African tropical peatlands: their value and vulnerability

17 - 18 February 2025 09:00 - 17:00 The Royal Society Free Watch online
Ovide Emba, a scientist and biology student at the peatlands, bordering the Ruki River, close to the village Mpeka.

Discussion meeting organised by Professor Simon Lewis FRS, Professor Suspense Averti Ifo, Professor Corneille Ewango, Professor Susan Page and Professor Angela Gallego-Sala.

Importance et vulnérabilité des tourbières tropicales Africaines

Organisée par le Professeur Simon Lewis FRS, le Professeur Ifo Suspense Averti, le Professeur Corneille Ewango, la Professeure Sue Page et la Professeure Angela Gallego-Sala.

Tropical peatlands were thought to be rare in Africa. The 2017 mapping of Earth’s largest tropical peatland complex in the central Congo basin changed that view. This Discussion Meeting was the first ever conference on African peatlands, presenting new findings on the ecology, biodiversity, greenhouse gas fluxes, current management, and potential futures of these vulnerable ecosystems.

On croyait que les tourbières tropicales étaient rares en Afrique. La cartographie de 2017 du plus grand complexe de tourbières tropicales de la Terre, dans le bassin central du Congo, a changé cette perception. Cette réunion de discussion est la toute première conférence sur les tourbières africaines, présentant de nouvelles observations sur l'écologie, la biodiversité, les flux de gaz à effet de serre, la gestion actuelle et l'avenir potentiel de ces écosystèmes vulnérables. 

Attending the meeting

This event was free to attend and intended for researchers in the field.

Both in person and online registration was available.

Live captions in English and French were displayed for in person and online participants. 

Enquiries: contact the Scientific Programmes team

Image credit: © Nanna Heitmann/Magnum Photos

Caption: Ovide Emba, a scientist and biology student at the peatlands, bordering the Ruki River, close to the village Mpeka, Équateur Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.


  • Professor Simon Lewis FRS

    Professor Simon Lewis FRS

    Simon Lewis is Chair of Global Change Science at University College London and the University of Leeds. Professor Lewis is a tropical field ecologist who studies global environmental change.

    Professor Lewis' team first mapped the central Congo peatlands, spanning 16.8 million hectares, a newly described ecosystem type to science. Later his team uncovered its threshold behaviour over the past 20,000 years, absorbing carbon when the climate is wetter and releasing it when drier – a new feedback in the global carbon cycle.

    Professor Lewis co-leads the CongoPeat research network, with colleagues in the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

    Professor Lewis co-leads the Congo Basin Science Initiative, an independent platform to drive investment into Congo Basin science and scientists. It was recently awarded a £9.1 million grant, part of the UK governments’ Congo Basin Forest Action Programme, to train a new generation of scientists from central Africa.

  • Professor Suspense Ifo

    Professor Suspense Averti Ifo

    Suspense Averti Ifo is Associate Professor of Forest Ecology at Marien Ngouabi University, Republic of the Congo. As a forest ecologist and co-discoverer of Congo peatlands, he is co-leading CongoPeat expeditions in the Republic of Congo. In addition to collaborating on peatland research with the University of Leeds, he is Head of the Remote Sensing and Tropical Ecology Laboratory at Marien Ngouabi University. He leads a team of twenty focused on understanding the functioning of tropical forests, biodiversity impacts and carbon stocks. He is author of numerous publications, and has supervised more than fifty Master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

