The redefined kelvin: progress and prospects

24 - 25 February 2025 09:00 - 17:00 Crowne Plaza Glasgow Free
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Portrait painting of Lord Kelvin

Theo Murphy meeting organised by Professor Graham Machin FREng, Dr Dolores del Campo, Professor Roberto Gavioso, Dr Patrick Rourke and Dr Christof Gaiser.

This international workshop, coinciding with the 200th anniversary year of Lord Kelvin’s birth, will focus on the many significant developments in thermometry stimulated by the kelvin redefinition in May 2019. Our aim is to develop community consensus on the future of temperature measurement and traceability to mid-2030s, identifying the key required research challenges and proposed solutions.

Poster session

There will be a poster session on Monday 24 February. If you would like to present a poster, please submit your proposed title, abstract (up to 200 words), author list, and the name of the proposed presenter and institution to the Scientific Programmes team no later than Monday 06 January 2025. 

Attending this event

  • Free to attend and in-person only
  • The invitation link to request an invitation will be available soon. When requesting an invitation, please briefly state your expertise and reasons for attending. Requests are reviewed by the meeting organisers on a rolling basis. You will receive a link to register if your request is successful
  • Catering options will be available to purchase upon registering. Participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation. Please do not book accommodation until you have been invited to attend the meeting by the meeting organisers

Enquiries: contact the Scientific Programmes team


  • Professor Graham Machin FREng, National Physical Laboratory, UK

    Professor Graham Machin, National Physical Laboratory, UK

    Graham Machin FREng, DPhil, DSc, FInstP, FIPEM, HonFInstMC, CEng, CPhys, a Senior NPL Fellow, has >30 years’ thermometry research experience, published >250 papers and given numerous keynote/plenary talks. He is visiting/honorary Professor at Birmingham, Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities. He represents the UK at the Consultative Committee of Thermometry, serves on the UK Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, was President of the Institute of Measurement and Control (2018-2019), chair of the Euramet Technical Committee for Thermometry (2014-2018), served on the EPSRC Strategic Advisory Team (Physics) [2015-2017]. elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (2019), awarded the InstMC Harold Hartley medal for “outstanding contributions to the technology of measurement and control” (2021) and elected Honorary InstMC Fellow (2024). He has wide ranging research interests in thermometry eg future kelvin, driftless practical thermometry, clinical thermometry, photonic/quantum thermometry and leads NPL’s metrology activity for nuclear decommissioning.

  • Dr Dolores del Campo, Centro Español de Metrologia, Spain

    Dr Dolores del Campo, Centro Español de Metrología, Spain

    Dr Dolores del Campo studied Physics in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and holds a PhD from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. She has been dedicated to thermal metrology for more than 30 years and she is currently Deputy Director of the Centro Español de Metrología. Their research activity has been focused in the field of thermometry, having published numerous articles in prestigious metrology journals and coordinating international and national research projects. She has been chair of the EURAMET Technical Committee for Thermometry from 2018 to 2022. In 2018 she was elected as member of the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM); currently she is coordinating the CIPM Sectorial Task Group on Climate Change and Environment and she is the president of the CIPM Consultative Committee for Thermometry. She is the EURAMET Chairperson for the period June 2024 to June 2027 and chairperson of the European Quality Infrastructure Network. 

  • Professor Roberto Maria Gavioso, Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy

    Dr Roberto M Gavioso, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy

    Professor Roberto Gavioso is a senior research scientist at INRiM, the National Metrological Institute of Italy, with long term experience in the application of acoustic and microwave techniques to the development of primary temperature, pressure and humidity standards.

    His achievements in the field include a low-uncertainty determination of the Boltzmann constant based on measurements of speed of sound in helium using a spherical resonator and, as a guest researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a determination of the polarizability of He which first demonstrated a primary pressure standard based on the calculated properties of He. 

    He is a member of the Working Group for Contact Thermometry (WG-CTh) of the CCT. 

    He is a Lecturer in Physical Acoustics at the University of Torino.

  • Dr Patrick Rourke, National Research Council Canada, Canada

    Dr Patrick Rourke, National Research Council Canada, Canada

    Dr Patrick Rourke joined the National Research Council Canada in 2012, following a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Bristol and doctoral studies at the University of Toronto.

    His research focuses are primary thermometry, defined temperature scales, and the interplay between them. This has included work on refractive-index gas thermometry, acoustic gas thermometry, the present and future of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), alternatives to mercury fixed points, and implications of coexisting thermodynamic temperature T and ITS-90 temperature T90 thermometers.

    Dr Rourke is currently the Canadian delegate to the CIPM Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT), member of the CCT Working Group for Contact Thermometry, chair of the CCT Working Group on Digitalisation, and CCT Digitalisation Representative to the CIPM Forum on Metrology and Digitalisation.

  • Dr Christof Gaiser, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

    Dr Christof Gaiser, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

    Christof Gaiser received his diploma degree in physics at the “Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin” in the field of optical and electrical properties of semiconductors in 2003. Since 2004 he is with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Berlin and received his doctor degree in 2008 in physics in the field of thermophysical properties of helium at low temperatures and gas thermometry. Since 2007 he dedicated his work to the determination of the Boltzmann constant as basis for redefining the base unit kelvin. He managed the international “Boltzmann project” which was the starting point for worldwide experiments leading to the successful redefinition of the kelvin in 2019. He is the head of the PTB working group “Cryo-and Primary Thermometry” and the chairman of the CCT working group on contact thermometry.



Professor Graham Machin FREng, National Physical Laboratory, UK

Professor Graham Machin, National Physical Laboratory, UK

09:00-09:05 Welcome by lead organiser
09:05-09:30 The transition from ITS-90 to primary thermometry above 1235 K

The international system of units (the SI) is currently defined in terms of fundamental constants with defined values. The kelvin is defined in terms of the Boltzmann constant (k). The new definitions have their associated mise en pratique, in the case of temperature, it is the MeP-K-19 [1]. The MeP-K turns into a reality the primary thermometry techniques, which can be practically used to realise and disseminate the kelvin, beyond the International Scales (ITS-90 and PLTS-2000) that had until then been the most common practice for the realisation of the unit. The MeP-K allows for the dissemination of temperature either by thermodynamic means or one of the defined scales. 

Above the freezing point of silver, 1234.93 K (961.78 °C), the temperature T90 is, according to the definition of the ITS-90, is defined by the relative use of the Planck equation for radiance. The primary method included in the MeP-K for this range is primary thermometry using the same law (absolute and relative). 

In this presentation, a description of the primary methods for measuring T in comparison with T90, above the silver point (1234.93 K), will be presented. A review of the different possibilities using absolute and relative primary thermometry will be discussed and its uncertainties and feasibility studied. This will be illustrated with some examples of primary measurements performed at the Centro Español de Metrología.

[1] Mise en pratique for the definition of the kelvin (MeP-K-19): Mise en pratique - kelvin - Appendix 2 - SI Brochure (BIPM). 

Dr Maria-Jose Martin, Centro Español de Metrología, Spain

Dr Maria-Jose Martin, Centro Español de Metrología, Spain

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:15 The challenges of primary thermometry from 300 K to 1235 K

Historically, the realisation of the kelvin was exclusively possible via International Temperature Scales (ITS). The new definition of the kelvin and the accompanying Mise en Pratique of the kelvin (MeP-K) enables the alternative to use primary thermometry for the realisation of the kelvin. During the last years considerable improvements of primary thermometry in the low-temperature range have been achieved. Thereby above 300 K, still a lot of work is necessary to be competitive with the existing ITS realisation.

In this contribution, the interplay between primary thermometry, temperature scales and platinum resistance thermometry in a historical perspective will be sketched. After a short introduction to primary thermometry in general and the established techniques within the MeP-K, the focus will lie on the challenges connected with thermodynamic temperature measurement above 300 K. The advantages and disadvantages of the different techniques will be discussed briefly, and a summary will be given showing that T, TITS and platinum resistance thermometry are highly connected and improvement in one field relies on improvement in the others. The background of the discussion will be the deficiencies of the existing ITS and thus the requirements of the temperature-measurement community.

