Ionic liquids and the future of soft materials

03 - 04 March 2025 09:00 - 17:00 The Royal Society Free Watch online
Abstract image of liquids

Discussion meeting organised by Dr Alex Brogan, Professor Anna Croft, and Professor Eden Tanner

In this meeting, we will discuss the future of using ionic liquids for the design of soft materials. This will incorporate broad viewpoints across both science and engineering, with the aim of sharing best practice and generating new research directions. In doing so, we will mark the establishment of a collaborative network in this new and exciting area of research.

Poster session

There will be a poster session on Monday 03 March. If you would like to present a poster, please submit your proposed title, abstract (up to 200 words), author list, and the name of the proposed presenter and institution to the Scientific Programmes team no later than Wednesday 12 February 2025. 

Attending this event

This event is intended for researchers in relevant fields.

  • Free to attend

  • Both in-person and online attendance is available. Advance registration is essential. Registration will open soon

  • Lunch is available on both days of the meeting for an optional £25 per day. There are plenty of places to eat nearby if you would prefer to purchase food offsite. Participants are welcome to bring their own lunch to the meeting

Enquiries: contact the Scientific Programmes team


  • Dr Alex Brogan, King's College London, UK

    Dr Alex Brogan, King's College London, UK

    Alex is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at King's College London, having started his independent career there in 2019. Alex obtained both his MSci and PhD from the University of Bristol and did his postdoc at Imperial College London where he also spent time as a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The focus of his research is to develop new biotechnologies to make biological systems more compatible with synthetic systems. The purpose of which is to fully exploit nature’s toolkit to make industry more sustainable and more environmentally friendly, whilst simultaneously helping us move from an oil-based economy to a bio-based economy. 

  • Professor Anna Croft, Loughborough University, UK

    Professor Anna Croft, Loughborough University, UK

    Professor Anna Croft currently leads the Disruptive Chemistries group at Loughborough, exploring approaches to post-oil chemicals production and achieving net zero, with a particular focus on bio-based systems. She has made contributions to numerous areas, including reaction mechanisms in ionic liquids, computational enzymology, understanding protein-ion interactions, free radical chemistries, bio-based materials for 3D printing incorporating ionic materials, and the application of machine learning to a range of problems for experimental, structural, and chemoinformatic analysis, including of ionic species. She has worked with industrial partners both in the chemicals and healthcare sectors, and is keen to bring people together to solve challenges in these areas more quickly, and within the context of the climate crisis.

  • Assistant Professor Eden Tanner, University of Mississippi, USA

    Assistant Professor Eden Tanner, University of Mississippi, USA

    Dr Eden E L Tanner completed her undergraduate degree in Advanced Science (Chemistry) at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. She earned her doctorate in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Oxford with Professor Richard G Compton, and moved to Harvard University in 2017 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Samir Mitragotri. As of August 2020, Dr Tanner is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Mississippi. The Tanner Lab works at the interface of Chemistry and Bioengineering with a focus on using ionic liquids to solve problems in nanoparticle drug delivery.



Professor Pedro Lozano, University of Murcia, Spain

Professor Pedro Lozano, University of Murcia, Spain

09:05-09:30 Ionic liquid gels: a catalyst for sustainability

Ionic liquid gels are a versatile class of material that allow a tailored approach to materials design.

Ionic liquid gels of different types will be introduced, including examples of inorganic oxide, supramolecular, organic fossil-based polymer, and biopolymer ionic liquid gels. 

Examples of applications for each type of material, alongside how the material is designed to enhance that application, will be explored. 

The emergence of wholly biobased ionic liquid gels, where both the liquid and solid component of the gel can be bioderived, shows that ionic liquid gels can be both high performance and sustainable materials.  

Dr Patricia Marr, Queen's University Belfast, UK

Dr Patricia Marr, Queen's University Belfast, UK

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:15 Ionic liquids: the chemistry beyond the ion pair

Ionic liquid (ILs) offer a versatile platform for designing supramolecular architectures through the manipulation of covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds, along with Van der Waals interactions. This is especially true for ILs containing planar and rigid cations. The structural organisation of these materials arises from the supramolecular association of contact ion pairs through cooperative hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals interactions, forming well-defined supramolecular structures with predictable functions. This structural arrangement is observed across solid, liquid, gas phases, and even in solution. These supramolecular structures adapt and are adaptable, allowing for the incorporation of molecular, ionic, macromolecular, and inorganic materials to form inclusion compounds, aggregates, clusters, triple ions, contact ion pairs, and, at high dilutions, solvent-separated ion pairs. These interactions occur with minimal changes to their supramolecular organisation. This presentation delves into the rich and complex chemistry of ILs, drawing on the vast data accumulated over the last 30 years. It considers various aspects beyond the basic interactions between cations and anions, demonstrating that the properties and applications of ILs extend far beyond their fundamental ionic nature.

Professor Jairton Dupont, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Professor Jairton Dupont, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

10:15-10:30 Discussion
11:00-11:30 Enhanced Li+, Mg 2+ diffusion at the polymer-ionic liquid interface within lonogel

With the widespread use of batteries, their increased performance and safety is of growing importance. While looking for enhanced energy and power, as well as naturally abundant, eco-friendly and cheaper elements, one avenue for this is the enhancement of ion diffusion, particularly for efficient and safe solid-state-like electrolytes, and for different ions such as lithium (Li+) and magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+), zinc (Zn2+).1 Unravelling the origin of better cation diffusion in confined ionic liquids (ILs) in a polymer matrix (ionogels) was compared to that of the IL itself. Ionic conductivity measured by EIS for ionogels (7.0 at 30°C) is very close to the conductivity of the non-confined IL (8.9 at 30°C), ie 1-ethyl-3-methyimidazolium bis(trifluorosulfonyl)imide (EMIM TFSI). An even better ionic conductivity was observed for confined EMIM TFSI with high concentrations (1M) of lithium or magnesium salt added. The improved macroscopic transport properties could be explained by the higher self-diffusion, measured by PFG NMR, of each ion at the liquid-to-solid interface induced by the confinement in poly-vinylidenedifluoride (PVDF) or EO-based polymer (in this last case with phosphonium-FSI-Li) polymer matrix. Upon confinement, the strong breaking down of ion aggregates enables a better diffusion especially for TFSI anion and strongly polarising cations (eg Li+, Mg2+). The coordination number, obtained by in-depth Raman study, of these cations in the liquid phase confirmed that metal cations interact with the polymer matrix. Moreover, from the NMR study, it is a major result that the activation energy for diffusion is lowered.

Professor Jean le Bideau, Nantes Université, France

Professor Jean le Bideau, Nantes Université, France

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Exploring the electronic structure of hydrogen bonds in bio-derived ionic liquids

Hydrogen bonding (H-bonding) is present in many ionic liquids (ILs), IL-like materials and deep eutectic solvents, and can play a key role in determining the chemical and physical properties of these materials. The range and versatility of ILs is, in-part, due to the diverse range of H-bonding interactions that occur within different ILs. This extends from ILs that barely exhibit H-bonding (and resemble molten salts) to ILs that are formed by the transfer of a proton and exist in equilibrium with the corresponding neutral acid and base (protic ILs).

There is an increasing interest in bio-derived and/or bio-compatible IL materials. This includes ILs based on bio-relevant cations with (protic) N-H or (aprotic) C-H moieties such as imidazolium, ammonium, guanidinium or choline and/or anions which are principally (natural) carboxylates. In poly-ILs either the bio-relevant cation or anion can be polymerised or included as pendant groups on a polymer chain. There is significant interest in the ability of such bio-ILs to; stabilise proteins, enhance the activity of nano-particles for bio-applications, be more sustainable proton conductors for fuel cells and non-toxic electrolytes for (wearable) devices.

The general nature of a simple "ordinary" H-bond formed within an aqueous environment is well known.  However, in IL and IL-like systems the ionic nature of the H-bonded pairs and dense ionic solvent environment leads to the formation of "doubly ionic H-bonds" that have key differences with respect to more traditional H-bonds. In an environment with many H-bond donors and acceptors full proton transfer is also relevant, but can be unconventional. With very limited molar quantities of water, hydronium ions cannot form and the pH can be different from that anticipated based on aqueous solutions. Moreover, the pKa of the constituent ions can differ from that expected. Thus, there are many open questions on the nature of H-bonds within bio-IL systems.

The aim of this presentation is to explore the H-bond that forms in bio-ILs and IL-like materials through the lens of molecular quantum chemical (DFT) calculations. The fundamental molecular level inter-ion interactions that occur, and the electronic structure of the H-bonds that form, will be considered.