  • Corneille Ewango

    Professor Corneille Ewango

    Corneille Ewango holds a PhD in Forest Ecology and Forest Management from the Environmental Sciences Department, Forest Ecology and Forest Management at the University of Wageningen, Netherlands. Corneille is a full professor, tropical forest ecologist and botanist researcher at the University of Kisangani, DR Congo. His background is in forest ecology and management, plant taxonomy and biodiversity, systematics and forest functional ecology, peatlands ecology and climate change, as well as liana and epiphytic plant ecology. He has >30 years of experience leading research on floristic inventories, forest dynamics studies using permanent forest plots and, forest management and sustainable use of natural resources. Corneille is leading research on mapping the distribution, vegetation characterization and floristic inventories of the Congo Basin peat swamp forests, and contributes to the palaeoecological reconstruction of peatland dynamics, and indigenous and local knowledge about peatland ecosystems and resource use in peatlands in Congo. He contributes with his expertise to several tropical African forests botanical inventories, peatlands data collection in the Congo Basin, as part of joint projects between the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD-DRC), the Peatlands Management Unit (UGT-DRC), the Japanese Cooperation Agency (JICA/JAFTA), CIFOR-SWAMPS program and the US Forest Service (USFS), CongoFlux and climate change with the University of Ghent, Belgium and the Smithsonian’s Center for Tropical Forest Science.

  • Professor Susan Page

    Professor Susan Page, University of Leicester, UK

    Professor Page holds a personal chair in the Department of Geography at the University of Leicester and, up until August 2015, was Head of Department.  For the last 20 years her research has focused on the ecology and carbon dynamics of tropical peatlands, with a main focus in Southeast Asia.  She has been a partner in European Union and UK research council funded programmes investigating the ecology and carbon dynamics of these under-studied ecosystems, collaborating with UK, European and Southeast Asian partners.   When these studies commenced, most tropical peatlands were in a pristine, forested condition, but over the last two decades there have been significant changes in land use, with vast areas now deforested, drained and damaged extensively by wildfires.  These events have provided Professor Page with a rapidly changing backdrop for her research which, in turn, has led to advisory roles to government bodies and NGOs, consultancy and her appointment as a Lead Author to the IPCC. She has authored more than 100 journal papers, book chapters and technical reports, and supervised more than 20 PhD students. She was the 2013 recipient of the Busk Medal 2013 awarded by the Royal Geographical Society for her conservation research on tropical peatlands.

  • Professor Angela Gallego-Sala

    Professor Angela Gallego-Sala

    Professor Gallego-Sala is a biogeochemist with expertise in climatic regulation of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems working at the University of Exeter. Her particular area of expertise is peatlands and she has researched peatlands situated in different climatic zones to build a global perspective. Her career aim is to elucidate the unique role of peatlands in the Earth System covering multiple time horizons, from peat inception and accumulation over the Holocene, through to the potential impacts of enhanced peatland emissions accelerating climate change. She uses a variety of different methods that range from palaeo-biogeochemistry to present-day fluxes and future forecasting using models.
  • Professor Raphael Tshimanga

    Professor Raphael Tshimanga

    Raphael Tshimanga is a Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources at the University of Kinshasa, DRC. His is the Director of the Regional School of Water and the Congo Basin Water Resources Research Center (CRREBaC). He is the Co-Chair of the Congo Basin Science Initiative (CBSI). His achievements over the last decade have contributed to the funding of several international research and capacity building projects on water resources in the Congo Basin and Africa. His work has also contributed to the development of innovative new tools such as the CB-CIS (Congo Basin Catchment Information System) for integrated management and planning of water resources in the Congo Basin. This comes as a result of fruitful collaborative efforts between partner intuitions from Africa, Europe and America. Professor Raphael Tshimanga is the initiator and coordinator of several research, capacity building and professional development programs aimed to promote improved access to water resources services in the Congo Basin and Africa. These programs include the Congo Basin Network for Research and Capacity Building in Water Resources (CB-HYDRONET), the Congo Basin Water Resources Research Centre (CRREBaC), the recently created Regional School of Water at the University of Kinshasa, the European Union-funded Intra-African Academic Mobility Program, and the International Master's Program in Water Resources at the University of Kinshasa. This innovative Master’s program offers an integrated perspective of water resources management and engineering, focusing on five specialisations according to the potential water resources services available in the Congo Basin and central Africa, which include: Water and Biodiversity, Water and Energy, Water and Navigation, Water Supply and Sanitation, Water-Irrigation and Food Security.



