391 - 400 of 635 results

  • Genetically modified plants

    Genetically modified plants: questions and answers

  • Genetic technologies

    What can and should genetic technologies be used for?

  • Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

    Flower development: from morphodynamics to morphomechanics

    May 19, 2017 - The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a small population of stem cells that continuously generates organs and tissues. We will discuss here flower formation at the SAM, which involves a complex network of regulatory genes and signalling molecules. A

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

    In medio stat virtus: unanticipated consequences of telomere dysequilibrium

    Mar 5, 2018 - The integrity of chromosome ends, or telomeres, depends on myriad processes that must balance the need to compact and protect the telomeric, G-rich DNA from detection as a double-stranded DNA break, and yet still permit access to enzymes that process

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character

    VII. Further experiments and histological investigations on intumescences, with some observations on nuclear division…

    Jan 1, 1906 - In a paper published in 1900 a description was given of certain pathological outgrowths, first called intumescences by Sorauer, but known as œdemata to American writers, occurring spontaneously on Hibiscus vitifolius, Linn. The paper is mainly

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

    Mutation rates and the evolution of germline structure

    Jul 19, 2016 - Genome sequencing studies of de novo mutations in humans have revealed surprising incongruities in our understanding of human germline mutation. In particular, the mutation rate observed in modern humans is substantially lower than that estimated

    Journal - Interface Focus

    Biological action in Read–Write genome evolution

    Oct 6, 2017 - Many of the most important evolutionary variations that generated phenotypic adaptations and originated novel taxa resulted from complex cellular activities affecting genome content and expression. These activities included (i) the symbiogenetic

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

    The evolving biology of cell reprogramming

    Aug 12, 2011 - Modern stem cell biology has achieved a transformation that was thought by many to be every bit as unattainable as the ancient alchemists' dream of transforming base metals into gold. Exciting opportunities arise from the process known as

    Journal - Journal of The Royal Society Interface

    Multiscale model of a freeze–thaw process for tree sap exudation

    Oct 6, 2015 - Sap transport in trees has long fascinated scientists, and a vast literature exists on experimental and modelling studies of trees during the growing season when large negative stem pressures are generated by transpiration from leaves. Much less

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences

    The activation of cellular genes in transformed cells

    Dec 4, 1984 - We have used differential cDNA cloning techniques to isolate a number of genes that are activated as a result of transformation by the DNA tumour virus Simian virus 40. From the nucleotide sequences of the cDNA clones we have been able to identify

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

    Telomeres in cancer and ageing

    Jan 12, 2011 - Telomeres protect the chromosome ends from unscheduled DNA repair and degradation. Telomeres are heterochromatic domains composed of repetitive DNA (TTAGGG repeats) bound to an array of specialized proteins. The length of telomere repeats and the

    Journal - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences

    The connexin43 gene is responsive to oestrogen

    Feb 22, 1994 - Connexin43 is the major protein of gap junctions in heart and smooth muscle including the myometrium. Molecular cloning of the connexin43 gene reveals a similar organization to that exhibited by other connexin genes: the 5' untranslated region is