Sir Andre Geim wins Royal Society Copley Medal Professor Sir Andre Geim FRS has been awarded the Copley Medal, which is believed to be the world’s oldest scientific prize. Geim receives the medal for numerous scientific contributions and, in particular, his work on graphene.
Bone-shaking tech inspired by hunt for gravitational waves could transform bone graft therapies Scientists from the University of the West of Scotland have designed tech to grow 3D bone in the lab without chemicals or drugs.
Ptychography over all wavelengths They also characterize cell growth via longitudinal dry mass measurement and perform rapid bacterial detection at low concentrations. ... For drug-screening application, they demonstrate antibiotic susceptibility testing and perform single-cell analysis
Discover how UV light could safely remove tumours, compare yourself to an ape and listen to ancient Antarctic ice… The Summer Science Exhibition is the Royal Society’s annual celebration of cutting-edge science.
Projects funded in 2017 This discovery stems from the measurement of handedness along a continuum using a tool called the pegboard test. ... I focus on a subset of genes that code for calcium channels, which influence signalling within cells.
Royal Society announces prestigious University Research Fellowships for 2011 The Royal Society is a Fellowship of the world's most eminent scientists and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence. We aim to expand the frontiers of knowledge by championing the development and use of science, mathematics,
Royal Society announces winner of world's oldest science prize Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys KBE FRS is awarded the Copley Medal, believed to be the world’s oldest scientific prize, announced by the Royal Society today.
Royal Society recognises top scientists The Royal Society, the UK’s independent academy for science, has announced the recipients of its 2012 Awards, Medals and Prize Lectures today.
Shortlist for the Royal Society Science Book Prize 2019 revealed The Royal Society reveals the shortlist for the Royal Society Science Book Prize 2019 sponsored by Insight Investment, celebrating the very best in popular science writing
Commonwealth scientific community to gather in Singapore Researchers gather in Singapore to discuss pressing issues such as climate change and future technologies.