistries. She has established a synthetic biology platform based on transient plant expression that provides rapid access to previously inaccessible compounds at gram scale. These two step changes open up new routes to combine genomics and synthetic biology to synthesize and access previously inaccessible natural products and analogs for medicinal, agricultural and industrial applications. Anne was awarded the Novozymes 2023 Award in recognition of her scientific contributions. She is also a poet, and has developed and co-ordinates the Science, Art and Writing (SAW) Initiative (, a cross-curricular science education outreach programme. Her prize-winning poetry collection ‘Mock Orange’ was published in 2020. |
11:40-11:55 |
Creating a meeting place for science and society
Scientific discovery and innovation offer enormous opportunities to improve people’s lives and look after our planet. However, for societies to realise the benefits of any advances, people need to be accepting of new technologies and so there needs to be trust. Scientists are the general public and represent diverse cross-sections of society, so who better to engage with communities to improve understanding of scientific processes and goals. The SAW Trust provides training for scientists to develop skills to explore research topics with non-scientists and creates opportunities for people to reflect and respond to science through poetry and visual arts. ![]() Dr Jenni RantSAW Trust / John Innes Centre ![]() Dr Jenni RantSAW Trust / John Innes Centre Whilst studying at the John Innes Centre for my PhD in Plant Pathology, I began volunteering for the Science Art and Writing (SAW) Trust. SAW is an education charity that brings together scientists, artists and writers to take stories out of research labs and into classrooms and public spaces for people to explore current research themes through practical science, poetry and visual arts. I transitioned from postdoctoral research at JIC to become the full-time programme manager for the trust in 2012 where I oversee all aspects of SAW, from project design and delivery to fundraising, social media and engagement. Funded by charities, organisations and research councils (incl. Heritage Lottery Fund, Carnegie UK, Wellcome Trust, The Royal Society, Festival Republic, UK Research and Innovation), we have successfully delivered projects on a wide range of topics from climate change and wellbeing to food production and engineering biology. |
11:55-12:10 |
Delivering Pro-Innovation Regulation for Engineering Biology
The UK Pro-Innovation Regulation of Technologies Review on Life Sciences, led by Dame Angela McLean, published in 2023, included a section on Engineering Biology (EB) that pointed to the difficulties faced by novel technologies in fitting into current legislative boundaries. Following from that, as part of the DSIT ‘Sector Vision’, the Regulatory Horizons Council was commissioned to review the regulation of engineering biology sectors and the report, to be published in December 2024, considers what pro-innovation regulation would mean for Engineering Biology sectors and how it could be delivered. This talk will summarise the conclusions and recommendations of the RHC report and will speculate on future developments in the governance / regulation of engineering biology. ![]() Professor Joyce TaitUniversity of Edinburgh ![]() Professor Joyce TaitUniversity of Edinburgh Joyce Tait (Director, Innogen Institute, University of Edinburgh) has an interdisciplinary systems analysis background linking natural and social sciences to support the delivery of innovative technologies with economic and societal benefits. She works on: industry strategic planning for innovation; responsible innovation; policies, regulation and standards; and new approaches to stakeholder engagement about technological innovation. She is currently a member of the Regulatory Horizons Council (RHC) and other recent appointments include: the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology; the Synthetic Biology Leadership Council (and Chair of its Governance Subgroup); and Governing Board of the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde. She has been involved in the development of the RHC reports on Regulating Quantum Technology Applications, The Regulation of Hydrogen Fuel Propulsion in Maritime Vessels, Neurotechnology, and Genetic Technologies. She was also technical author of the BSI PAS 440 Guide to Responsible Innovation. |
12:10-12:25 |
Developing ethically sensitive governance for trustworthy and inclusive innovation
