101 - 110 of 635 results

  • Genetically modified plants

    Genetically modified plants: questions and answers

  • Genetic technologies

    What can and should genetic technologies be used for?

  • Plenary speaker biographies

    By studying how cell fate is determined in mouse embryos, Janet’s research is improving our understanding of how to maintain and differentiate stem cells. ... This knowledge can then be applied to the development of human stem cells into cell types

    Projects funded in 2020

    The Sci-seedlets team is an eclectic mix of plant scientists from the University of Glasgow specialising in plant cell-biology, plant physiology cell and engineering, computer scientists specialising in ... Sci-seedlets will provide easy-to-access

    Time-keeping and decision-making in living cells

    Living cells are remarkably effective data-processing systems that receive information from outside and inside the cell, integrate concurring and conflicting signals, figure out an appropriate response, and implement the decision. ... For example, stem