Project details

The Vision for science and mathematics education report sets out a vision for how the UK can develop inspiring and high performing science and mathematics education systems over the next 15-20 years.

The work has been led by a Committee which asked questions about the teaching workforce, curriculum, assessment and accountability mechanisms.

The Vision

The world in 2030 will be very different to that of today. Major changes in population numbers, the environment and new technologies are likely. People with relevant skills and knowledge will be better equipped to adapt to this uncertain future.

As society depends more on science and technology, people will increasingly need a scientific understanding in order to take part in democratic decision-making and our shared culture.

This report sets out the essential features of a future world-class, high-performing education system for science and mathematics in order to prepare young people for the future.


As part of the evidence base, we commissioned literature reviews covering a number of key areas. The aim of the research was both to review the current landscape and help us understand how best to achieve the Vision.

Teacher, young people and expert views

In creating the Vision, the Committee gather views from a wide range of interested parties across education, employment and policy making. For example, in March 2013 we ran a workshop with young people at the Big Bang Fair where participants produced a manifesto for science and mathematics education.