Engineering biology brings new and old ethical questions into focus, and exploring these requires considered, rigorous and persistent ethical analyses at all stages of innovation. Focussing on health-related developments, this presentation will, firstly, outline some of the pressing ethical concerns, from big picture issues relating to desirable futures, to the pragmatics of research practice. Secondly, we will consider how deliberation, involving publics and a range of stakeholders, is essential to ensuring trustworthy governance that is inclusive, proportionate and agile. In this way, ethical challenges can be addressed and embedded in regulatory frameworks. ![]() Professor Sarah Cunningham-BurleyNuffield Council on Bioethics & University of Edinburgh ![]() Professor Sarah Cunningham-BurleyNuffield Council on Bioethics & University of Edinburgh Sarah Cunningham-Burley is Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is a leading independent policy and research centre, and the foremost bioethics body in the UK. The NCOB works to inform policy and public debate by identifying, analysing and advising on ethical issues raised by developments in biomedicine and health and to embed ethics at the centre of decisions, so we all benefit. Sarah is Professor of Medical and Family Sociology and Co-director of the Wellcome supported Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society at the Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh. This is an interdisciplinary social science and humanities research centre focusing on developments in health-related science and care. Her own research interests span the social and ethical aspects of personalized medicine, health-related AI and data science, and the integration of patient and public perspectives in research and policy. |
12:25-12:35 |

Dr Damian Kelly

Dr Damian Kelly
Damian holds a BSc in Chemistry, MSc in Surface Science & Catalysis and a PhD in Tribology from the University of Cambridge. Upon graduation Damian joined the Croda Graduate Development Programme in 2001. Over the past 23 years Damian has held several positions across different Croda markets, divisions and functions including Personal Care Sales Manager for Latin America, Performance Technologies Business Development Manager for North America and Life Sciences Vice President for Europe with both Technical and Commercial responsibility. Damian is presently Vice President Innovation & Technology Development for all Croda businesses globally and has responsibility for the acquisition and licensing of new technologies that match the needs of all Croda’s end markets.
13:35-13:40 |
Introduction to Session 3
![]() Dr Damian KellyCroda ![]() Dr Damian KellyCroda Damian holds a BSc in Chemistry, MSc in Surface Science & Catalysis and a PhD in Tribology from the University of Cambridge. Upon graduation Damian joined the Croda Graduate Development Programme in 2001. Over the past 23 years Damian has held several positions across different Croda markets, divisions and functions including Personal Care Sales Manager for Latin America, Performance Technologies Business Development Manager for North America and Life Sciences Vice President for Europe with both Technical and Commercial responsibility. Damian is presently Vice President Innovation & Technology Development for all Croda businesses globally and has responsibility for the acquisition and licensing of new technologies that match the needs of all Croda’s end markets. |
13:40-13:55 |
Addressing the Challenges of Bio-Manufacturing: A Path to Sustainable and Cost-Effective Production of Industrial Chemicals and Fuels
The need for disruptive technologies to overcome the high capital and operational costs in large-scale bio-manufacturing of industrial chemicals and fuels, while enhancing process resilience, remains a critical challenge. Engineering Biology has shown considerable promise, but it has yet to deliver production platforms that are cost-competitive with traditional manufacturing methods at scale. In response, C3 Biotech is pioneering a novel platform that enables on-site production of "programmable fuels" and industrial chemicals from waste biomass/CO₂. This platform eliminates the need for sterilisation of equipment and feedstocks, providing a more energy-efficient and sustainable manufacturing solution. Continuous, non-sterile production has been demonstrated. Modular, industrial-scale systems are now being developed for scalability and transportability with substantial reductions in capital/operational expenditure. This will position bio-manufacturing of chemicals as a near-term commercial reality to secure UK supply chains for critical chemicals/fuels and support the nation’s net-zero goals for chemicals/fuels production. ![]() Professor Nigel S. ScruttonUniversity of Manchester ![]() Professor Nigel S. ScruttonUniversity of Manchester Nigel is Director of the UK Future Biomanufacturing Research Hub, and Founder and Director of the company C3 BIOTECH Ltd. He is former Director of the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology (2010-2020). He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 2020. Nigel has an established position in the field of enzyme catalysis, biophysics and biomolecular engineering. His group is noted for its contributions to catalysis science, especially in the fields of quantum biology, dynamics and biocatalysis, mechanistic and synthetic biology, and bio-based chemicals and fuels manufacture. In his work with C3 BIOTECH, he leads pilot plant developments for chemicals biomanufacturing. This uses engineering biology through systems engineering of emergent technologies, and the integration of biology and chemistry platforms at the process level. |
13:55-14:10 |
Engineering Biology’s Future: The Startup Perspective on Growth and Challenges