Professor Angela Gallego-Sala

Professor Angela Gallego-Sala

University of Exeter, UK

09:00-09:05 Welcome
Professor Simon Lewis FRS

Professor Simon Lewis FRS

University of Leeds, UK

09:05-09:25 Peatlands across the African continent

Africa is home to the planet’s most extensive tropical peatland complex, the Cuvette Centrale, Congo Basin, but knowledge of peatland ecosystems across the continent is poor. For many regions of Africa there is no quantitative data from peatlands and much of the information comes from decades-old grey literature reports, which often omit vital information such as the geolocation of the peatlands. Here we review available information on African peatlands in order to construct a clearer picture of the distribution, characteristics and formation of these ecosystems. Whilst much of the literature is ambiguous, vague and in need of verification, we find that the majority of African countries are cited as harbouring peatlands, signifying that peatlands are widespread across the continent. Furthermore, they appear to form under a wide range of environmental conditions suggesting a high diversity among the African peatland ecosystems. Peatland ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon cycle. It is now crucial that quantitative data from peatlands across the continent is collected in order to permit more reliable and recent C stock estimates for these ecosystems.

Dr Greta C Dargie

Dr Greta C Dargie

University of Leeds, UK

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:00 Hydroclimatic development of the central Congo peatlands since the last Ice Age

The development of tropical peatlands is closely linked to local hydroclimatic conditions, as waterlogging is the primary mechanism enabling the accumulation of organic matter in tropical regions. Measuring the hydrogen isotope composition of plant waxes extracted from peat cores allows the reconstruction of past hydroclimatic conditions, offering insights into the formation and evolution processes of tropical peatlands. Here, we present a new plant wax hydrogen isotope (δDn-C29) record alongside a published record from peat cores in the Cuvette Centrale, Congo Basin — the world's largest tropical peatland complex, storing approximately 30 billion tons of carbon. The two records were obtained from contrasting settings: one from a river-proximal peatland and the other from a large interfluvial peat dome, representing different peat-forming regions of the Cuvette Centrale. Despite these differences, both δDn-C29 records show strong covariation, indicating that peatlands across the region developed under broadly similar hydroclimatic conditions. An increase in precipitation at the end of the last Ice Age initiated peat formation and drove intensification of peat accumulation across the Cuvette Centrale. Similarly, a drying trend around 5 ka impacted peat development at both sites, underscoring the close linkage between precipitation regimes and peatland development across different regions. The strong agreement between these two peatland records and a δDn-C29 record from the offshore Congo Fan further highlights the regional coherence of hydroclimatic evolution.

Dr Johanna Menges

Dr Johanna Menges

University of Bremen, Germany

10:00-10:15 Past vegetation and climate change in the central Congo Basin peatlands since the Late Pleistocene.

The central Congo Basin (CCB) contains one of the world’s most extensive regions of tropical peat swamp forest, occupying interfluves and floodplains surrounding the Congo River and its tributaries. The region is dominated by hardwood and Raphia-palm forests; however, little is known about how and when these forests developed. Here we present evidence for forest development via pollen analysis on peat cores from four study sites, two on floodplains to the East of the Congo River, and two on interfluves to the West of the Congo River. By comparing pollen records of vegetation succession from these four sites, we established two contrasting patterns of forest development; one pattern evolved from an open herbaceous wetland and the other from a hardwood swamp forest, both driven by autogenic and allogenic processes. When comparing the vegetation succession to records of past precipitation reconstructed from plant wax hydrogen isotopes (δDn-C29), we observed that a drying trend in the Late Holocene affected forest composition at all sites, with some sites being more sensitive to precipitation change than others. Our findings highlight the biological diversity and complexity of the CCB peatlands, but also their sensitivity to climatic change, providing important context for efforts to protect and conserve the CCB peat swamp forests.