Dr Christof Gaiser, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

Dr Christof Gaiser, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Dissemination of thermodynamic temperature below 300 K

The redefinition of the kelvin motivates the realisation of thermodynamic temperature standards and their further development up to the stage where they become sufficiently accurate, reliable and practically useful for the purpose of disseminating the unit by direct calibration of temperature sensors. Significant efforts are underway to test the maturity of this perspective, including an international blind comparison of thermodynamic calibrations of capsule-type resistance thermometers using different methods of primary gas thermometry in the range between 4 K and 300 K. The presentation of this research work will be given along with a discussion of the remaining challenges and the perspectives of the thermodynamic methods as an alternative to traditional dissemination practice based on the realisation of the International Temperature Scale.

Dr Roberto M Gavioso, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy

Dr Roberto M Gavioso, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-00:15 Ultra-low uncertainty primary thermometry below 25 K
Professor Bo Gao, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Professor Bo Gao, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

12:15-12:30 Discussion
13:30-14:00 Full range traceability using primary thermometry
Dr Mohamed Sadli, LNE-Cnam, France

Dr Mohamed Sadli, LNE-Cnam, France

14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 In-situ traceability by practical primary thermometry and self-validation
Dr Jonathan Pearce, National Physical Laboratory, UK

Dr Jonathan Pearce, National Physical Laboratory, UK

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Progress on future temperature dissemination using high temperature acoustic gas thermometry

Acoustic gas thermometry (AGT) is one of the state-of-the-art primary methods for the determination of the Boltzmann constant. To extend the techniques of AGT to temperatures above 400 K with low uncertainties is essential for realising the difference between the thermodynamic temperature T and present consensus International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) and for future temperature dissemination using high temperature AGT. We report the apparatus design and primary measurement results with a cylindrical resonator. The cylindrical resonator with an inner diameter of 44 mm and inner length of 100 mm was machined from a Ni-Cr-Fe alloy. Acoustic and microwave waveguides were welded to the endplates of the cylindrical cavity for transmitting sound and microwave signals from room temperature to high temperature. A thermometer well for a long-stem standard platinum thermometer (SPRT) was designed to measure T90 of the cylindrical resonator. Another optical measurement path from the bottom was also designed for the thermodynamic temperature measurement with radiation thermometry. The cylindrical cavity was hung vertically in a pressure vessel. Pure argon gas flows into the resonator and out from the pressure vessel to avoid contamination of the gas in the resonator. The pressure vessel was encased by a radiation shield which was located inside a heat pipe and a high temperature furnace. Acoustic resonant frequencies in argon were measured with a relative standard deviation of 3×10-6 at 580 K with a PZT transducer as the sound generator and a microphone as the detector. The microwave resonant frequencies used to determine the real-time thermal expansion of cavity were measured with a relative standard deviation of better than 1×10-7 with homemade high temperature microwave cables. The microwave measurement results also showed the resonator shape was stable at high temperatures. The speed of sound in argon along isotherms were analysed and primary T-T90 were calculated. The improvement of thermal stability and inhomogeneity as well as the signal-to-noise of acoustic resonant frequencies are necessary for lower uncertainties T measurement and dissemination in the next future. 

Dr Xiaojuan Feng, National Institute of Metrology, China

Dr Xiaojuan Feng, National Institute of Metrology, China

16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-16:45 Poster session
Dr Christof Gaiser, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

Dr Christof Gaiser, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

Dr Patrick Rourke, National Research Council Canada, Canada

Dr Patrick Rourke, National Research Council Canada, Canada

16:45-17:00 Discussion
00:15-00:30 Discussion
09:00-09:30 Thermometry with optomechanical resonators: from photonic and noise thermometry towards quantum thermometry

The kelvin redefinition has stimulated new and disruptive approaches to deliver temperature traceability, namely practical primary thermometry at the point of measurement. The most innovative ways to provide such traceability could be the small-scale optical-based approaches. Whilst in their infancy, these photonic/optomechanical thermometry approaches are rapidly gaining ground and have the potential to become practical solution to primary thermometry for real in-situ applications in particular thanks to its high chipset integration capacity. The photonic/optomechanical temperature sensors can offer micrometer spatial resolution, large temperature range (from few K up to room temperature) and additionally can be self-calibrated.