Startups are essential to unlocking the full potential of engineering biology in the UK, driving innovation, growth, and solutions to critical challenges in sustainability. But what’s holding them back? This session explores how startups can accelerate the translation of groundbreaking research into impactful, commercially viable solutions. Drawing on success stories and lessons from the field, it highlights the role of startups in advancing innovation and delivering global impact—and the infrastructure, support, and funding needed to help them thrive. One startup's reflections on what’s needed to build a stronger ecosystem and cement the UK’s leadership in engineering biology. ![]() Zoe WoodsChange Bio ![]() Zoe WoodsChange Bio Zoe Woods is an entrepreneur with a background in strategy and innovation. Before founding her current startup, Zoe worked in consulting and at a think-thank, where she focused on strategies to enhance economic productivity and inclusion. Currently, she is working on building a more circular economy through Change Bio, an early-stage venture developing an innovative protein production platform. She holds an MBA and a Master of Public Policy from the University of Oxford. |
14:10-14:25 |
Industrialising Synthetic Biology: Lessons from pharma
Large molecule pharmaceuticals are discovered and manufactured using engineering biology and account for 80% of the world’s top selling pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Most small molecule pharmaceuticals are either existing natural products or are constructed using medicinal chemistry. Engineering biology is used to make bespoke enzyme catalysts to simplify and improve the sustainability of chemical processes. There are few examples of synthetic biology being used in small molecule manufacture beyond metabolic engineering of the natural hosts or making common natural molecules in new hosts. The key challenge is creation of a pipeline of new products discovered using engineering biology as opposed to changing processes in development. For a change process to be viable the principle obstacle to target is the time taken converting a hit into a viable process. ![]() Ted ChapmanRetired, Previously Director Biotechnology Development GSK ![]() Ted ChapmanRetired, Previously Director Biotechnology Development GSK Recently retired from GSK Ted’s experience covers large scale manufacturing of fermentation products and process development of small molecule biotechnology processes. Ted was responsible for Industrialising GSK’s Advanced Manufacturing Synthetic Biochemistry programme which moved enzyme usage from the catalyst of last resort to being present in over 50% of new small molecule processes. Ted’s team in Worthing identified, commissioned and optimised numerous natural product, enzyme and metabolic engineered processes from discovery to over 100,000l scale. Ted is passionate about the potential of biotechnology to increase the sustainability of manufacturing and create new value. Ted was a non-exec member of the IBioIC governing board for many years. |
14:25-14:40 |
A perspective from the agriculture industry
Syngenta is a leading global agricultural life sciences company, providing technologies to farmers around the world to enable them to grow food productively and sustainably. An increasing demand for sustainable crop protection and nutrition, driven by regulatory, society and value chain pressures are providing exciting opportunities for biological based innovation (e.g. microbes, extracts, proteins, natural products etc.). Differing significantly from conventional chemical products, these technologies require engineering biology tools to manipulate and edit microbes for rapid optimisation and the development of bioprocesses. We believe that to successfully scale and bring biological crop protection technologies to global markets will require key engineering biology platforms, infrastructure and skills to be drawn together around this thematic area. ![]() Dr Robert HarrisSyngenta ![]() Dr Robert HarrisSyngenta Robert Harris is Head of Microbial Technologies, Biologicals Research at Syngenta Crop Protection. Based in the UK, his role is focused on building global microbial platforms and technologies that will deliver biological products for future global sustainable agriculture systems. Following an undergraduate degree in biochemistry from the University of Cardiff, and a PhD in biochemical engineering from University College London, Robert initially joined Syngenta as a fermentation scientist in 2001 and gained broad experience over 15 years in varying roles. This focused on developing microbes and bioprocesses for businesses in crop protection, biopharma, enzymes and biocontrols. In 2016 Robert moved to lead a group of scientists responsible for microbial discovery, synthetic biology, and bioprocess development supporting the biologicals business within Syngenta. |
14:40-14:55 |

Dr Christopher Kaminker
BlackRock Investment Institute (BII)

Dr Christopher Kaminker
BlackRock Investment Institute (BII)
Christopher Kaminker, PhD, Managing Director, is Head of the Sustainable Investment Research & Analytics (SIRA) team within the BlackRock Investment Institute (BII). SIRA comprises the BSI Intel, Climate & Sustainability Research and APAC Sustainable Investment Research teams. He is as well, the Deputy Head of Sustainable and Transition Solutions (STS). He is a member of BlackRock's Sustainable and Transition Investment Committee, and EMEA Investments Committee.
