Next generation ice-sheet bed measurements

Theo Murphy meeting organised by Dr Martin Siegert, Dr Richard Alley FRS, Dr Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Dr Christine Dow.
Projections of sea-level rise under strong warming are greatly uncertain, with estimates for 2100 varying by more than 1 m and far greater thereafter. Of the sources of uncertainty, lack of knowledge of ice-sheet bed topography and material composition is important and addressable, but requires coordination to focus on the most important regions in a timely manner. This meeting will discuss the benefits of bespoke optimised surveys of the polar ice sheets, the technology available to conduct it and the international collaborations, logistics and permissions necessary to make such surveys possible.
The programme, including the speaker biographies and abstracts, will be available soon.
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Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark

Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen is professor in Ice Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. She heads the Centre of Excellence for Ice and Climate with the focus to use ice core data to improve our understanding of the past, the present and the future climate. In addition she leads the deep drilling program NEEM on the Greenland Ice Sheet with participation of researchers from 14 nations. The research of Dorthe Dahl-Jensen includes reconstruction of climate records from ice cores and borehole data and construction of ice flow models to date ice cores. The history and evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet especially in the previous warm interglacial is the present focus of her research. In addition she coordinates the EU FP7 programme Past4Future and has an ERC Advanced grant WATERundertheICE. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen is lead author of the chapter “The Greenland Ice Sheet in a Changing Climate” of the Arctic Council AMAP report “Climate Change and the Cryosphere: Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic”. She is member of the Danish Climate Commission that produced a report: Green Energy – the road to a Danish energy system without fossil fuels.
09:00-09:05 |
Welcome by the Royal Society and lead organiser
09:05-09:30 |
State of Art. Bedmap3 (Antarctica), BedmachineV3 (Greenland) and ice sheet modelling
![]() Professor Mathieu MorlighemDartmouth College, USA ![]() Professor Mathieu MorlighemDartmouth College, USA Mathieu Morlighem is a Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College. His research interests are focused on better understanding and explaining ongoing changes in the Cryosphere, as well as reducing uncertainties in the ice sheet contribution to sea level rise using numerical modelling. He is one of the founders and core developers of the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model, a new generation, high-resolution, higher-order physics Ice Sheet Model. He also developed and maintains BedMachine, a high-resolution subglacial bed topography dataset of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. |
09:30-09:55 |
Bedmap 3
![]() Dr Hamish PritchardBritish Antarctic Survey, UK ![]() Dr Hamish PritchardBritish Antarctic Survey, UK Dr Hamish Pritchard is a glaciologist at the British Antarctic Survey specialising in mapping, monitoring and understanding the cryosphere through remote sensing, field surveys and instrumentation. His research targets the two outstanding icy issues facing the world as the climate changes: sea level rise, and the fate of mountain water resources. He was a lead author on the IPCC Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere and currently leads Bedmap3, re-mapping the hidden bed of the Antarctic ice sheets, and the Natural Environment Research Council project ‘The Big Thaw’, filling gaps in our knowledge of mountain snow and ice. |
09:55-10:20 |
An evaluation of synthetic bed topographies for ice sheet modelling
Bed topography plays a pivotal role in shaping the evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, controlling ice flow dynamics, grounding line retreat, subglacial hydrological processes, and ice shelf melt rates. Despite its importance, Antarctic bed topography remains sparsely sampled, resulting in significant uncertainties in bed datasets that propagate in ice sheet model simulations. Synthetic bed topography datasets, generated using mass conservation methods, geostatistical approaches, and other multi-method integrations, are increasingly utilised ice sheet modelling applications. Here, we explore the role of synthetic bed topographies in advancing ice sheet modelling. We review methodologies for generating synthetic topographies, their applications in modelling ice flow, and examine the impact of topographic uncertainties on simulated ice and subglacial water flow in the Aurora Subglacial Basin, East Antarctica. ![]() Dr Felicity McCormackMonash University, Australia ![]() Dr Felicity McCormackMonash University, Australia Dr McCormack is a Senior Lecturer and Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council Special Research Initiative Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future. Felicity's research focusses on understanding processes of ice flow, and the impact of climate variability and change on Antarctic ice loss. Her research uses ice sheet models, geophysical observations, and theory. In 2019, Felicity was awarded a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of California, Irvine. |
