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Global Environmental Research Committee


The Royal Society’s Global Environmental Research Committee, known as GERC, is a former Royal Society advisory group that was formed in 1998 and disbanded in 2024. GERC facilitated discussion on the major environmental issues of our time, linking with international research activity and informing the Royal Society’s policy work.

GERC’s science reviews

One way GERC carried out its work was by undertaking a rolling series of reviews of areas of science within its remit.

Subject areas covered recently include:

International programmes

GERC maintained the Royal Society’s connections (through a co-opted representative) to a number of international programmes including:

  • Future Earth: GERC provides Royal Society representation on the UK Future Earth Committee
  • The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
  • The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) for which the Challenger Society is the affiliated body
  • The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
  • The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG

GERC membership

Membership of GERC was drawn from the science community, including Fellows of the Royal Society.