Professor Patricia Hunt, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Professor Patricia Hunt, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Dr Talia Shmool

Dr Talia A Shmool, Imperial College London, UK

13:30-14:00 Glassy Ionogels with thermoplastic-like toughness

Glasses and gels are usually considered distinct classes of materials. Glassy polymers are generally hard (high modulus), possess a glass transition temperature, and are often brittle. Gels are polymer networks swollen with liquid. Usually, the presence of solvent in a crosslinked polymer network causes it to swell, thereby significantly decreasing the modulus and significantly increasing the strain at break. We discovered a class of materials that we call “glassy gels” that contain up to 60% liquid, yet have glassy mechanical properties. The solvent in this case is an ionic liquid, which acts as noncovalent crosslinker between chains, restricting the movement of the polymer chains, thereby making the gel glassy at room temperature, resulting in an ultrahigh modulus (~1 GPa) and exceptional toughness, similar to thermoplastics. Yet unlike thermoplastics, which typically form using specialised catalysts and elevated temperatures, these “glassy gels” can form easily by mixing the ingredients and curing it with light via free radical polymerisation. In addition, the glassy gels have useful properties such as self-healing, shape memory, and exceptionally strong adhesion to many surfaces despite being glassy. The findings should expand the applications of ionogels, which are compelling materials for energy storage devices, ionotronics, and actuators due to their excellent ionic conductivity, thermal and electrochemical stability and nonvolatility. 

Professor Michael Dickey, North Carolina State University, USA

Professor Michael Dickey, North Carolina State University, USA

14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 Biocompatible ionic liquids as designer solvents for lipid nanoparticle drug delivery systems

Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) stand as the most clinically advanced drug delivery systems due to their biocompatibility, ease of large-scale production, tuneability, and ability to deliver a range of bioactives from anti-cancer drugs to large biomolecules such as mRNAs. To enhance LNP formulations for targeted delivery, manipulating their structures and surface properties is needed and often achieved by incorporating surfactants into the main lipid matrix. Ionic liquids (ILs), a versatile class of tailorable solvents composed of ions, emerge as promising solvent additives for this purpose. Biocompatible ILs have demonstrated potential for biological applications owing to their low cytotoxicity and high biodegradability. In this talk, I will present my research on the application of biocompatible IL libraries ( mainly choline amino acid ILs) as additive solvents to change the internal structures and properties of self-assembled monoolein LNPs. The findings demonstrate that changing the anion component of the ILs can influence the lamellar, cubic, and hexagonal structure formation within self-assembled LNPs and affect the surface charge properties, which in turn influence drug loading and release of LNPs. Subsequently, further studies at the bio-nano interface demonstrate the cytotoxicity, cell membrane interaction, and cellular drug delivery of IL-added LNP formulations behaved significantly different, opening up an avenue of applying customisable IL library for specific particle formulation and therapeutic applications.

Associate Professor Jiali Zhai, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

Associate Professor Jiali Zhai, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Boosting the use of ionic liquids in confined media: the case of ionic liquid gels

Since their first appearance in literature, ionic liquids have immediately shown their potential from an applicative point of view. Thanks to their structural tunability, allowing the modulation of their properties, they have been used in different fields. 

This lecture will analyse their confinement in the ionic liquid gels. These are soft materials exhibiting intermediate behaviour between solid and liquid systems. They can be obtained from the entrapment of ionic liquids in a three-dimensional network formed by low molecular weight compounds or polymeric species. Consequently, changing the nature of the ionic liquids, a fine tuning of the soft materials properties can be obtained.

In the light of the above considerations, the lecture will firstly focus on the analysis of the relationship working between ionic liquids structure and gel properties. Then, the obtainment of hybrid ionic liquid gels, deriving from the combination with carbon nanomaterials will be discussed. Finally, a wide overview of the applications, spanning from the use as reaction media, to the ones of materials for wastewater treatment or desulfurization of fuels, as well as the one as antioxidant and antibacterial coatings or system for chiral selection will be discussed.