10:20-10:30 |
Discussion I - bed DEMs
10:30-11:00 |
11:00-11:25 |
Use of AI and ML in survey design
![]() Dr Steven PalmerUniversity of Exeter, UK ![]() Dr Steven PalmerUniversity of Exeter, UK Steve has a PhD in Polar Remote Sensing from the University of Edinburgh and has previously held research positions at Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge and the University of Leeds. Since 2013, he has been based at the University of Exeter, where he uses a variety of Remote Sensing approaches and emerging machine learning techniques to investigate Earth surface processes. His main research focus has been quantifying changes in glacier hydrology and ice flow in the context of climate warming. Using airborne ice penetrating radar methods, Steve has contributed to our understanding of conditions at the base of the Greenland ice sheet - better understanding of which is key to making more accurate projections of how the ice sheets are likely to change under continued global heating. |
11:25-11:50 |
Survey needs at ice sheet grounding zones
![]() Dr Kenichi MatsuokaNorwegian Polar Institute, Norway ![]() Dr Kenichi MatsuokaNorwegian Polar Institute, Norway Dr Kenichi Matsuoka earned his PhD from Hokkaido University, Japan, in 2002. After completing postdoctoral training in Japan and the USA, he was appointed Research Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in 2005. In 2010, he joined the Norwegian Polar Institute, where he currently serves as a Senior Research Scientist specializing in Antarctic glaciology. Dr Matsuoka's research focuses on subglacial environments, ice dynamics, and ice-sheet evolution, with an emphasis on using ice-penetrating radar. Through extensive international collaborations, he has advanced our understanding of Antarctic ice processes. He is the chair of the SCAR Action Group Antarctic RINGS, which aims to address critical data gaps in the Antarctic ice-sheet margin to enhance sea-level rise projections. |
11:50-12:30 |
Discussion II - survey design

Professor Richard B Alley ForMemRS
Pennsylvania State University, USA

Professor Richard B Alley ForMemRS
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Dr Richard B Alley (PhD 1987 Wisconsin; Evan Pugh University Professor, Geosciences, Penn State) studies the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets to help predict future climate and sea-level changes. He has been honoured for research, teaching, and service, including election to the US National Academy of Sciences and The Royal Society. He participated in the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (co-recipient, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize), and provided requested advice to high government officials from both major political parties in the USA. He has authored or co-authored over 400 scholarly publications. His was presenter for the PBS TV miniseries Earth: The Operators’ Manual, based on his book. His popular account of climate change and ice cores, The Two-Mile Time Machine, was Phi Beta Kappa’s science book of the year. He is happily married with two grown daughters, two stay-at-home cats, a bicycle, and a pair of soccer cleats.
13:30-13:55 |
Modelling past and future sea level rise
![]() Professor Rob DeContoUniversity of Massachusetts, USA ![]() Professor Rob DeContoUniversity of Massachusetts, USA Rob DeConto is Provost Professor of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences and Director of the School of Earth & Sustainability at the University of Massachusetts. Rob’s background spans Earth science, climate physics, and glaciology. His research on the dynamic behaviour of ice sheets, their role in future sea level rise, and the impacts of sea level rise on coastlines and people has been featured on the cover of Nature and the front page of the New York Times. He is a fellow of the American Geophysical Union, a recipient of the Tinker-Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica, and a selected lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Rob co-hosts the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project office of the World Climate Research Programme and he serves on a number of national and international science boards and advisory panels. |
13:55-14:20 |
Bed topography and ice sheet behaviour
14:20-14:45 |
Are continental scale Antarctic simulations still relevant?
