Open Access Membership for librarians

For more information, please email Open Access Consultant Rebecca Ashworth using the button below.

Open Access Membership

Royal Society Open Access Membership allows researchers at your institution to publish open access in any Royal Society journal with a 25% discount on article processing charges (APCs). A list of institutions with Open Access Membership can be found below.

Our Open Access Membership scheme helps institutions to support researchers who are mandated to publish their research using the open access model. We offer a customised approach to each membership and a commitment to transparent pricing. We will continue to offer this option alongside our Read & Publish agreements.  

The payment process is straightforward and manageable with reporting to help you keep track of your funds. Paying authors at Open Access Membership institutions will receive up to 25% discount on APCs, making research grants and institutional open access funds stretch further. You’ll receive detailed reports on who from your institution is publishing with us. We’re committed to helping institutions publish as much as they can. 

Each member institution pays an annual fee based on the number of open access articles it published in the Royal Society’s journals during the previous year. Authors affiliated to member institutions then receive a 25% discount on the article processing charge for publishing in any of our journals. This allows your institution to support open access publishing, and enables authors to publish at a substantially discounted rate. 

We are committed to supporting open access, and offer institutions and authors a high level of flexibility to accommodate individual needs and requirements.

For any queries regarding Open Access Membership, please email our team at

Open access members

A list of institutions with Open Access Membership can be found in the table. Check your institutional link for your eligibility criteria.

Europe, Middle East and Asia

Institution Country
TU Graz Austria
University of Antwerp  Belgium
University of Lethbridge Canada 
University of East Finland Finland  
University of Helsinki  Finland  
University of Turku
Alfred Wegener Institute Germany 
Heidelberg University Germany 
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research Germany
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) Germany  
University of Potsdam Germany 
Israel Technion Israel
American University of Beirut Lebanon
Groningen University (RuG) and Groningen University Medical Centre (UMCG)
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO) - KNAW
VU University Amsterdam
Wageningen University & Research
Norwegian Institute For Nature Research-NINA
Oslo University Norway 
Pompeu Fabra University Spain
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden 
University of Basel Switzerland 
University of Geneva Switzerland
Asian Institute of Technology

United Kingdom

Institution Country
Aston University
United Kingdom
Brunel University United Kingdom
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
United Kingdom
Manchester Metropolitan University United Kingdom
Natural History Museum United Kingdom
Norwich Bioscience Institutes John Innes Centre, Quadram Institute Bioscience, The Earlham Institute and The Sainsbury Laboratory
United Kingdom
Scottish Association of Marine Sciences
United Kingdom
University of Surrey  United Kingdom 
University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) United Kingdom
Wellcome Sanger
United Kingdom

North America

Institution Country
Cold Spring Harbor  United States of America
Marine Biological Laboratory and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Also including Woodwell Climate Research Center and the Sea Education Association United States of America  
MIT Libraries  United States of America  
University of Massachusetts Amherst United States of America  
Penn State University United States of America
Smithsonian Institution
United States of America
Tufts University United States of America  
UMass Boston
United States of America
University of Idaho
United States of America 
Utah State University United States of America
Virginia Tech University United States of America  
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
United States of America 
West Virginia University  United States of America

Open access agreements

Technische Informationsbibliothek (TiB)

From 1 January 2020 authors submitting to our journals from eligible institutions from Technische Informationsbibliothek (TiB) in Germany will receive a discount on their APC.

Transformative agreements

Royal Society transformative agreements allow researchers to publish open access in any Royal Society journal with no APC fee at the point of use. A list of transformative agreements between universities and the Royal Society can be found here. If you are a librarian with a question about transformative agreements, please visit Read & Publish for librarians or email