Artificial intelligence

The Royal Society’s AI programme explores the frontiers of AI technologies, and their implications for individuals, communities, and societies.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have made rapid advances in the last decade, opening possibilities for new applications in healthcare, transport, education, science, and more. As the field develops further, AI shows promise of supporting potentially transformative advances in a range of areas, and the social and economic opportunities that follow are significant.

Ensuring the best possible environment for the safe and rapid deployment of AI technologies will be essential for enhancing the UK’s economic growth, wellbeing, and security, and for unlocking the value of ‘big data’.

The Royal Society’s AI programme explores the frontiers of AI technologies, and their implications for individuals, communities, and societies.

The Royal Society's work

The Royal Society’s landmark study on machine learning (PDF) – the technology that allows computer systems to learn from data – assessed the potential of machine learning in the next 5-10 years, and the barriers to realising that potential.

In an evidence synthesis on the impact of AI on work, the Society and British Academy consider how AI might change employment, who might be most affected by these changes, and what factors can influence who benefits from AI-enabled automation.

The Royal Society has been creating spaces for public discussion about AI technologies, and their implications for society through the You and AI project, which brings cutting edge research to a public audience, through a lecture programme delivered by leading thinkers in AI. The Society’s AI narratives project has been examining how society talks about AI and why this matters.

A programme on AI and social good considers research directions and applications that can help ensure that the benefits of AI are felt across society.