Dr Donna Hawthorne

Dr Donna Hawthorne

Queen's University Belfast, UK

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Assessing Human-Environment Dynamics from Congo Basin Peatlands

Palaeobotanical and geochemical analysis of sedimentary records across the Congo Basin have demonstrated how interactions between vegetation, hydrology, and geomorphology influence the trajectory of peatland development. Human impacts on this region unfold across scales from the global impacts of anthropogenic climate change to the local impacts of swidden agriculture and charcoal production. Conservation policies and restoration targets directly impact the livelihoods of millions of people who occupy fishing camps, villages, and permanent cities located in close proximity to the complex hydrogeological environments of the Congo River and its wetlands. Assessing the sensitivity and/or resilience of peatland environments to these local pressures requires looking at long-term changes in human population density and land use in this region. Major demographic and technological changes took place in Central Africa over the course of the Late Holocene (ca. 4 ka - present) and provide a model for estimating the risks posed by different human land use patterns. Here, we report results of paleoecological and geochemical analysis of sedimentary records from a range of geomorphic settings in the Congo Basin associated with different modes of human land use. Because detecting human impacts in palaeoenvironmental records is prone to problems of equifinality, we focus on establishing an empirical baseline for human-modified vegetation patterns in these contexts. We conclude by considering how the trajectory of Congo Basin peatland development contextualizes archaeological and historical models of forest settlement by Pleistocene hunter-gatherers, Holocene farmers, and historic populations alike.

Dr Christopher Kiahtipes

Dr Christopher Kiahtipes

University of South Florida, US

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Plant diversity of peatlands adjacent to white and black water river in the central Congo Basin

The central Congo Basin is home to the world’s largest tropical peatland complex, storing an estimated 29 petagram of carbon. Although the important role these peatlands play in the global carbon cycle is now recognized, very little is known about the biodiversity of these peatland ecosystems, including the vegetation associated with the peat. Here we investigate the plant diversity of six peatland sites along two contrasting river systems within the Democratic Republic of Congo: the Congo River, a white-water river, and the Ruki River, a black water tributary of the Congo River. In terms of species richness there is no difference between the Ruki and Congo peatland vegetation. Common species along both rivers include Raphia laurentii, R. sese, Guibourtia demeusei et Oubanguia africana. However, the abundance of species varies between sites.

Mr Kanyama Joseph

Mr Kanyama Joseph

University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo

12:15-12:30 Discussion


Professor Suspense Ifo

Professor Suspense Averti Ifo

Marien Ngouabi University, Republic Of Congo

13:30-14:00 Carbon dynamics of the Niger Delta – Africa’s largest coastal peatland complex

Mangrove ecosystems, which have experienced over 50% area loss globally, are now seen as crucial to the mitigation of many of today’s environmental challenges. Their ability to sequester and store large amounts of organic carbon in vegetation, soil and peat have made mangroves particularly well suited for restoration and conservation efforts targeted at mitigating or reducing CO2 emissions in certain countries. Mangrove loss rates have drastically decreased globally and gains in mangrove extent are reported worldwide, indicating successful restoration, protection or adaptation of the ecosystem to new areas. The Niger Delta region of Nigeria harbors the largest contiguous mangrove forest system in the world as well as Africa’s second largest extent of freshwater peatland forests. Contrary to global trends, the loss of mangrove ecosystems in Nigeria has increased since 2000. In addition to deforestation, large areas of endemic mangroves have been replaced by the invasive Nypa Palm. To date, the full extent of mangrove and peatland loss in Nigeria, as well as the causes and timing, have not been well quantified. Here, we use 40 years of historic satellite data coupled with in situ measurements, to map the extent, timing and causes of mangrove die off and degradation in Nigeria. We map current and historic mangrove extent using Landsat satellite data from 1984 through 2023. We use the recently released global mangrove height dataset at 12 m resolution to map height and calculate the biomass of mangrove forests. Finally, we estimate the total carbon stocks of the region (above, below and soil carbon) and estimate how much carbon previously stored in the mangrove ecosystem has been emitted or lost.