Professor Francesca D'Anna, University of Palermo, Italy

Professor Francesca D'Anna, University of Palermo, Italy

16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-16:45 Ionic liquids for therapeutic applications

Ionic Liquids offer exciting opportunities for several therapeutic applications. Their tuneable properties offer control over their design and function. Starting with biocompatible ions, we synthesised a library of ionic liquids and explored them for various drug delivery applications. Ionic liquids provided unique advantages including overcoming the biological transport barriers of skin, buccal mucosa, subcutaneous tissue and the intestinal epithelium, among others. At the same time, they also stabilised proteins and nucleic acids, and enabled the delivery of biologics across these barriers. They also provided unique biological functions including adjuvancy towards vaccines and antimicrobial function. I will present an overview of the design features of ionic liquids and novel therapeutic applications enabled by these unique materials.

Professor Samir Mitragotri, Harvard University, USA

Professor Samir Mitragotri, Harvard University, USA

16:45-17:00 Discussion
17:00-18:15 Poster session


Dr Ezinne Achinivu, University of Illinois, USA

Dr Ezinne Achinivu-Ibagere, University of Illinois, USA

09:00-09:30 Ionogel and eutectogel electrolytes for wearable sensors to support healthy aging

As the global population ages, strategies to effectively monitor the health of elderly individuals in unobtrusive and meaningful ways in order to promote independence as they age in place are actively being sought. Continuous monitoring of subtle changes in mobility to predict adverse outcomes such as falls, for example, may be achievable through the use of wearable strain sensors that feature highly stretchable, biofriendly gel electrolytes. A particularly versatile group of soft materials well-suited to this application are polymer-supported gels that are formulated using either ionic liquids (ionogels) or ion-dense, deep eutectic mixtures (eutectogels). These nonaqueous, highly customisable gels can exploit attractive properties of ionic liquids and deep eutectic mixtures, such as high ionic conductivity and low volatility/nonflammability, whilst their mechanical properties may be tuned via polymer selection and assembly. An increasing number of studies that have employed ionogels or eutectogels as enabling electrolyte materials for wearable health monitoring devices, such as strain sensors for motion detection, have appeared in the scientific literature within the past few years. In addition to ensuring an ability to meet desired sensor performance metrics, the stability over time, recyclability, toxicity, and cost of candidate gel electrolyte materials are also critically important factors to consider. This presentation will summarise some recent findings from the field and provide a perspective on materials selection and suggested design rules for realising ionogels and eutectogels that are positioned to make a positive future impact on the well-being of a significant fraction of the population.

Professor Matthew Panzer, Tufts University, USA

Professor Matthew Panzer, Tufts University, USA

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:15 Ionic liquid assisted casting of composite films from cellulose and waste plant protein

A circular materials economy requires a minimal consumption of mined resources, effective waste management and reduced environmental pollution with non-degradable materials, which is driving the search for new biobased and biodegradable plastic materials. Films are essential for the protection and packaging of a variety of items. Here, the use of ionic liquids is reported to generate biopolymer composite films from cellulose and waste plant protein extracted from Brewer’s Spent Grain (BSG). Ionic liquids were selected as the film casting solvent due their ability to dissolve cellulose and protein without derivatisation. Film casting dopes were formulated and transformed into films via heat pressing of the hydrogels generated from solvent exchange. After screening four ionic liquids, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium diethyl phosphate, [Emim][DEP], and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dimethyl phosphate, [Emim][DMP], were selected for further study. Incorporation of BSG protein into IL generated cellulose films with significantly enhanced the properties of the cellulose films, such as increased hydrophobicity, increased tensile strength (which compares favourably with major commercial packaging materials) and increased UV absorption properties. Regeneration and recycling of the ILs was also demonstrated, showcasing a potential role for ionic liquids in the production of protective biopolymer films whose raw material sourcing does not compete with food production.

Dr Agnieszka Brandt-Talbot, Imperial College London, UK

Dr Agnieszka Brandt-Talbot, Imperial College London, UK

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Thermoelectric ionogels for waste heat harvesting

Heat has been the primary energy source of the human society. However, the heat utilisation is below 30%, that is, the majority of heat dissipates to the environment as waste heat. In addition, plenty of waste heat is generated in natural processes like the photothermal and geothermal processes. Hence, it is of great significance to develop technology to efficient harvest waste heat, especially the low-grade heat below 130 °C that is about 2/3 of the total waste heat. Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) with electronic conductors or semiconductors have been studied for more than 200 years. Nevertheless, their performance is good enough to harvest the low-grade heat in large scale. Recently, ionic thermoelectric materials emerged as the promising materials for waste heat harvesting because of their high thermoelectric properties, particularly their high thermopower. 

