Solar atmospheric abundances in space and time

16 - 17 June 2025 09:00 - 17:00 Apex Grassmarket Hotel Free
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Theo Murphy meeting organised by Dr David M Long, Dr Deborah Baker and Professor David H Brooks.

A focused meeting to discuss the leading models proposed to explain elemental abundance variations in the solar atmosphere and examine how they compare to high resolution observations from current space missions (such as Hinode, IRIS, and Solar Orbiter). Implications for the development of future solar missions (Solar-C), and the understanding of activity in solar-like stellar coronae will also be discussed.

The schedule, speaker biographies, and abstracts will be available closer to the meeting date.

Poster session

There will be a poster session on Monday 16 June. If you would like to present a poster, please submit your proposed title, abstract (up to 200 words), author list, and the name of the proposed presenter and institution to the Scientific Programmes team. Acceptances may be made on a rolling basis so we recommend submitting as soon as possible in case the session becomes full. Submissions made within one month of the meeting may not be included in the programme booklet.

Attending the meeting

This event is intended for researchers in relevant fields and is a residential meeting taking place at the Apex hotel in Edinburgh.

  • Free to attend
  • Advance registration is essential
  • This is an in-person only meeting

Enquiries: Scientific Programmes team.


  • Dr David Long, Dublin City University, Ireland

    Dr David Long

    David Long obtained a 1st Class Honours (BA Mod, Physics with Astrophysics) from Trinity College Dublin. This was followed by a PhD in Solar Astrophysics, also from Trinity College Dublin, during which time he spent time as a Predoctoral Fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA. He then moved to University College London, where he was an Early-Career Leverhulme Fellow, followed by a STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow. In 2019, he became a Lecturer in Solar Physics at University College London, and in 2000, he became the UK Principal Investigator for the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager onboard the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter spacecraft. In 2022, he moved to Queen's University Belfast as a Research Fellow, before starting a position as an Assistant Professor at Dublin City University in 2023. His research focuses on the initiation and evolution of solar eruptions in the solar atmosphere, and to date he has published more than 100 academic papers in peer reviewed scientific journals.

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    Dr Deborah Baker

  • Professor David H Brooks

    Professor David H Brooks

    David Brooks obtained a BSc 1st class Hons in Astronomy and Mathematics from the University of Glasgow in Scotland, followed by a PhD in Solar Astrophysics from the University of Strathclyde and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He then held postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Porto, Portugal, and the University of Kyoto, Japan, before joining the Naval Research Laboratory, USA, in 2005 to work on the Hinode satellite mission. He has been a resident scientist at the operations centre in Japan since the launch in 2006, and is the NASA Hinode project representative at JAXA. He is also an Honorary Professor at University College London Mullard Space Science Laboratory. His research focuses on the structure, dynamics, and radiating properties of the solar atmosphere and solar wind. He also likes to broaden his horizons to investigate the solar-stellar connection. He has published more than 120 academic papers in peer reviewed scientific journals.



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Dr Deborah Baker

University College London, UK

09:00-09:05 Welcome by the Royal Society and Dr David Long
09:05-09:30 Twenty-one years of the ponderomotive force model of the FIP effect

I will attempt to review and reflect on developments in the ponderomotive force model of the First Ionization Potential (FIP) effect, since its first presentation as a poster at the 2004 AAS meeting in Denver CO (May 30th – June 3rd), and as a talk at COSPAR in Paris later that summer (18th – 25th July). I will pay particular attention to how my understanding of the relevant wave physics has improved in that time. The ponderomotive force appears to have been a completely new means of ion-neutral separation in solar physics or astrophysics, though it was not new to science. Had I had my wits about me in 2004, I would have realised that this mechanism represents an analog in magnetohydrodynamics of the optical part of a magneto-optical trap. As it was, it wasn't until I read about Arthur Ashkin's Nobel Prize in 2018 in Physics Today that the penny dropped about the exact physics involved. The basic model, that the coronal magnetic field geometry dictates the properties of the Alfvén wave field through resonances and interference, and that these different wave properties give rise to the different FIP effects seen in different coronal structure still holds, though ideas about the wave origins have evolved. I will illustrate the varieties of FIP fractionation that can occur, how they relate to the underlying solar geometry, and how such phenomena may be used to investigate other aspects of solar physics.