Simulations of the Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the coming century continue to dominate uncertainties in sea level projections. Despite a decade of rapid progress in numerical modelling of ice sheet flow - including the addition of new processes and the validation with a rapidly growing number of remote-sensing observations - the ability of continental scale simulations to capture recent changes in Antarctic dynamics remains limited. While uncertainties arise from a number of factors, including the choice of climate forcing, greenhouse gas emission scenarios and processes captured, the choice of ice sheet model itself is the dominant source of uncertainty for both decadal and century time scales. In this presentation, we will assess the viability of using continental scale simulations and explore whether regional or basin-scale models may provide more robust insights. We will first review recent results on Antarctic ice sheet projections and the main sources of uncertainty in these projections. We will then compare results performed at continental scale with regional scale models of the Amundsen Sea Sector and Wilkes Land, as well as models simulating individual glaciers for these two regions. We will compare uncertainty coming from these three spatial scales with uncertainty stemming from the choice of climate model, scenario, as well as uncertainties in bedrock elevation. Our results will highlight differences in the model’s simulated ice mass loss and grounding line retreat, and provide a new perspective on how to refine Antarctic ice sheet projections and improve confidence in future sea level rise estimates. ![]() Associate Professor Hélène SeroussiDartmouth College, USA ![]() Associate Professor Hélène SeroussiDartmouth College, USA Dr Hélène Seroussi is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth College. Her research interests are focused on better understanding and explaining ongoing changes in the cryosphere, reducing uncertainties in sea level rise using numerical modelling, and understanding interactions of ice and climate by combining process studies and state-of-the-art numerical modelling with remote sensing and in situ data. She is one of the co-founders and core developers of the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM), is a member of the Steering Committee of the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison project for CMIP (ISMIP6 and ISMIP7), and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface. Professor Seroussi received her PhD and Masters’ degrees from École Centrale Paris in France. |
14:45-15:00 |
Discussion III - integrating with modelling
15:00-15:30 |
15:30-15:55 |
Antarctic grounding zone and bedrock: the interplay shaping Antarctic sea-level contribution
The Antarctic ice sheet's grounding zone, the critical transition between grounded ice and floating ice shelves, exerts a profound influence on ice flow and therefore global sea-level rise. Its dynamics is highly sensitive to ocean temperature and bed topography and accurate sea-level projections hinge on understanding these processes. Rapid changes in grounding line position, driven by ocean warming or ice shelf buttressing, can trigger significant ice mass loss through accelerated ice flow. However, the complex and often poorly constrained bed topography beneath the ice sheet grounding zone introduces substantial uncertainty into ice sheet models. Bed roughness, subglacial channels, saltwater intrusion, and bedrock slope directly impact ice flow velocity and basal melt rates. Current topographic datasets, relying on sparse radar and seismic measurements, often lack the resolution needed to capture crucial bedrock features in grounding zone. This uncertainty propagates into sea-level rise projections, hindering our ability to accurately predict future coastal inundation. In this presentation, we will review knowledge of the current understanding of grounding line and grounding zone dynamics and how improved measurement of bed topography in these regions is essential to refine ice sheet models and reduce the range of uncertainty in sea-level predictions. ![]() Professor Sophie NowickiUniversity at Buffalo, USA ![]() Professor Sophie NowickiUniversity at Buffalo, USA Dr Sophie Nowicki is a Professor in the Department of Geology and RENEW Institute at the University at Buffalo. Through applied mathematics, remote sensing observations and numerical modelling, her work spans the spectrum of local processes, such as understanding the physics of ice sheet grounding lines, or the impact of bedrock topography on ice dynamics, to that of large-scale continental ice sheet models and their use in projections of sea level change. As sea level projections from ice sheet models require knowledge of atmospheric and oceanic conditions that drive ice sheet evolution, she is also interested in how to improve climate models in the polar regions, as well as the use of multiple models for projections. Prior to joining the University at Buffalo, Sophie was a civil servant in the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. Sophie was a science team member for NASA's Operation IceBridge and is co-leading the NASA Sea Level Change Team. She is an executive committee member for the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise, phase 2 and 3 (IMBIE2-3), and co-leads the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6) and its follow on activity ISMIP7. |
15:55-16:20 |
Modelling basal hyrdology and ice flow
![]() Dr Shivani EhrenfeuchtPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany ![]() Dr Shivani EhrenfeuchtPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany Shivani Ehrenfeucht completed her PhD at UCI, California, in September 2023. She is currently a postdoc at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), in Germany, where she uses numerical models to study ice sheet tipping behaviour on long timescales (+1000 years). Previously, her research was focused on interactions between ice dynamics and subglacial hydrology, with a focus on the impacts of evolving subglacial hydrology on future sea level rise. Specifically, she has worked with various coupled model configurations to better understand how changes in the subglacial environment can impact ice velocity and mass loss over multiple timescales (i.e. seasonal to centennial) in Greenland and Antarctica. |
16:20-17:00 |
Discussion IV - benefits to modelling from improved DEMs

Associate Professor Christine Dow
University of Waterloo, Canada

Associate Professor Christine Dow
University of Waterloo, Canada
Dr Christine Dow is an Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, and the Canada Research Chair in Glacier Hydrology and Ice Dynamics. Her research combines numerical modelling and geophysical field experiments to explore the role of subglacial water in influencing ice dynamics. Currently, her work focuses on the Antarctic and the Yukon, Canada, where her research group runs fully coupled models of subglacial hydrology and ice flow. In Antarctica, these models are applied both at the basin and continental scale to investigate past, present, and future ice conditions. In the St. Elias Mountains of the Yukon, field campaigns involve borehole drilling to assess basal water conditions, helicopter-based radar surveys to measure ice thickness, and dGPS measurements to track ice velocity, providing critical data for model input and validation.
