451 - 460 of 635 results

  • Genetically modified plants

    Genetically modified plants: questions and answers

  • Genetic technologies

    What can and should genetic technologies be used for?

  • Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences

    Cell lineage and segmentation in the leech

    Dec 17, 1985 - Segments in the leech arise by the proliferation of longitudinally arrayed bandlets of blast cells derived from ten identifiable embryonic stem cells, two M, two N, four O /P and two Q teloblasts. In each bandlet, older blast cells

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

    Independence of landmark and self-motion-guided navigation: a different role for grid cells

    Feb 5, 2014 - Recent interest in the neural bases of spatial navigation stems from the discovery of neuronal populations with strong, specific spatial signals. The regular firing field arrays of medial entorhinal grid cells suggest that they may provide place

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences

    The induction and inhibition of differentiation in normal and leukaemic cells

    Mar 12, 1990 - For granulocytic-macrophage progenitor populations and their progeny, five glycoproteins have been identified: GM-CSF, G-CSF, multi-CSF, M-CSF and IL-6 that can regulate their proliferative activity, maturation and functional activities. The same

    Journal - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences

    The Leeuwenhoek Lecture, 1978 Bacteria as proper subjects for cancer research

    Jun 24, 1980 - Cancers are clones of abnormal cells, arising presumably as the result of mutational or epigenetic alterations of gene expression. The kinetics of appearance of spontaneous cancers in populations of multiplying cells (i. e. the relation between age

    Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences

    Host damage from bacterial toxins

    Sep 16, 1983 - Bacterial infection often involves toxin-mediated damage to the host. This can occur at mucosal epithelial surfaces, in subepithelial tissues (involving connective tissue, blood vessels and host defence cells), or at organ or tissue sites distant

    Journal - Interface Focus

    Patterns of periodic holes created by increased cell motility

    Aug 6, 2012 - The reaction and diffusion of morphogens is a mechanism widely used to explain many spatial patterns in physics, chemistry and developmental biology. However, because experimental control is limited in most biological systems, it is often unclear

    Journal - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences

    The interaction of Agrobacterium Ti-plasmid DNA and plant cells

    Nov 19, 1980 - The tumour-inducing plasmids of Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Ti-plasmids) reveal several interesting properties. They are catabolic plasmids, which, instead of rendering Agrobacterium strains capable of catabolizing compounds found in Nature, force a