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Brain Waves 2: Neuroscience: implications for education and lifelong learning

This report highlights advances in neuroscience with potential implications for education and lifelong learning. The report authors, including neuroscientists, cognitive psychologists and education specialists, agree that if applied properly, the impacts of neuroscience could be highly beneficial in schools and beyond. The report argues that our growing understanding of how we learn should play a much greater role in education policy and should also feature in teacher training. The report also discusses the challenges and limitations of applying neuroscience in the classroom and in learning environments throughout life.

This module of the Brain Waves project aimed to open up dialogue between the research community, policy officials and education professionals and to reach grounded conclusions on areas of policy interest. That is why he Royal Society website was opened to comments on this topic.

This is the second of four ‘modules’ from the Royal Society’s Brain Waves project, which aims to investigate developments in neuroscience and their implications for society.

See all reports from the project: