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Young People's Book Prize 2021 Awards Ceremony

08 March 2022 12:30 - 13:30

Who invented vaccines? How do you read Morse code? Can we stop climate change? How big are a spider’s eyes? And an anteater’s tongue?

The shortlist for Young People’s Book Prize 2021 has launched children across the UK on a quest to meet inventors in past and present history, find answers to science’s hardest questions and discover new forms of life, from the incredible world of plants to the wonders of the night sky.

This year, a record-breaking 537 UK schools, science clubs and groups have taken up the challenge of judging this year’s prize. Over 11,500 young judges have poured over the pages full of action, adventure and atoms and have now declared their winner. 

This year's award ceremony hosted by BAFTA-winning TV presenter Lindsey Russell is an excellent occasion to meet the authors and discover this year’s winner. Don’t forget to grab a pen and paper as your knowledge of the shortlisted books will also be put to test in our brand-new Young People’s Book Prize Big Quiz!

The Young People’s Book Prize is made possible thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. Discover more about the Prize here

The authors and illustrators joining the event were: