Transforming our future: the UK's space sector

03 June 2025 09:20 - 17:30 Watch online
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Carlton House Terrace

On 3 June 2025, the Royal Society will hold a conference addressing the future of the UK's role in the space sector.

The UK space sector is becoming ever more integrated into everyday life, playing a crucial role across various industries while also driving and advancing innovation. As the sector continues to evolve, it is vital to foster greater collaboration within and thereby achieve even greater potential and impact.

This one-day conference will convene industry, academia, policy, space specialists and non-specialists to examine the applications of space to other sectors, showcase emerging technologies, and provide a picture of the global space scene and the UK’s part in it.

Transforming our future conferences

This conference forms part of the Royal Society's industry-focused Transforming our future series. These unique meetings feature cutting-edge science and bring together experts from industry, academia and government to explore and address key scientific and technical challenges of the coming decade.

Attending this event



Chris Hobbs

Dr Chris Hobbs

Former EiR, University of Southampton / Formerly Satellite Applications Catapult

09:20-09:30 Welcome remarks & introduction to keynote
Professor Sheila Rowan FRS

Professor Sheila Rowan FRS

University of Glasgow

09:30-10:00 The state of the space sector: A global perspective
Dr David Parker

Dr David Parker

UK Space Agency / University of Southampton


Louis Barson

Louis Barson

Institute of Physics

10:00-10:05 Introduction to Session 1
10:05-10:20 The value of space applications to a range of sectors: Overview
Stuart Martin

Stuart Martin

Formerly Satellite Applications Catapult

10:20-10:35 Case study: Advancing fundamental science
Professor Sheila Rowan FRS

Professor Sheila Rowan FRS

University of Glasgow

10:35-10:50 Case study: Telecomms
10:50-11:00 Q&A
11:30-11:35 Introduction to Session 2
11:35-11:50 Monitoring space
Mark Gibbs

Mark Gibbs

MET Office

11:50-12:05 In orbit manufacturing
Josh Western

Josh Western

Space Forge

12:05-12:20 Debris removal
Sharon Parker-Lines

Sharon Parker-Lines


12:20-12:35 Incentivising sustainable practices in space
Joanne Wheeler

Joanne Wheeler

Alden Legal

12:35-12:50 Miro-reactors
Katharine Jarman

Katharine Jarman


12:50-13:00 Q&A


Sir Martin Sweeting OBE FREng FRS

Surrey Satellite Technologies Ltd

14:30-15:00 What should UK do alone and what should be done collaboratively with international partners?
Professor Gillian Wright

Professor Gillian Wright



Professor David Southwood

Professor David Southwood

Imperial College University

15:30-17:10 Getting the best return for the UK. How to facilitate a more joined up space sector?
Paul Bate

Paul Bate

UK Space Agency

Professor Michele Dougherty CBE FRS, Imperial College London, UK

Professor Michele Dougherty CBE FRS, Imperial College London, UK

Professor Kate Robson Brown

Professor Kate Robson Brown

Space Academic Network

Elizabeth Seward

Elizabeth Seward

BAE Systems

Rafel Jorda Siquier

Rafel Jorda Siquier


17:10-17:25 House of Lords special inqiury into UK's engagement with Space
Baroness Cathy Ashton

Baroness Cathy Ashton

Chair of the House of Lord's space enquiry