In this blog we aim to showcase our most recently appointed Associate Editor from Argentina, who will handle submissions in the field of community ecology.

A journal’s reputation rests largely on the wisdom of its editors. The Editorial Board is responsible for ensuring that high standards, both in terms of quality and quantity of publications, are maintained at the journal. Their responsibilities are wide ranging and include assessing manuscripts suitability for peer review, making editorial decisions, and assisting with overall development of the journal. They also act as journal ambassadors by advocating the journal at meetings and conferences and to their peers. At Proceedings B, the Royal Society's flagship biological research journal dedicated to the rapid publication and broad dissemination of high-quality articles across the biological sciences, we value the contributions made by both our Senior Editors and Associate Editors. Editors benefit by qualifying for a free Open Access paper in the journal, in-person Editorial Board meetings, as well as keeping up to date with the most current research in the field. Our editors are based at institutions all over the world and we are always on the lookout for new board members from across biology, particularly from South America.
We are pleased to welcome a new associate editor Guadalupe Peralta to the Proceedings B Editorial Board. Guadalupe is from Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (IMBIV) in Argentina where she is an Assistant Researcher (Assistant Professor level). IMBIV is an institute jointly funded by CONICET and the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Guadalupe did her PhD with Jason Tylianakis in New Zealand followed by a post-doc in Diego Vazquez’s group, and a couple of post-docs in New Zealand. Her research focuses on species interactions, their dynamics through space and time, and how they affect ecosystem functioning and services. She is interested in using interaction networks to study communities and biodiversity.
We asked Guadalupe a few questions about her background, current research and motivation behind joining the journal’s Editorial Board.
Tell us more about your field of research?
I consider myself a community ecologist, deeply interested in species interactions. My research focuses on understanding why species interact, why ecological interaction patterns change across space and time and how this relates to ecosystem functions.
What prompted you to work in this field?
I've always been curious about how nature “works”. I guess this combination of curiosity about why things change and the inspiring entomology and ecology professors I had the opportunity to interact with, led me towards working in this field.
What has been the biggest influence on your career?
Interacting with people from different backgrounds and cultures, with different interests, experiences and skills. I also had the opportunity to collaborate with great researchers from which I've learnt heaps.
Why did you join the Proceedings B Editorial Board?
I enjoy reading the novel, interesting and thorough research published in the journal, and appreciate the variety of different topics addressed by the journal. I've also heard from colleagues that Proceedings B provides a very pleasant environment to work as an Associate Editor.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to submit to Proceedings B?
Be thorough and think outside the box.
If you are interested in joining our Editorial Board, please get in touch with us. Proceedings B is also looking to publish more high-quality research articles and reviews in the field of community ecology. If you have an idea for a review, we strongly encourage you to submit a proposal. Find out more about the submission process.
Image credits: Carol Frost.