Prior to joining BlackRock, Chris was Group Head of Sustainable Investment at Lombard Odier, a Swiss private bank and asset manager. He led a group responsible for sustainable investment research, data science and analytics, product development, portfolio strategy and stewardship. Chris is an energy economist and economic geographer by training, a Visiting Business Fellow at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University, and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He received his PhD from Oxford University and masters from Columbia University (SIPA).
15:25-15:35 |
Introduction to panel
![]() Dr Christopher KaminkerBlackRock Investment Institute (BII) ![]() Dr Christopher KaminkerBlackRock Investment Institute (BII) Christopher Kaminker, PhD, Managing Director, is Head of the Sustainable Investment Research & Analytics (SIRA) team within the BlackRock Investment Institute (BII). SIRA comprises the BSI Intel, Climate & Sustainability Research and APAC Sustainable Investment Research teams. He is as well, the Deputy Head of Sustainable and Transition Solutions (STS). He is a member of BlackRock's Sustainable and Transition Investment Committee, and EMEA Investments Committee. Prior to joining BlackRock, Chris was Group Head of Sustainable Investment at Lombard Odier, a Swiss private bank and asset manager. He led a group responsible for sustainable investment research, data science and analytics, product development, portfolio strategy and stewardship. Chris is an energy economist and economic geographer by training, a Visiting Business Fellow at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University, and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He received his PhD from Oxford University and masters from Columbia University (SIPA). |
15:35-16:35 |
![]() Professor Paul FreemontImperial College London ![]() Professor Paul FreemontImperial College London Professor Paul Freemont is the co-founder of the Imperial College Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation and co-founder and co-director of the National UK Innovation and Knowledge Centre for Synthetic Biology (SynbiCITE - since 2013). His research is focused on developing automation and biofoundries and cell-free systems for specific synthetic biology applications. He is a council member of the US Engineering Biology Research Consortium and co-chair of the newly formed UK Governments Engineering Biology Steering Group and sits on the UK Governments Biosecurity Leadership Council. He is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Synthetic Biology and is currently leading a US-funded Task Force on Engineering Biology Metrics and Technical Standards for Global Bioeconomy. He is also co-founder and founding chair of the Global Biofoundry Alliance. He is a passionate advocate for the commercialisation of engineering biology and is co-founder of the Imperial spin-out Solena Materials Ltd developing designer protein fibres and also of SynBioVen Ltd, an early-stage seed investment company for engineering biology start-ups in the UK. ![]() Dr Jason MelladStart Codon ![]() Dr Jason MelladStart Codon Jason is a scientist and entrepreneur, passionate about translating innovative technologies into better patient outcomes. As CEO and Co-Founder of Start Codon, a UK-based accelerator, he aims to discover the most disruptive life science, BioTech and healthcare founders and help them translate their innovations into successful ventures. This is achieved through a combination of seed funding and a bespoke venture-building programme, which taps into the exceptional resources of the Cambridge cluster as well as the global network and knowledge of Jason and the Start Codon team. Previously, he was CEO of Cambridge Epigenetix (now Biomodal) and Business Development Manager for Horizon Discovery’s diagnostics division. He also served as an associate for Cambridge Enterprise, the technology transfer office of the University of Cambridge. Jason had completed his PhD in Medicine at the University of Cambridge and is also a visiting Fellow at Jesus College, Cambridge, and lives in Cambridge with his husband and sons. ![]() Dr Mark RenshawDepartment for Science, Innovation and Technology ![]() Dr Mark RenshawDepartment for Science, Innovation and Technology Mark leads on key elements of the growth agenda for engineering biology in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. He has worked across R&D funding, infrastructure, regulation and standards, talent and skills and business finance for