Recently, ionic thermoelectric materials emerge as the next-generation thermoelectric materials. They can exhibit a very high thermopower, higher than that of the electronic thermoelectric materials by 2-3 orders in magnitude. The ionic thermopower arises from the Soret effect of ions, that is, the accumulations of cations and anions at the two ends of an ionic conductor under temperature gradient. In particular, ionogels has attracted great attention because of the high ionic concentration and nonvolatility of ionic liquids. Here, I will present some of our research works on developing high-performance thermoelectric ionogels and ionic thermoelectric devices.

Professor Jianyong Ouyang, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Professor Jianyong Ouyang, National University of Singapore, Singapore

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Drinkable ionic liquids

The solvent for life science is water because lives are composed of high amounts of water. On the other hand, organic solvents are often used academically and industrially, and the most often-used applications of organic solvents are drug solvents and cryoprotectants for cells. The representative organic solvent, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), is widely used as a solvent in such cases due to its low toxicity among organic solvents. However, it is surely toxic and affects cell behaviours even at 0.1 wt%. Here, we propose a zwitterionic liquid (ZIL), a zwitterion-type ionic liquid, as a new alternative to DMSO. ZIL is not cell permeable, less toxic to cells and tissues, and has great potential as a vehicle for various hydrophobic drugs. Notably, ZIL can serve as a solvent for stock solutions of platinating agents, whose anticancer effects are completely abolished by dissolution in DMSO. Furthermore, ZIL possesses suitable affinity to the plasma membrane and acts as a cryoprotectant. The optimised ZIL solutions have better cryoprotecting effect compared to a commercial cryoprotectant. Cells, cell aggregates (called spheroid and used for regenerative medicine), and cell tissues were well cryopreserved. Our results suggest that ZIL is a potent, multifunctional and biocompatible solvent that compensates for many shortcomings of DMSO. I will give a talk about the drinkability at the presentation.

Dr Kosuke Kuroda, Kanazawa University, Japan

Dr Kosuke Kuroda, Kanazawa University, Japan

12:15-12:30 Discussion


Professor Harekrushna Sahoo, National Institute of Technology, India

Professor Harekrushna Sahoo, National Institute of Technology, India

13:30-14:00 Deep eutectic solvents and their biomedical applications

Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) while different to ionic liquids, often share many properties and are plagued by many of the same problems. DESs are mixtures that have a melting point much lower than the individual components. Their highly tuneable nature means that they can be modified for specific applications. However, intentional design requires rigorous understanding of their properties.

We have utilised a range of physico-chemical techniques to characterise potential DES mixtures to quantify the role of different components and the influence of water. Both factors proved significant for a range of properties including viscosity, thermal behaviour and surface tension. DESs with promising physical properties were utilised in a range of biomedical challenges. These solvents demonstrated excellent activity as cryoprotective agents for the preservation of human cells, as well as effective delivery vehicles for antimicrobial agents. In both cases, DESs offer advantages over water-based or organic solvent-based alternatives. The proven biocompatibility and tuneability of these solvents makes them extremely interesting for other biomedical applications which is an active area of ongoing research.

Dr Saffron Bryant, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

Dr Saffron Bryant, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 Professor Ramesh Gardas, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India (online talk)
Professor Ramesh L Gardas, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

Professor Ramesh L Gardas, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Solvent effects on surfactant self assembly in deep eutectic systems

Deep eutectic solvents (DES) are mixtures of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors that form strongly hydrogen-bonded room temperature liquids. These mixtures are straightforward to prepare, using cheap, bioderived components, with lower toxicity than ionic liquids and lower volatility than many organic solvents, so are potential green solvents for applications from extractions to battery electrolytes. Changing the H-bonding components and their ratios can alter the physicochemical properties of DES leading to changes in solubility of other species in these solvents, and also altering the self-organisation of surfactants in these mixtures. We have investigated how component ratios in several different DES impact upon solubility and structuring in surfactant solutions, using small angle X-ray and neutron scattering and rheology. Factors such as polarity, the presence of water, and the intermolecular interactions between both solvent components themselves and with the surfactant headgroups play a role in the size and morphology of the micelles formed, as well as parameters such as the viscosity of the solution. We aim to develop design rules for novel complex solutions with applications in templating, rheology control and encapsulation using these interesting new solvent systems.

Professor Karen J Edler, Lund University, Sweden

Professor Karen J Edler, Lund University, Sweden

16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-17:00 Panel discussion