Dr Martin Laming

Dr Martin Laming

Naval Research Laboratory, USA

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:15 FIP effect and (shell) turbulence

The enrichment of coronal loops and the slow solar wind with elements that have low First Ionisation Potential, known as the FIP effect, has often been interpreted as the tracer of a common origin. A current explanation for this FIP fractionation rests on the influence of ponderomotive forces and turbulent mixing acting at the top of the chromosome. The implied wave transport and turbulence mechanisms are also key to wave-driven coronal heating and solar wind acceleration models. In this talk, I will first show to use a shell turbulence model to assess the ponderomotive force in coronal loops and open field lines. With this model, we find that the turbulence power necessary to heat the corona and accelerate the solar wind is also able to generate the FIP effect. However, we do not find significant differences in the fractionation due to the geometry of the large scale magnetic field. Consequently, the second part of the talk will be focused on dynamic reconnection events in smaller scale loops, typical of coronal bright points. Using full 2.5D resistive MHD simulations, we shall investigate the ponderomotive force due to the reconnection induced perturbations in the coronal loops and the resulting FUP fractionation.

Dr Victor Reville

Dr Victor Reville

French National Centre for Scientific Research, France

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 A multi-fluid and multi-species numerical code

Departures from the single-fluid approximation can be expected in some regions of the solar atmosphere, eg the chromosphere is partially ionized and goes from a collisional to a weakly collisional regime. Similarly, some species behave as a magnetized fluid while others are unmagnetized in the lower chromosphere. In addition, species with different ionization potential populations vary depending on the regions in the corona, providing unique constraints for the drivers of coronal heating. Finally, but not least, there are observational indications of multi-fluid effects in the chromosphere, transition region, and high energetic events in the corona. We have been developing a new multi-fluid and multi-species numerical code: Ebysus. The code treats each excited/ionized level for each desired species as a separate fluid self-consistently, including physical processes such as thermal conclusion, ion-coupling, non-equilibrium ionization/recombination, collisions, and radiation. In this work, we briefly describe the capabilities of Ebysus and the first results of the FIP effect and chemical fractionation.

Dr Juan Martinez-Sykora

Dr Juan Martinez-Sykora

SETI Institute, USA

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Contributed talks
12:15-12:30 Discussion


Dr David Long, Dublin City University, Ireland

Dr David Long

Dublin City University, Ireland

13:30-14:00 Waves and fractionation in the solar atmosphere
Dr Marco Stangalini

Dr Marco Stangalini

Italian Space Agency, Italy

14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 Observational constraints on the connection between solar coronal abundances and the underlying lower atmospheric properties

Elemental abundances in the solar atmosphere, typically measured from EUV and X-ray observations, are often different from the solar photospheric abundances. The first ionization potential (FIP) of the element appears to be play a significant role in the observed fractionation, which is thought to be linked to the processes responsible for heating the solar atmosphere. In the solar atmosphere, elements with low FIP often show a relative enrichment with respect to elements with high FIP (FIP effect). The extent of such FIP effect is observed to vary broadly across solar features, with some solar features (such as eg most flares) showing an inverse FIP effect. Despite the widespread presence of chemical fractionation, and its potential importance for understanding the processes governing the solar atmosphere, this phenomenon and its original are still poorly understood.

We used coordinated coronal spectral observations taken with Hinode/EIS, and chromospheric and transition region spectral observations taken with IRIS, to investigate the presence of a footprint of the chemical fractionation process in the lower atmosphere. Such a footprint for the FIP effect is expected, given that the lower atmosphere is where most elements get ionized. We study the spatial and temporal properties of coronal chemical composition and corresponding chromospheric properties, for a variety of solar features. We discuss intriguing correlations between coronal abundances and chromospheric properties, which can potentially constrain models of chemical fractionation.

Dr Paola Testa

Dr Paola Testa

Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Contributed Talks
16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-16:45 Contributed Talks
16:45-17:00 Discussion


Dr Paola Testa, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA

Dr Paola Testa

Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA

09:00-09:30 Solar Orbiter/SPICE: spectral lines and advanced atomic modelling

As part of the Solar Orbiter remote sensing payload, the Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) is the high resolution spectrometer that observes the Sun in two extreme ultraviolet wavelength bands, 70.4-79.0 nm and 97.3-104.9 nm. SPICE is designed to provide spectroheliograms using a core set of emission lines arising from ions of elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, magnesium, sulphur, argon and iron. These lines are formed over a wide range of temperatures, enabling the analysis of different layers of the solar atmosphere, from the chromosphere (20,000 K) to the upper transition region (0.6 MK), as well as the corona at temperatures up to 10 MK and beyond when observing flares, and complementing the IRIS and EIS instruments. SPICE spectroheliograms can be processed to study the source regions of outflows and ejection processes which connect the solar surface to the heliosphere, providing a quantitative knowledge of the physical state and composition of the plasma in the solar atmosphere.