09:00-09:30 |
Panel Discussion
09:30-10:00 |
Time-series radar sounding as the next key ice-sheet observable
Ice penetrating radar observation of bed echoes is a core geophysical geophysical technique for observational glaciology. In the beginning these data were collected as part of real exploration and mapping and so places were there little or no data were often prioritized. This has led to very few time-series observations of radar sounding profiles. Although the few we do have have been very impactful. In the meantime, there have been major advances in radar sounding instruments, platforms, and analysis approaches and the information they make available are dramatically opening up the possibility space for future observations, experiments, and missions. Here, we discuss these advances and possibilities and the opportunities they present for "next generation" observations. To this end we explore the relative reflectivity signatures both as 1-time mapping observables, both as a baseline for time series and as an end in-and-of-itself for one-time model/assimilation informed mapping by a (comparatively) rich instrument suite. We also (especially) investigate mapping as part of a time-series of radar sounding profiles to observe changes in bed echo power profiles. Based on this analysis, we argue that time-series observations of bed echoes and englacial layers should be the next key observational priority to constrain ice sheet processes and conditions and for future sea level projections. In this context we also discuss the detectability of both static and evolving subglacial water bodies (including ocean intrusion in the grounding zone). And we also discuss this implication of this mapping for platforms and instruments. ![]() Professor Dustin SchroederStanford University, USA ![]() Professor Dustin SchroederStanford University, USA Dustin Schroeder is an Associate Professor of Geophysics and of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, where he is a Bass University Fellow in Undergraduate Education, a Senior Fellow with the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, and a Senior Member with the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology. His research primarily focuses on observing and understanding the role of continental ice sheets and their contribution to the rate of sea level rise. A growing secondary focus of his work is the subsurface exploration of icy moons. He also works on the development, use, and analysis of geophysical radar remote sensing systems that are optimized to observe hypothesis-specific phenomena. His research group aspires to approach problems from both an earth system science and radar system engineering perspective. |
10:00-10:30 |
Swath radar in glaciology 1
![]() Associate Professor Knut ChristiansonUniversity of Washington, USA ![]() Associate Professor Knut ChristiansonUniversity of Washington, USA Knut Christianson is a glaciologist and geophysicist who applies novel radar methods to study ice dynamics and the glacier/bedrock interface. |
10:30-11:00 |
11:00-11:30 |
High-resolution bed topography from radar swath imaging to infer ice stream dynamics
Radar swath imaging provides high-resolution 3D data sets of an ice sheets basal interface. To demonstrate the capabilities, we investigate the onset region of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS), which dominates the flow features of the Greenland Ice Sheet, recognisable almost 600 km inland, and extends close to the central ice divide. Numerical ice sheet models are unable to accurately reproduce the configuration of the NEGIS, but understanding its bed properties and spatial and temporal evolution is critical to predicting its future contribution to sea-level change. Here, we use swath radar imaging to create a high-resolution Digital Elevation Model of the bed close to where the NEGIS initiates. The data set has a horizontal resolution of 25 m and 10 m vertical, covering 40 x 60 km2. Surprisingly, the data set reveals mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) that are often assumed to be indicative of rapid ice stream flow (100s m yr-1), under present day flow velocities of only ~60 m yr-1. Given that MSGLs are thought to form under much higher flow velocities, their presence so far inland at an onset zone raises important questions about their formation and preservation under ice streams, as well as past configurations of the NEGIS. Elongate bedrock landforms outside the current shear margins also suggest that the NEGIS was wider than its present configuration at