131 - 140 of 635 results

  • Genetically modified plants

    Genetically modified plants: questions and answers

  • Genetic technologies

    What can and should genetic technologies be used for?

  • Ageing and the rise of the clones

    She will use this example to explain how during ageing, stem cells with specific mutations form “clones” that inexorably take over our tissues.


    Stem cells and human health

    Public lecture by Professor Fiona Watt FRS, Director of the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at Kings College London. The field of stem cells and regenerative medicine is a young, fast-moving and exciting research area. It offers the


    In conversation with Sir Martin Evans

    Awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2007, Sir Martin Evans was one of three winners for 'a series of ground-breaking discoveries concerning embryonic stem cells and DNA recombination in mammals'. He speaks at The Royal Society public lectures.

    Summer Science 2021 Research Groups

    Stem cells are the metaphorical chameleons of the human body, with the ability to replicate themselves and morph into other types of cells found within the body. ... that allows you to be a citizen scientist and discover the true potential of stem cells.


    Read more. Dr Shukry James Habib. Dr Shukry James Habib is a Principal Investigator and a Sir Henry Dale Fellow at the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at ... His research focuses on mechanisms of breaking cellular symmetry of stem cells