Dr Lola Fatoyinbo

Dr Lola Fatoyinbo


14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 A probabilistic inventory of tropical peatlands in the Angolan Highlands Water Tower

Peatlands provide critical ecosystem services, including habitat for biodiversity, water purification, and climate regulation. Tropical peatlands in Africa face significant knowledge gaps in occurrence and extent estimates, and lack policy initiatives related to conservation and sustainable management. This study expands a previous peatland inventory for the Angolan Highlands by extending the geographic scope to include the key Angolan Highlands Water Tower (AHWT). The inventory incorporates additional satellite- and terrain-based indices that capture unique phenological characteristics of peat, as well as geomorphological landscape features that play a mechanistic role in AHWT peat formation. Using an ensemble unsupervised classification approach, we present a probabilistic map of potential peat deposits, estimating that peatlands cover 11,168 km2 (2.94%) of the AHWT. This extent is comparable to the three major regions of tropical lowland peat across the globe — in the Congo's Cuvette Centrale, tropical islands of South East Asia, and Western Amazonia. The updated inventory can be used to guide conservation and estimate potential carbon stores for the region. Our methodological framework contributes to improved peatland mapping in the AHWT region, and can be adapted for other inaccessible areas with limited field data where the mechanisms leading to peat formation are similar.

Dr Mauro Lourenco

Dr Mauro Lourenco

The Wild Bird Trust, South Africa

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Controls over greenhouse gas production from tropical peatlands of the Central Congo Basin

Tropical peatlands are a significant source of rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, including methane. The Central Congo Basin is home to the world’s largest tropical peatland, but controls over greenhouse gas emissions are poorly understood. To address this, we collected surface peat samples from six sites featuring a mix of palm and hardwood dominated peatlands, incubating samples under flooded aerobic, flooded anoxic, and mesic conditions to quantify the extent to which hydrological regime regulates emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, and the extent to which the processes differ between contrasting plant communities. We found substantial differences in emissions between dominant vegetation types and in response to changes in hydrological regime. FTIR and nutrient analysis of surface peats indicated contrasting drivers between vegetation types. Peat samples collected to a depth of 1.5 m from two adjacent sites were also collected and incubated, with results indicating a surface peats dominant the production of greenhouse gases for peat derived from both vegetation types. Taken together our results indicate that hydrology, nutrient regime, and chemistry play a critical role in determining the balance of emissions from contrasting vegetation types in Central African peatlands.

Dr Nicholas Girkin

Dr Nicholas Girkin

University of Nottingham, UK

16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-16:45 Distinctly structured insect communities in the central Congo peatlands, and the consequences for ecosystem functioning

Insects play a wide range of roles in tropical forests, including several ecosystem processes which are particularly relevant in tropical peat-swamp forests such as herbivory and decomposition. The distinctive hydrological conditions which characterise tropical peatlands strongly influence forest structure and vegetative composition, however the consequences for insect diversity and ecological processes they mediate in these ecosystems are unclear. Here, I present results from a first assessment of the structure of insect communities in the central Congo peatlands, with a focus on herbivorous Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and aquatic Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies). By comparing patterns in community composition across palm- and hardwood-dominated swamp forests, I explore the factors contributing to insect diversity in these forests, and the potential consequences for biogeochemical cycling. Then, I assess the role of moths in nocturnal pollination within these peatland forest ecosystems, by constructing pollen-transport networks based on the identification of pollen loads. Together, these results demonstrate the central Congo peatlands host a low diversity of several functionally important insect groups, which are subject to a distinct set of ecological pressures. Whilst alpha diversity is low, peatland insect communities comprise several taxa thought to be peatland specialists, highlighting the need to wider characterisation and protection of Congolese peatland biodiversity.

Mr Charles Hackforth

Mr Charles Hackforth

University College London, UK

16:45-17:00 Discussion


Professor Raphael Tshimanga

Professor Raphael Tshimanga

University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

09:05-09:30 Spatial variability of biomass in the central Congo peatlands

The largest complex of peat swamp forest (PSF) in the world, covering 167,600 km2 and storing 29 Pg of carbon in the soil, is located in the central Congo Basin. Estimates of the carbon stocks of the vegetation found there are in their infancy. Since biomass variability is best explained by the floristic and structural composition, it is crucial to take these into account when estimating biomass. Thus, improving the measurement of wood density (WD) and understanding its determinants and impact on biomass estimates are crucial to understand how this ecosystem functions. This study aimed to estimate and assess the impact of WD and structural parameters on the spatial variability of biomass in Congo Basin PSF. A total of 94 nested circular plots were installed at five study sites in the Republic of Congo, to sample PSF. We collected wood cores using an increment borer from 244 trees, to measure wood density of the 20 abundant species. Above-ground biomass was significantly overestimated on average by 31.12% after using WD global database, rather than our measurements. The low average local WD (0.460±0.12 g/cm3) explained this difference. The WD variation was mainly at species level (58%) and the functional traits revealed that WD was lower for pioneer species and evergreen trees. It should also be noted that basal area (48,77%) and maximum tree diameter (46,94%) are the structural parameters that best explain biomass variability. Our study reveals the importance of local WD and big trees in estimating biomass.