Atomic physics provides the link that enables the observed spectra to be interpreted in terms of the properties of the source from which they arise.

This work focuses on the identification of the spectral lines observed by SPICE since the Solar Orbiter Cruise Phase and through the Nominal Mission Phase, and on the appropriate atomic modelling for the analysis of the spectra in different solar conditions. It concentrates also on the lines that can be used for deriving composition maps and the atomic data available.

Professor Alessandra Giunta

Professor Alessandra Giunta

University of Catania, Italy

09:30-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:15 Using Solar Orbiter compositional information to understand the nascent solar wind observed by Parker Solar Probe

The continuous outflow of solar wind that fills and shapes the heliosphere originates from many places in the corona that drive the variation in the elemental abundances, ion fractions, mass flux, level of Alfvénicity, and turbulence spectra observed in in situ observations. The collection of properties measured in the heliosphere are intimately connected to how the solar wind forms and evolves from the Sun. A key characteristic of young solar wind is that it is filled with large-amplitude Alfvénic fluctuations, called magnetic switchbacks, which are shown to be an important driver to the heating and acceleration it experiences after leaving the corona. Although, extensively studied since Parker Solar Probe's first solar encounter reaching 37.7 solar radii in 2018, the genesis of magnetic switchbacks remains elusive. To investigate their formation processes, the talk will discuss results from joint observations between Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter that aim to probe the sources of solar wind containing magnetic switchbacks structures through heavy ion signatures observed across several spacecraft conjunctions. The heavy ion properties measured in the solar wind provide critical insight to the coronal conditions and sources of heliospheric structures, including the magnetic environment that drive fractionation processes prior to solar wind release, and therefore can deepen our understanding of the early development of switchback structured in the sub-Alfvénic region of the Sun.

Dr Yeimy Rivera

Dr Yeimy Rivera

Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA

10:15-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Understanding EUV solar plasma composition in flares: spatial and temporal perspectives

Understanding how and why elemental abundances evolve during solar flares remains one of the key challenges in solar physics, offering fundamental insights into energy releases and mass transport processes in the solar atmosphere. Recent extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) spectroscopic observations from Hinode/EIS have revealed intriguing spatial and temporal patterns in plasma composition during flares, challenging our current theoretical understanding. This talk will present observations showing persistent enhanced First Ionisation Potential (FIP) bias concentrated at flare loops tops while maintaining near-photospheric values at footprints, and examine how newly developed composition diagnostics using specific element pairs (Ca, Ar, Fe, and S) are advancing our understanding of plasma evolution and heating processes across different flare phases. The discussion will extend slightly to how upcoming high-cadence spectroscopic observations from missions like Solar-C EUVST, combined with emerging modelling efforts, could help resolve outstanding questions in flare composition evolution.

Dr Andy SH To

Dr Andy SH To

European Space Agency, The Netherlands

11:30-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:15 Contributed talks


Professor David H Brooks

Professor David H Brooks

Computational Physics, Inc, USA

13:30-14:00 Plasma fractionation observed using X-rays
Dr Crisel Suarez

Dr Crisel Suarez

Vanderbilt University, USA

14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 Elemental abundances in other stars

The chemical composition of stars other than the Sun can be studied using optical, ultraviolet and X-ray spectra, each providing insight into difference layers of their atmospheres. Compared to the Sun, obtaining high-quality spectra of distant stars for abundance analysis is more challenging. However, the diverse range of objects makes the effort worthwhile, as each star is a unique laboratory for investigating elemental abundances and detecting anomalies like the FIP effect. By studying other stars, we can see which astrophysical parameters affect the abundance variations, and we can also put the solar observations into context. In this talk we will discuss how we can measure the elemental abundances of stars and what we know so far, with special attention to the stellar FIP effect.

Mr Bálint Seli

Mr Bálint Seli

Eötvös University, Hungary

14:45-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Contributed talks
16:00-16:15 Discussion
16:15-17:00 Panel discussion/Overview (future directions)