some point in the past. Our example shows that radar swath imaging is a game changer for characterizing subglacial properties and interpreting ice dynamics. ![]() Professor Olaf EisenAlfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Germany ![]() Professor Olaf EisenAlfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Germany Olaf Eisen has been directing research as a professor for glaciology at the Alfred Wegener Institute and the University of Bremen since 2014. He started to work in the field of cryospheric sciences in 1996, obtained his Diploma in Geophysics in 1999 from the University of Karlsruhe and graduated as PhD in Geosciences in 2003 at the University of Bremen. His research at AWI focuses on the application of glaciological and geophysical methods to contemporary cryospheric problems, most notably related to climate change, in order to understand the properties of ice sheets and glaciers and improve the understanding of their interaction with their environment. |
11:30-11:50 |
Discussion V - new systems and instruments
11:50-12:30 |
Discussion VI

Professor Martin Siegert
University of Exeter, UK

Professor Martin Siegert
University of Exeter, UK
Martin Siegert is Professor of Geosciences and co-Director of the Grantham Institute, Imperial College London. He was formerly Head of the School of GeoSciences and Assistant Principal for Energy and Climate Change at the University of Edinburgh, where he led the creation of the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI). He received his from PhD Cambridge University, completing his thesis on the numerical modelling of large ice sheets at the Scott Polar Research Institute. Siegert’s research interests are in the field of glaciology. He uses geophysical techniques to quantify the flow and form of ice sheets both now and in the past. Siegert has appeared regularly on TV and radio to discuss his research, including BBC Radio 4’s Life Scientific in August 2012. In 2007 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He was awarded the 2013 Martha T Muse Prize in Antarctic Science and Policy.
13:30-13:55 |
Coordinating nation polar programmes
![]() Dame Jane Francis FRS DCMGBritish Antarctic Survey, UK ![]() Dame Jane Francis FRS DCMGBritish Antarctic Survey, UK Jane is Director of the British Antarctic Survey. She is involved with international polar organisations, such as the Antarctic Treaty and European Polar Board, and on several advisory boards of national polar programmes. Jane Francis is a geologist by training, with research interests in past climates, especially the change from greenhouse to icehouse climates in the polar regions over the past 100 million years. She has undertaken over 15 scientific expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica in search of fossil forests and information about climates of the past. Jane was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (DCMG) in recognition of services to UK polar science and diplomacy. She was awarded the UK Polar Medal, the Royal Geographical Society’s Patron’s Medal, the 2022 Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Award for Planetary Health and is a Fellow of the Royal Society. |
13:55-14:25 |
International policy engagement on sea level rise
![]() Ms Pam PearsonInternational Cryosphere Climate Initiative, Sweden ![]() Ms Pam PearsonInternational Cryosphere Climate Initiative, Sweden Pam Pearson is a former US diplomat with 35+ years’ experience working on global issues, including climate change, multilateral development bank (MDB) environmental policies, and nuclear non-proliferation. She served in postings to Ecuador, Sweden; and in Central Asia with USAID to design some of its earliest environmental health programs there; with her final overseas posting as acting Deputy Chief of Mission in Oslo, Norway (1999-2003). She was part of the Kyoto Protocol negotiating team and served as the US Focal Point to the GEF and later, to the Global Fund on AIDS (2003-05), as part of the Bush Administration's early PEPFAR program. After leaving State in 2007, Pam worked initially on Arctic climate issues, then founded the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI) in 2010 to bring greater policy focus to the rapid changes occurring in mountain and polar regions from anthropogenic carbon emissions. |
14:25-15:00 |
Discussion VII - international logistics and operations
15:00-15:30 |
15:30-15:55 |
![]() Professor David DrewryUK Commission for UNESCO, UK ![]() Professor David DrewryUK Commission for UNESCO, UK |
16:00-17:00 |
Final panel discussion