In this presentation, after a brief introduction on photonic-based approaches in thermometry, a special emphasis will be put on different thermometry techniques with optomechanical resonator. An overview of the following techniques will be given: photonic thermometry (which explores the frequency shift of optical resonance due to the thermo-optic effect); optomechanical noise thermometry (where the Brownian motion of a mechanical oscillator is probed by optical phase measurement); quantum correlation thermometry (which uses quantum radiation pressure noise to calibrate the thermal noise of the resonator) and sideband asymmetry technique (where the ratio between the amplitudes of Stokes and anti-Stokes scattering peaks is linked to the temperature of the resonator). The advantages and limitations of each technique, as well as the possibility of combination of these different relative and absolute techniques in a practical self-calibrated temperature sensor operating in the large temperature range will be discussed. 

Dr Olga Kozlova, Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'essais, France

Dr Olga Kozlova, Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'essais, France

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:15 Silicon ring resonators for next generation thermometry
Dr Sara Pourjamal, VTT, Finland

Dr Sara Pourjamal, VTT, Finland

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Novel atomic and molecular systems for radiation thermometry

Radiation (non-contact) thermometry relies on classical radiation detectors, which must be calibrated. Maintaining an accurate calibration can be difficult, as they rely upon long traceability chains, or even impossible, in applications where the detector cannot be retrieved for recalibration. Radiation thermometers that rely instead on immutable constants of physics, or even better, realise the kelvin directly, can improve the overall quality of radiation detectors. Here, we describe efforts to realise several such detectors using atoms and molecules. Blackbody radiation (BBR) induces two effects on the internal states of these quantum systems: it shifts the energies of the internal states and drives transitions them. In this talk, we will discuss two experiments attempting to use the latter effect to infer temperature: the compact blackbody radiation atom sensor (CoBRAS), which is sensitive to BBR in the infrared regime ( roughly 10 µm); and a related experiment using Rydberg atoms, which is sensitive to BBR in the microwave regime (roughly 300 GHz). Both experiments use Rb atoms, demonstrating the versatility of even a single atomic system for radiation thermometry. Finally, we will debate the advantages and disadvantages of this method to radiation thermometry, compare to other atomic-based thermometry techniques, and conclude by mentioning other, new experiments that are on the horizon.

Dr Stephen Eckel, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

Dr Stephen Eckel, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-00:15 Improving semiconductor device thermometry using active resonator photonic integrated circuits

Semiconductors are useful materials for temperature measurements due to their sensitivity to thermal changes in their basic properties. Silicon, the most used semiconductor, is essential in modern electronics and is of growing importance in integrated photonics, providing a cost-effective platform for optical sensors. Silicon-based ring resonator temperature sensors utilise the dependence of the optical modes of oscillation propagating in the ring to the change in refractive index (n) of the silicon with temperature (dn/dT). However, silicon has two main drawbacks: it is fundamentally a poor light emitter due to its indirect bandgap, requiring external light sources, and as an elemental semiconductor, its thermal properties are largely fixed.

In contrast, compound semiconductors such as InP, GaAs, GaN, and InAs can efficiently emit light due to their direct bandgap and are commonly used in semiconductor-based light emitters, such as LEDs and lasers. They also have controllable thermal properties which can be manipulated through alloying. These characteristics make them well-suited for "active resonator" temperature sensors with embedded light sources, which can be optimised for different temperature ranges. 