Dr Yannick Enock Bocko

Dr Yannick Enock Bocko

Marien Ngouabi University, Republic of Congo

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:15 Likely trajectories of change for African peatlands: where are the data gaps

African peatlands span from the small peatlands found in the Moroccian Atlas mountains in the North of the continent all the way to the peatlands lying on the Southern and Eastern coastlines of South Africa, including the vast expanses in the Congo basin, the peatlands of the Nile basin and of the Niger delta. Because of this geographical diversity, African peatlands host an enormous variety of peatland types and vegetation spanning a wide range of climatic conditions. These peatlands occur in areas of varying aridity and they are important for the livelihoods of populations that live near them,  providing water, food (agriculture and fishing) and energy. The latest estimates suggest African peatlands cover more than 32 million hectares of which ca. 1,4 million ha are currently used for agriculture (FAO). In spite of their importance, both in terms of biodiversity, carbon stocks and livelihoods, African peatlands remain understudied. Here we provide an overview of global peatland monitoring and research and we highlight knowledge gaps in African peatland science,  suggesting remaining questions and opportunities for research.

Professor Angela Gallego-Sala

Professor Angela Gallego-Sala

University of Exeter, UK

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Rapid carbon losses from Congo basin peatlands under climate and future land use change

Peat has accumulated in tropical swamp forests since before the Last Glacial Maximum, forming globally-important stores of carbon. The world’s largest tropical peatland complex is in the central Congo Basin (CCB). The complex is largely intact and likely a carbon sink, unlike similar peatlands in SE Asia, which, because of drainage for agriculture and afforestation, are significant sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Previous studies have shown that past climatic drying resulted in the widespread loss of a large proportion of the peat in the CCB, indicating its vulnerability to climate change. However, the additional effect of large-scale land-use change has not been assessed. Here we use an ecosystem model driven with an ensemble of possible future climates to simulate the effect of climate and land-use change on the CCB peatlands. We find that the fate of the peatland carbon store is highly uncertain when we simulate climate change alone. Because of the wide variability in projected future climates for the region, the modelled outcomes range from an increase in peat thickness (up to ~0.3 m) to a significant loss (~0.5 m for a global warming level of +1.5 °C; between ~1 m and >4 m for +2 to +4 °C). However, the simulations that couple possible future land-use change with 21st century climate change are unequivocal: the CCB peatlands will rapidly become significant emitters of carbon. Our results therefore emphasize the need to protect the CCB peatlands from widespread land-use change.

Dr Dylan Young

Dr Dylan Young

University of Leeds, UK

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Climate change impacts on African tropical peatlands

Human-caused climate change is projected to bring increasing risks to the people and ecosystems of African tropical peatlands, including the risk of carbon release which would itself contribute to accelerating global warming. Temperatures in the region are rising by around 0.1 – 0.2 per decade, and some places have seen reducing rainfall since the start of the 20th Century. Moreover, reanalyses suggest a large increase in evaporation over the last 4 decades, driving a drying of the landscape. The peatland climates are projected to warm further, and coupled with high levels of humidity this is projected to increase the frequency of days with extreme human heat stress conditions. A wide range of changes in annual mean precipitation and soil moisture are projected, including both increases and decreases, so uncertainty is high. A majority of  models project increasing future flows in the Congo river, but nevertheless there is a substantial number that project decreased flows. Precipitation is projected to become more intense, and both pluvial and fluvial flooding are also projected to increase. Nevertheless, in the peatlands of the Cuvette Centrale, extreme droughts – defined as the driest 10% of years locally – are projected to become twice as likely at 2°C global warming and up to three time as likely at 4°C global warming. Model simulations indicate a risk of major losses of carbon from the peatlands due to this potential drying, if global warming is not limited to well below 2°C.

