Cyborg futures - the challenge of implanting and integrating artificial muscle

09 - 10 June 2025 09:00 - 17:00 The Royal Society Free Watch online
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Discussion meeting organised by Professor Jonathan Rossiter, Dr Nazia Mehrban, Professor Martin Birchall, Dr Majid Taghavi, Professor Dario Farina, Dame Molly Stevens FRS FREng, and Dr Elefteria Iliadou

This meeting will be the first to address the scientific and social challenges of cyber-physical enhancement, robotic body restoration and implantable artificial muscles. The event brings together world-leading researchers and innovators to explore a cyborg future, with leading presentations and deep discussions in smart materials, implantable artificial muscles, neurointerfacing, soft robots, surgical implantation, bioninterfaces, biomaterials, ethics and more!


The programme, including speaker biographies and abstracts, will be available soon.

Poster session

There will be a poster session from 17:00 on Monday 9 June 2025. If you would like to present a poster, please submit your proposed title, abstract (up to 200 words), author list, and the name of the proposed presenter and institution no later than 11 May 2025.

Attending the event

This event is intended for researchers in relevant fields

  • Free to attend
  • Both virtual and in-person attendance is available. Advance registration is essential. Please follow the link to register.
  • Lunch is available on both days of the meeting for an optional £25 per day. There are plenty of places to eat nearby if you would prefer purchase food offsite. Participants are welcome to bring their own lunch to the meeting.

Enquiries: Scientific Programmes team.