This discussion will focus on InP-based alloys, demonstrating their basic properties, how they can be designed into active quantum well-based semiconductor heterostructures and fabricated into micro-ring and other resonators. The ability to integrate light sources within the sensor itself simplifies the design and enhances the overall functionality of the temperature sensing system. This approach has the potential for the development of versatile temperature sensors that can be used in a multitude of applications.

Professor Stephen Sweeney, University of Glasgow, UK

Professor Stephen Sweeney, University of Glasgow, UK


Professor Roberto Maria Gavioso, Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy

Dr Roberto M Gavioso, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy

13:30-14:00 The challenges of maintaining global interoperability of traceability in thermometry

The redefinition of the kelvin has ushered in a new era for thermometry, emphasising the need for robust global interoperability and traceability. This presentation will explore the multifaceted challenges associated with maintaining these standards in a rapidly evolving scientific landscape. Central to this discussion is the role of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT), which oversees the establishment and realisation of the international temperature scales and the thermodynamic temperature. The CCT's efforts in harmonising international standards and ensuring the accuracy of temperature measurements are crucial for global consistency.

Furthermore, the evolving role of National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) in the International System of Units post-redefinition world highlight the increasing importance of decentralised and quantum-based measurement techniques. NMIs are now tasked with developing and disseminating advanced, intrinsically accurate sensors that could operate independently of traditional standards, thus enhancing the traceability and reliability of temperature measurements across diverse applications.

This presentation will also delve into these critical topics, examining the collaborative efforts and the long-term CCT strategy required to sustain global interoperability in thermometry.

Dr Dolores del Campo, Centro Español de Metrología, Spain

Dr Dolores del Campo, Centro Español de Metrología, Spain

14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 T? T90? Solutions to practical inconsistencies

The 2019 redefinition of the kelvin and its accompanying Mise en Pratique (MeP-K) herald a bold new future for the thermometry community, in which users will reap the benefits of direct dissemination of thermodynamic temperature T, practical primary thermometry, and zero-chain measurement traceability at the point of use. The MeP-K offers a blueprint for putting the kelvin into practice, yet the proliferation of new realisation options it enables will lead to practical inconsistencies for thermometer users. For nearly 100 years, the thermometry community has been accustomed to a straightforward International Temperature Scale measurement chain with traceability to the kelvin and trust assured by National Metrology Institutes (NMIs), culminating in the present T90 International Temperature Scale of 1990. In contrast, the emerging world of coexisting T and T90 thermometers, with some offering traceability outside of the traditional NMI chain, will challenge this stability. Users will need to reconcile devices with varied traceability paths, that return temperatures disagreeing by much more than their measurement uncertainties. In this talk, practical solutions to these practical inconsistencies will be discussed, focusing on harmony between T, T90, and three pillars of metrology—traceability, equivalence and competence—in order to allow thermometry end users to broadly benefit from new technologies while maintaining trust in measurements and minimising net disruption.

Dr Patrick Rourke, National Research Council Canada, Canada

Dr Patrick Rourke, National Research Council Canada, Canada

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 A comparative study of direct traceability to the kelvin for point of use applications

The revised definition of the kelvin has created new interest in alternative paths of traceability to the SI. In particular, development of methods for the direct realisation of the kelvin are ongoing, establishing traceability without the need to go through the international-consensus temperature scale, the ITS-90. These direct realisation methods are in contrast to the ITS-90 and the measurement infrastructure of reference materials and artefact thermometer calibration chains. This infrastructure has been built up over a century or more of industrialisation and scientific progress, and while very robust, is not well suited to certain categories of application environments. We examine how direct traceability to the kelvin can be applied to address those application requirements. We assess the relative practical merits of various direct realisation approaches from the standpoint of achievable uncertainties, practical realisations and selected measurement performance metrics over the range 4 K to 1235 K. This assessment points to a narrow application space of long-term missions, or those occurring in remote or hazardous environments where humans are largely absent, as the most compelling cases for the direct realisation approach. We examine two examples of special application environments where those performance advantages could be the best suited for point-of-use measurement.

Dr Weston Tew, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

Dr Weston Tew, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-17:00 Panel discussion