engineering biology since 2021. A civil servant who has a career focus on science and technology policy, prior to this role he worked on ‘deep tech’ innovation, on EU Exit, on the establishment of UK Research & Innovation, and on the Newton Fund. He has a PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Cambridge. ![]() Dr Fabrizio Ticchiarelli-MarjotARIA ![]() Dr Fabrizio Ticchiarelli-MarjotARIA I am a Technical Specialist at ARIA where I am responsible for evaluating proposals and providing recommendations to fund projects as part of our Opportunity space on Programmable Plants. I also work in an advisory capacity with the teams we fund to ensure timely technical delivery and good sharing of knowledge within the communities we help create. I have experience working in software/hardware biotech startups in the agricultural and medical sectors - first at Synthace, a software company working on empowering scientist to optimise experimental design and easily use automation; and more recently at Gardin, a hardware/software company developing a low cost insight platform to optimise production in controlled environment agriculture, where I headed the Plant Science R&D department and was part of the founding leadership team. I hold a PhD in Plant Science from Cambridge, and joint degrees in biotechnology from the University of Pisa and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, and my specialties include plant science, molecular biology, genetics and synbio. ![]() Dr Rowan McKibbinBBSRC ![]() Dr Rowan McKibbinBBSRC Dr Rowan McKibbin is an Associate Director at BBSRC, part of UKRI. Her portfolio is concerned with the development and provision of cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure to push the frontiers of bioscience, particularly in emerging technology areas such as Engineering Biology, AI and Data Intensive Bioscience more broadly. She has oversight of three teams (Transformative Technologies, Infrastructure, and the Rules of Life) which together underpin and enable modern bioscience. Having delivered the previous £114M Synthetic Biology for Growth Programme, recent activities in Engineering Biology include leading UKRI’s £125M exercise to establish a number of mission oriented ‘hubs’ and associated awards. This forms a key part of an integrated research and innovation programme to deliver UK research capacity and capability, drive technology development and uptake, and stimulate innovation to tackle major challenges through a mission-oriented focus. |
16:35-16:45 |
![]() Professor Dame Angela McLean FRSUniversity of Oxford ![]() Professor Dame Angela McLean FRSUniversity of Oxford Professor Dame Angela McLean DBE FRS is the Government Chief Scientific Adviser having taken up the role in April 2023. She is also Head of the Government Science and Engineering Profession. Prior to this Angela was the Chief Scientific Adviser for the Ministry of Defence. Until April 2023, Angela McLean was a Professor of Mathematical Biology in the Department of Zoology at Oxford University and a Fellow of All Souls College. Angela is interested in the use of natural science evidence in formulating public policy and has co-developed the Oxford Martin School Restatements. Angela established Mathematical Biology at the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council’s Institute for Animal Health in 1994. In 2009 Angela was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society. She has been awarded the Gabor Medal and the Weldon Memorial Prize. She received her damehood in the 2018 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. In 2024 Angela was appointed an Honorary Distinguished Professor of Loughborough University. |
16:45-16:50 |
Closing remarks
![]() Dr Damian KellyCroda ![]() Dr Damian KellyCroda Damian holds a BSc in Chemistry, MSc in Surface Science & Catalysis and a PhD in Tribology from the University of Cambridge. Upon graduation Damian joined the Croda Graduate Development Programme in 2001. Over the past 23 years Damian has held several positions across different Croda markets, divisions and functions including Personal Care Sales Manager for Latin America, Performance Technologies Business Development Manager for North America and Life Sciences Vice President for Europe with both Technical and Commercial responsibility. Damian is presently Vice President Innovation & Technology Development for all Croda businesses globally and has responsibility for the acquisition and licensing of new technologies that match the needs of all Croda’s end markets. |