Proceedings B has introduced a new subject area for research articles – Biological Applications – concerned with the application of concepts in the biological sciences to solve problems of environmental and societal relevance.

biological applications

In order to broaden the scope of Proceedings B, in recent years, the journal has introduced two new article types - evidence synthesis and biological science practices. Both have been well received by the community with dozens of submissions received and collection of articles now available. To continue with this initiative, this year, Proceedings B is launching a new subject category for research articles called biological applications, and is now welcoming submissions. 

Proceedings B has introduced a new subject area for research articles – Biological Applications – concerned with the application of concepts in the biological sciences to solve problems of environmental and societal relevance. We introduced this category to take advantage of the burgeoning growth in applied research of relevance to policy makers and managers of biological resources. We encourage submissions on a wide spectrum of topics including (but not limited to) agroecosystems, biotechnology, genetic resources, food security, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, wildlife biology, restoration ecology, land use management, invasion biology, pest, disease and weed control, human health and epidemiology, and environmental pollution. Articles should integrate basic biological concepts and their practical applications in a question- or hypothesis-driven framework. Authors must indicate explicitly how their results have practical implications for the problems they are addressing and also their general relevance. Submissions that are too specialised focusing narrowly on a particular system or case study are not encouraged. Interdisciplinary studies are particularly welcome, and in common with other research articles in Proceedings B, submissions should be of outstanding scientific importance and broad general interest and follow our standard requirements for research articles

Proceedings B is looking to publish more research articles in the biological applications field. More information about the journal and the submission process can be found on our website.

Image credit – Jonathan Diaz



  • Shalene Singh-Shepherd

    Shalene Singh-Shepherd

    Senior Publishing Editor, Proceedings B