Professor Richard Betts MBE

Professor Richard Betts MBE

University of Exeter, UK

12:15-12:30 Discussion


Professor Susan Page

Professor Susan Page, University of Leicester, UK

13:30-14:00 Seasonal rhythms, human mobility and social resilience in the central Congo Basin peatlands

The cultures and livelihoods of communities residing on the edge of the Central Congo Basin peatlands are deeply entangled with seasonal rains and flood pulses. Like other fisher communities in the region and in the Amazon, we find that local residents of peatland fishing camps in the Central Congo Basin have developed well-honed strategies to cope with and adapt to a dynamic hydroclimate. Mobility is one of these strategies. Here, we explore how we can understand resilience outcomes in peatland fisher communities through understanding mobility patterns and viewing communities as variable in space and time. Drawing on qualitative data from a peatland fishing camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we first present data from first-hand accounts of seasonal variations in rainfall and flooding patterns and its influence on local livelihood activities. We then describe how local livelihood strategies are associated with different mobility patterns. Lastly, using short vignettes of mobility histories of different fishing camp residents, we present how resilience outcomes vary. In so doing, we identify the importance of local and translocal social networks for the flow of people, resources, information and knowledge, crucial elements of resilience or the ability to cope with and adapt to a dynamic hydroclimate. Our results suggest that stakeholders involved in developing future conservation and sustainable management interventions in the central Congo Basin peatlands should consider their potential impact on differentiated mobility patterns and, as a result, how different policy options may impact the resilience of different groups in peatland communities.

Ms Shona Jenkins

Ms Shona Jenkins

University of Edinburgh & University of St Andrews, UK

14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 Options to Protect the Peatlands of Northern Republic of the Congo

African peatlands support livelihoods as well as providing environmental services at local, regional, and global levels. In the Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) the government has recently prohibited the industrial exploitation of the peatlands and has committed to granting the peatlands area a special legal status. Here we report on interviews with a range of stakeholders, including peatland-dependent communities, government, private sector, NGOs, and international donors, to assess the benefits they gain from the peatlands and their aspirations for the future. This can provide robust data for input into discussions on the special legal status. We show that Indigenous people and local communities rely on the peatlands for fishing, their primary source of food and income. The peatlands also have cultural and spiritual importance. Peoples’ livelihood practices appear largely sustainable at present. Our interviews also established that the Republic of the Congo government generates a negligible revenue from the peatlands. The private sector is not currently actively exploiting the peatlands for industrial timber extraction, commercial agriculture, or oil exploration. One important finding is that local populations oppose the creation of traditional protected areas as this may restrict access and prohibit fishing. This suggests that legal frameworks that do not restrict local communities’ customary access and uses, known as ‘Other Effective Conservation Measures’, may achieve more of the aspirations of more stakeholders than traditional protected areas. Finally, we propose some next steps to assist in granting a special legal status of the peatlands that includes protecting local peoples' rights and livelihoods.

Mrs Cassandra Dummett

Mrs Cassandra Dummett

University College London, UK

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:15 Panel Discussion: What science is needed to inform policy to better manage the peatlands?
Dr Lola Fatoyinbo

Dr Lola Fatoyinbo


Professor Suspense Averti Ifo

Professor Suspense Averti Ifo

Marien Ngouabi University, Republic Of Congo

Professor Raphael Tshimanga

Professor Raphael Tshimanga

University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Dr Greta C Dargie

Dr Greta C Dargie

University of Leeds, UK

Ms Shona Jenkins

Ms Shona Jenkins

University of Edinburgh & University of St Andrews, UK

16:15-16:25 Ruth Davis, UK Special Representative for Nature
Ruth Davis OBE

Ruth Davis OBE

16:25-17:00 Minister Soudan-Nonault, Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and the Congo Basin, Republic of Congo